I was really excited for khans especially when i saw 2 new discard spell: despise and rakshasa's secret. I knew what i was going to build. Red black Control (discard). This is a sweet deck that will have some bad match ups like aggro, but thats why i added red for anger of the gods. Red also provides a finisher: sarkhan, the dragon speaker . So what this deck does is basically empty their hand and killing everything they put on the field. Also, suggestions are greatly appreciated
1 Drops: despise : this card is not as good as thought seize but will is still very effective turn 1
thoughtseize: Same concept, trying to keep their hand very minimal with low threats
2 drops:
waste not: this card is just sweet, with what we are trying to do. Excemple : turn 1: despise turn 2: waste not turn 3: mind rot
bile blight: one of the best removal at the moment, kills rabble master and mantis rider
3 drops
hero's downfall: also a great removal, that is essential to to killing anything that we don't manage to discard
mind rot: basically make him discard
rakshasa's secret: again discard but also, filling up our graveyard for murderous cut
read the bones: well if we are going to be discarding we better keep our handful
4 drops:empty the pits: this is our 4th win con if sarkhan fails us
5 dropsmurderous cut: this card usually isn't used as a 5 drop but it is 5 mana, combos well with our card since we will usually have a nice graveyard
sarkhan: he is one of our win cons that can also deal 4 dog and be used as removal if necessary
Enjoy, I'm really excited to test this!!!