Pop a Solly [RTR-THS Standard]

Standard* Bigbadbear88


Bigbadbear88 says... #1

Ran this in another FNM, made 4th out of 10, and also ran in a MODERN FNM and got 7th out of 20

February 2, 2014 1 a.m.

A couple suggestions: First of all I would strongly suggest Loyal Pegasus in the main deck as that partially takes care of your flying issue and is just a pretty good card.Second Revoke Existence would be a nice addition to the sideboard in order to deal with gods and such.

February 23, 2014 8:24 p.m.

mikemega says... #3

Correct - Chained to the Rocks cannot answer Protection from White, as it says "target creature." Celestial Flare answers Stormy and Baron in a way. That Revoke Existence card answers every God + lots of other stuff. Legion Loyalist could be great in here. Don't forget about Warleader's Helix ! +1

Red White has aggression PLUS protection so man, you've got options. Brave the Elements is worth a look too, just depends. Madcap Skills is always a strong card that demands an answer or it wins. Test Madcaps dude. Nice deck pal

February 23, 2014 8:53 p.m.

Bigbadbear88 says... #4

therealchessplaya hmm wonder who you are...but yah Loyal Pegasus iz gud. Only thing is that he has to attack and block with friends, meaning he's not a great one drop because he can't swing turn 2 because there's no one to swing with. Revoke Existence would be pretty nice in the sideboard, only like 1 or 2 though. I almost always get a Chained to the Rocks or two to deal with gods.

mikemega thanks for the clarification and +1! Brave the Elements could work pretty nicely, however it'd be a sideboard and not mainboard, as it's best against mono colored decks, especially burn, or decks with targeting boardwipes. Legion Loyalist is a very good card, however in my experience I'm swinging out because I either burned all their creatures and there's no blockers left or they have midrange and don't have enough creatures to block them all. The only creature I could see trample being useful for is Tajic, Blade of the Legion and probably Akroan Hoplite , however I'm most likely taking out the Hoplites in favor of Truefire Paladin , Ash Zealot , or Satyr Firedancer (which would duel purpose my Boros Charm s). Madcap would work very nicely on Soldier of the Pantheon though, because they'd have to have two monocolored creatures out turn 2, which is not always easy to do. Either way, I might try it, however I don't know what I'd take out in favor of it. As for Warleader's Helix , I can do 4 damage to the face for half the cost with Boros Charm, and I have a lot of 2 and 3 damage burn and even Mizzium Mortars for half the cost as well. Usually I have better use for four mana than burning a four toughness creature. Heck, that thing can't even kill Stormbreath or Blood Baron! Thanks for the suggestions man, I might just try Brave the Elements , Revoke Existence , and maybe even Madcap Skills .

February 23, 2014 10:14 p.m.

ryoth says... #5

After play-testing it against my Rakdos deck, Rakdos Aggro / Control (Help Please), I found that you really didn't have much aggression, some haste creatures might help with that, like Ash Zealot and Legion Loyalist . I also felt that it had a hard time getting out many creatures to activate Battalion, with all the removal currently in standard. Also you don't have much against flyers, besides Chained to the Rocks .

February 24, 2014 1:11 a.m.

Bigbadbear88 says... #6

ryoth An Ash Zealot won't work, 2 reds is hard to do. The battalion isn't really necesarry, although a battalion'd Tajic is nice. Chained to the Rocks works against everything, and I got Mizzium Mortars to handle bigger flyers as well. As for Legion Loyalist, he isn't used as a one drop, but as a battalion activator turn 3/4. Playing against that deck myself, I found mine to do better, however ya gotta remember that you're better at playing your own deck than someone else's.

February 24, 2014 1:48 a.m.

ryoth says... #7

Bigbadbear88 ya I'm just saying some haste might help, but you are right about playing someone else's deck against your own.

February 24, 2014 1:58 a.m.

Wainwright says... #8

Very solid deck there mate; I can see with your creatures you're getting more benefit from Legion's Initiative than I am.

You're also a much more balanced approach on colors / as well as packing a decent amount of removal / burn. I like it!

Tajic is great and something I've been thinking about in my deck at the top of the curve as a 2 of.

Budget dependant - I'd look at at least 3x Mutavault boost your creature count, pump Akroan Hoplite - trigger Tajic's battalion. Great card, if you don't mind dropping the money on them.

February 26, 2014 11:28 p.m.

Bigbadbear88 says... #9

Wainwright Mutavault is on my wish list as a 2 or max 3 of. Every game I need to drop a plains/shock first and a mountain/shock second. Mutavault is generally not used as mana, but I have very little use for uncolored mana until late game, so tbh I'd drop Mutavault t5.

February 27, 2014 3:44 p.m.

Wainwright says... #10

Yeah I agree with you, I drop T1 or late game... but the numbers are important and so is the deck it's played in.

I never go upto a playset unless i'm playing control. Everything else it's a bonus, 2 or 3, but have to be careful on my color's, nothing worse than 2 of your first 3/4 lands being colorless.

February 28, 2014 3:32 a.m.

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