Liquidbeaver says... #2
TheLoneDart: I definitely wanted the deck to have more traditional LD like that, but as it came together I ran out of space to run very many, so I settled for the Crumble to Dust s. This is just my first pass at the deck, so as I refine hopefully I can fit at least some Stone Rain s in. Molten Rain having double red might be too hard to cast.
April 5, 2019 5:32 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #3
Playtested the deck and there is definitely room for more mana denial effects. Stone Rain is the easiest one to add, but I want to see if I can rework the landbase to handle Blood Moon .
April 7, 2019 9:16 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #5
Found Oblivion Sower and it is absolutely perfect for what the deck is trying to do.
To go along with that addition I switched out the Stone Rain for a slightly less efficient Structural Distortion that plays into the deck better. This also means that when I bring in Chalice of the Void out of the side, I can pretty confidently set it on either 1 or 3 and not hurt the deck all that much.
Also made some changes and got Ancient Stirrings in the deck. Initially I didn't want to do this because of MB Chalice, but after some feedback from the Ponza subreddit, I moved it to the SB and Stirrings has pretty significantly improved my Game 1's. The fact that it can grab 58 of my 75 is awesome, and allows me to run a pretty lean landbase as well.
April 10, 2019 4:14 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #8
Switched out Blightherder for Eldrazi Obligator . Herder is super fun, but without a playset of Relics in the mainboard, on top of some lower CMC exile spells, it's just too hard to fuel it correctly.
Blisterpod out for a 2x of Talisman of Impulse . I liked being able to cast Kozilek's Return without being worried about losing my ramp, but I think the benefit really ended there. For the sake of the removal package I need to be able to make both green and red, and Birds was barely cutting it either.
Scion of Ugin is a placeholder for new Ugin. I think it works well with the new Karn, and with the number of colorless and Devoid spells I have in the deck, the cost reduction will be put to good use.
April 15, 2019 2:39 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #9
After a bunch of playtesting and goldfishing I've got a new baseline going that is working pretty well.
Turns out new Ugin doesn't help the deck all that much, and really only does the ramping the Oblivion Sower can, but a lot more awkwardly since I can't ramp plain colorless as well as I can Eldrazi. Upped the number of new Karns to compensate for this. Not sure what the right number is, but I hardly saw it at 2x, so now to try 3x.
Got the landbase situated pretty nicely, although I miss the inclusion of the ~2 Ghost Quarter s. Adding Zhalfirin Void definitely helped clean up the topdecks.
The single of Warping Wail in the MB may end up being an All Is Dust , in which case I would do a 2-of Wail in the side.
Matter Reshaper helped fill the gaps in the curve, as well as provide a little bit of CA.
Cindervines in now in place of a few instants. The fact that I can put this down before it's needed really frees up the mana turn-by-turn. I'll have to see if the split cost ends up hurting too much to run it with the current landbase.
The 1-of Phyrexian Metamorph has been awesome so far! Copying my own Thought-Knot Seer is great, and even the larger Eldrazi (unfortunately you lose the cast triggers) has worked out well. The best part is copying an opponent's key permanents (with the help of LMC), like planeswalkers. Since Metamorph is entering the battlefield as a copy of that planeswalker, it still starts at the appropriate level of loyalty counters. This has been huge when copying a Lili, Karnfather, regular Ugin, etc..
Still have a lot of playtesting and adjustments to do. I would really like to get a little more LD into the deck, even if it's just getting the GC's back (might drop some Voids), but so far it is very fun, and the most I have ever been able to use LMC.
Let me know if you have any thoughts!
April 18, 2019 8:16 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #10
I can see this taking the place of an Abrade and maybe an Ancient Grudge, just to diversify the colors of my artifact destruction. Having a Grudge in hand and only green mana can be pretty rough.
April 19, 2019 4:03 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #11
Cindervines and an Ancient Grudge out for 2x Seal of Primordium .
So a lot of the appeal of Grudge is being able to remove two artifacts in a row, but the second cast is almost always a better cast than the first, mostly because of the cost reduction. Seal does this better by being able to offset the cost well before LMC ever comes out. Getting it down before a Blood Moon can be huge for pace, as you just sac it and go on with your business with all your mana up. It has been playtesting VERY well.
I may even up the count on Seal it is working so well. It feels like setting a trap while an opponent is watching, and still making them walk into it.
April 19, 2019 5:57 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #12
Playtests have been going very well, but I still feel like there is a 3-4 card gap in the "control" area of the deck. This got me thinking that maybe I want to try to run Blood Sun in the mainboard.
Going to test it out with a slightly tweaked landbase (more shocks), and see how it works. At worst it cantrips, and at best it shuts off fetches completely (something Blood Moon doesn't do), and makes almost all utility lands only tap for colorless, AND cantrips. Since I can't run Blood Moon, this may be the next best thing as far as land hate.
April 25, 2019 12:33 p.m.
No Mycosynth Lattice ? That plus Karn, the Great Creator = No mana for your opponents
April 27, 2019 4:12 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #14
saluma I have it in the sideboard so Karn can grab it. :) It's a fantastic combo.
April 27, 2019 4:24 p.m.
I somehow missed it in your sb :thinging: the deck looks very cruel, just how I like my MTG decks ;) +1 from me :thumpsup:
April 28, 2019 4:53 a.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #16
In my recent playtesting I've noticed that not having a 5-drop at all has made one turn about every other game or so very clunky. I think getting a few 5 drops to smooth out the curve would be very beneficial. Acidic Slime is an easy one, but any other ideas?
May 3, 2019 5:30 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #17
Really happy with the current build. It is playtesting VERY well. The Lettuce Lock is awesome, and having a couple Acidic Slime was just what it needed to fill the curve. Not sure of the sideboard just yet, but I've found a use for everything in it so far.
Still room for improvement, but this is a very comfortable core to use when Horizons comes out.
May 4, 2019 12:25 a.m. Edited.
PhoenixNest says... #18
Maybe fill in your sideboard with a singleton Pithing Needle .
May 4, 2019 1:30 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #20
Going to try Ghost Quarter in place of Gemstone Caverns . The ramp was nice when I actually got to do it, but not being able to tap for colorless when it has a luck counter really hurts.
May 9, 2019 2:10 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #21
Thoughts on running one copy of the Liquimetal Coating in the sideboard? It would increase the chances of me finding it when I want it through Karn, but decrease the chance of naturally drawing it, so it's a hard choice, but an interesting one.
4 LMC in the mainboard is just 4 copies total. 3 in the main and 1 in the side plus 3 Karns feels closer to running 7 LMC.
May 9, 2019 2:24 p.m. Edited.
Liquidbeaver says... #22
Just realized that Darksteel Citadel is a tutorable land for Karn. May be worth adding to the sideboard, although I don't often have mana problems.
May 10, 2019 1:51 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #23
A few interesting Modern Horizons cards so far:
Force of Vigor - really good value, and the potential to do it for 0 mana is awesome. Would require a rework of the deck to get away from some of the colorless cards, but may be worth hardcasting anyway. Really excited to see the red Force, hopefully it is artifact or land destruction!
Prismatic Vista - this may open the the possibility for the deck to run Blood Moon . Being able to fetch all of the colors AND a Wastes untapped is awesome!
May 22, 2019 10:22 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #24
Well ladies and gents, Pillage just got spoiled for Modern Horizons. This is EXACTLY the kind of reprint this deck needed. I'm so pumped right now.
Stay tuned for the rework of the deck!
May 24, 2019 1:50 p.m. Edited.
Liquidbeaver says... #25
Reworked the deck to fit a playset of Pillage , as well as a 2-of of Eternal Witness for some recursion. Vandalize is definitely a flex slot, but I can't think of another good 1-of, and the ability to hit an artifact and a land, which can be two lands with LMC, is pretty cool.
Going to playtest it tonight. Might have to fix the landbase to make it easier to hit for Pillage , but it will definitely be worth it.
TheLoneDart says... #1
No actual stone rain or molten rain eh?
April 4, 2019 8:37 p.m.