Populating Selesnycolas Cage

Standard chandlerwrx06


connorcommando says... #1

With only 21 lands and 3 accelerators, how often does Primeval Bounty get cast? Wouldn't the 4th Voice of Resurgence and Witchstalker fit the bill a little better, and sideboard in bounty against something like control? If they're alive that long and you haven't lost already I'm sure it does work, it just seems a little out of place.

September 20, 2013 3:57 a.m.

chandlerwrx06 says... #2

Yeah, i just love Primeval Bounty Great suggestion, thanks.

September 20, 2013 4 a.m.

Barrymore77 says... #3

I really like this, +1! I have been working on something similar, and after some testing I really like Boon Satyr . The flash is great, you can flash it in to block, or to pump something with Ethereal Armor , or as an aura onto a trampling hex proof Witchstalker .

I think Mistcutter Hydra is a sideboard card, it is amazing against blue, but I don't think it is as good in other match ups (if your meta is control heavy though may as well mb). also Unflinching Courage is significantly better than Ordeal of Heliod in my mind. Over 3 attacks attached to a Witchstalker , Ordeal of Heliod gains you +6 dmg and +10 life, Unflinching Courage is +6 dmg and +15 life with trample.

Would love to hear how your future testing goes!

September 21, 2013 6:51 p.m.

Kaenine says... #4

I would look at running Ordeal of Nylea instead of the Ordeal of Heliod - will help getting extra mana out early, then if you can attach two to the one creature, you can smash in 4 land on turn 3. If you manage to pull them. Gladecover Scout turn 1, Ordeal of Nylea turn 2 and turn 3, then 7 land available turn 4, which could equal a monstrous Fleecemane Lion - would be a bit like Christmas but would be awesome to pull off!

September 21, 2013 9:20 p.m.

Redsoxrule7777 says... #5

I would try Boon Satyr over Loxodon Smiter because it's another enchantment (albeit 5 mana) that still can come down as a flash 4 power for 3 mana blocker. Also having it be on the field triggers another stack of Ethereal Armor , even if it's not attached to anything. Mistcutter Hydra seems more like a sideboard card to me, against any R or G/W aggro it seems pretty mediocre. Upping to 22 lands might be a better plan as well if you do add Boon Satyr . Ordeal of Nylea also seems a bit out of place, as the counters are good but ramping into lands seems pretty mediocre, especially since if you can trigger it 3 times, you probably are going to win anyway. The earliest you'll get those lands is turn 4 probably, and if they haven't answered the 4/4 or higher guy by then I doubt they will. You might just have to run it though if there are no other 2 mana enchantments. Blind Obedience maybe, but that seems more of a sideboard thing against aggro to outrace them if anything. Forced Adaptation just seems better for less cost and the same desired effect of the counters if you really want that.Overall though it looks great man, go Conclave!

September 27, 2013 3:49 a.m.

scopesightzx says... #6

I'd say Pit Fight over Hunt the Hunter in sideboard. You have enough green creatures, but your opponent may not for Hunt the Hunter to be effective.

September 27, 2013 12:52 p.m.

SharadSun says... #7


jimmies have been rustled this night

5/5 for presentation4.5/5 for deck2/5 for sanity

The only change I'd remotely consider is splashing black for removals and Golgari stuff. And maybe Whip of Erebos , but that's fringe play.

October 17, 2013 6:26 a.m.

chandlerwrx06 says... #8

Yeah, JUNK is really awesome right now, and I have zero removal. Im putting her together tonight and a buddy is going to help me go through some run throughs against some of the strong meta builds. We will see how it goes! thanks.

October 17, 2013 6:30 a.m.

Grimwolf79 says... #9

+1 for Title obviously.

October 17, 2013 9:07 a.m.

Behgz says... #10

Advent of the Cages +1

October 17, 2013 5:16 p.m.

hannabergholm says... #11

This deck seems really cool! I love Selesnya, it's so fun to be able to populate more and more and build your army. Why not the Growing Ranks ? :)
And maybe some flying creatures?

October 18, 2013 2:07 p.m.

SharadSun says... #12

Hmmm... have you considered 2x Deathrite Shaman for mana accel and lifegain?

Soldier of the Pantheon could get you an edge up on UWR Control and the like, as well, by being really fast aggro.

October 18, 2013 11:18 p.m.

Nox.LD says... #13

Deathrite Shaman doesn't actually accelerate his mana because he doesn't put his lands in the graveyard. I do however agree with the Soldier of the Pantheon , I have it in my Naya aggro deck and it's very good against multicolor decks.

October 19, 2013 12:34 p.m.

SharadSun says... #14

Ah, right, sorry. Too used to Modern, I guess xD

October 21, 2013 6:01 a.m.

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