Nicked from an AetherHub user name soyjimmy, I improved it... That is to say, I didn't have all the cards and ground packs in MGTA until I had enough for it to actually be usable, not necessarily until it was complete. :v
Win condition one is to play enough saprolings to feed a Ravenous Harpy or two and then clear the opponent's health with a healthy flier and mebbe clear his board with leftover wimps.
Win condition two is bouncing all the sacrifice on things like Slimefoot, the Stowaway and Poison-Tip Archer. Maybe Mausoleum Harpy, if I'm lucky.
Obviously, if the opponent is super unlucky, you can swarm them until they die a death of a thousand mushrooms.
All the rest is some combination of land-seek, combat buff, or 'create more mushies'. Overall, after getting my mono-green auto-bounced for a few days now, I'm happy. :3
Original had TWO Izoni, Thousand-Eyed. I was not impressed, so she took a hike back up the steep ramp she creeped down from. I tried Rhizome Lurcher, but he seemed more suited to a more Graveyard-heavy build.
Wins about every 3:5 games, but any input is appreciated.
ThankYouAndHaveANiceDay. <3