Polymorph ProEmrakul Vintage

Vintage evzan


DaftVader says... #1

what about Emrakul, the Aeons Torn as an alternative to Worldspine Wurm? I know it costs a lot but it's incredibly good with Polymorph.

May 9, 2016 5:42 a.m.

evzan says... #2

Yea it really is the better option if I get the money I will definitely put in him and ulamog, the infinite gyre

May 9, 2016 5:50 a.m.

Deathdefier says... #3

So you are using Mystical Tutor to search for polymorph if you don't draw a Polymorph?

Also I don't feel like you need to be so mana heavy for this deck to opporate, and instead of using Misty Rainforest I would just use a Hinterland Harbor unless you are trying to run a Extraplanar Lens. For 2 reasons one is it is a lot cheaper the second it doesn't make you loose life.

June 2, 2016 12:07 p.m.

DaftVader says... #4

If you want to use Extraplanar Lens, switch to snow basics.

June 2, 2016 1:18 p.m.

evzan says... #5

Hinterland is a great idea was just running what I had but I'm not worried about getting my colors too much. I'm good on the lens I wasn't sure how many lands to run never made a deck idea with this low of a mana cost. A recommended amount would be great

June 2, 2016 11:21 p.m.

evzan says... #6

Mystical Tutor and Personal Tutor are both for PolymorphIt's creates better consistency along with lots of draw.

June 2, 2016 11:43 p.m.

xander11 says... #7

Why are Force of Will and Jace, the Mind Sculptor necessary in this deck? It seems like you don't really need either of them. With this deck you should win around turn 5 or 6 every time.

June 12, 2016 10:33 a.m.

evzan says... #8

Because every deck and it's mother is running counterspells also to stop combo. What do you think I should run instead?

June 12, 2016 10:38 a.m.

evzan says... #9

Also I have a Cube and I really want an excuse to buy a Force of Will and a Jace, the Mind Sculptor also the latter went down in price as of late.

June 12, 2016 10:40 a.m.

xander11 says... #10

I think that this deck is fast enough that they can't counter everything and most people wouldn't think of this kind of combo. This could just be with my group but they would never see anything like this coming. You only need 3 lands, one has to produce green and one has to produce blue which is very easy for this deck, and no one is going to counter a squirrel so turn three you just Polymorph into one of your two op as hell creatures. Why not add Time Walk or Ancestral Recall?

June 12, 2016 10:51 a.m.

evzan says... #11

That's actually a really solid idea I just never thought of them and yea I am hoping to catch some people by surprise.

June 12, 2016 10:58 a.m.

evzan says... #12

Also Ancestral Recall is banned in legacy but I'm gunna just run ponder instead of Force of Will and i'm gunna think of the last card.

June 12, 2016 11:08 a.m.

evzan says... #13

Actually to go along with Ponder, Sensei's Divining Top just one if I get it the rearranging you can do is incredible and I can set up the top with Ponder or Ponder to shuffle a bad library order

June 12, 2016 11:13 a.m.

xander11 says... #14


June 12, 2016 4 p.m.

evzan says... #15

Really appreciate the input thank you so much I actually like this set up better and your right the amount of counterspells being run shouldn't stop the deck from functioning because of its speed. This also made the deck much cheaper money wise. Thinking of running Chrome Mox for speed.

June 12, 2016 8:13 p.m.

xander11 says... #16

Yeah, if this deck wasn't so expensive I would totally buy it because it seems really fun and interesting. I'm happy to help with the deck, to be honest getting Emrakul, the Aeons Torn turn 3 will defiantly win you the game because they need to sack 6 permanents before they can even block. So you did a great job building this and I want to try building something similar but less pricey.

June 13, 2016 8:29 a.m.

evzan says... #17

Thank you I was gunna run Show and Tell haha but then you start getting into big money cards. Also when you draw up a list link me to it I would love to see what you do with it.

June 13, 2016 9:06 a.m.

xander11 says... #18

Okay, I'll probably use many of the cards you use, but I'm happy to show you how it plays out.

June 14, 2016 8:15 a.m.

xander11 says... #19

Here's my version I think it's strictly worse then yours but it is a lot less expensive.

June 14, 2016 8:45 a.m.

Love it!

August 11, 2016 9:21 a.m.

mtgchampion says... #21

This deck is great!

August 24, 2016 6:23 a.m.

evzan says... #22

Thanks guys appreciate it.

August 24, 2016 6:39 p.m.

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