Population Nation

Modern Gigglestomp


ohnomydondon says... #1

why midnight haunting and not Lingering Souls ?

November 27, 2012 1:20 p.m.

Gigglestomp says... #2

Lingering Souls is probably a better card but Midnight is an instant so I can cast it at the end of my enemies turn for some surprises (And then they will be able to attack first turn).

I suppose I'd consider them more utility than power. The power will come from the heavier tokens. If I can find some Lingering Souls in the common boxes i'll give them a try.

November 27, 2012 2:02 p.m.

ohnomydondon says... #3

that's what I thought

November 27, 2012 2:36 p.m.

Kbra says... #4

Have you tried Intangible Virtue ? Adding vigilance is real nice.

December 3, 2012 1:49 a.m.

Kbra says... #5

Also, Rancor + Wayfaring Temple = real nice population machine.

December 3, 2012 1:52 a.m.

crixalis says... #6

what about a late devastating 8/8 token with Grove of the Guardian ? Once you populate it, it's gg

December 5, 2012 5:36 p.m.

Gigglestomp says... #7

Yeah i already picked up 4 groves. I think i'm putting 2 or 3 in once I get better lands. (Temple Gardens and Sunpetals). But I need to trade for them. I have a hallowed fountain i'm going to try and get 1 of each for.

December 5, 2012 9:41 p.m.

qwertyking says... #8

I would splash black for Lingering Souls . It could help you alot.

December 8, 2012 1:45 p.m.

MTGNoobs says... #9

I enjoy using parallel lives in a populate deck. It's expensive to cast though.....but when it starts workin for you.....ooo buddy....your opponents will be wishin they had some enchantment hate in their deck. ESP if you put one out before you grove of the Guardian. I hit grove of the guardian out, got two of them with parallel lives, and then played rootbound defenses when I swung with a thragtusk....in one turn I had made 4 8/8s with vigilance.....talk about a board presence.

December 10, 2012 1:02 p.m.

MTGNoobs says... #10

Just a suggestion....-1 of your card:Avacyn's Pilgrim and Arbor Elf and put in 2 Farseek . I'm learning how useful Farseek is, and in a selesnya deck, it fixes mana problems. PErsonally IO'd be playing 4 of them, and bring your dorks down to 2 each, especially with you running 23 land. Next, I would consider playing Geist-Honored Monk , and Intangible Virtue , both of which do very very well in populate decks. Sunpetal Grove isn't too expensive right now, at 6 a piece. But 4 Temple Garden is absolutely neccessary in here. Because Farseek can pull them out of your deck, and since you have to play them tapped, its kind of like playing a shock land for free (since you're playing 2 land in one turn)...personally I think an even better move would be to play card:Ranger's Path and pull 2 of those bad boys out.....its great mana fixing, esp if you're stuck drawing forests and can't play some cards in your hand because they're white cards....since you're playing selesnya I would add Nevermore to your sideboard, because it can help shut decks down, much like Slaughter Games does in a Rakdos deck. I'd also consider Rest in Peace and Ground Seal help you against people playing flashback decks or reanimators. And I'm particularly fond of playing Soul Tithe against someone who is summoning some expensive creatures, because it makes them sacrifice them, or pay their CMC again, which stops them from gaining momentum....these of course are sideboard cards, and have no business in your mainboard.

December 10, 2012 1:19 p.m.

Gigglestomp says... #11

Thanks for some of those good suggestions MTGNoobs. Hopefully I can acquire the temples and sunpetals soon... I'll just buy the sunpetals if i can get the temples, but having a hard time finding anyone willing to trade.

December 11, 2012 1:19 a.m.

MTGNoobs says... #12

Whats youre trade folder looking like? I've got 2 sunpetals I can spare =)

December 11, 2012 10:22 a.m.

Gigglestomp says... #13

Well the temple gardens are my first priority, I can get the sunpetals for like 3 bucks here locally. But the gardens seem to be scarce for trade.

December 11, 2012 12:33 p.m.

Bababad says... #14

Have you considered Slime Molding ? I've had many a fun time populating a 5/5 token, also sideboard Fungal Sprouting for slowing down aggro and ESPECIALLY stalling mid range decks without flyers.

December 12, 2012 1:56 a.m.

Gigglestomp says... #15

Thinking of pulling out the 2 Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage for 2 Champion of Lambholt .

December 18, 2012 5:48 p.m.

Gigglestomp says... #16

Made some adjustments. I'm not sure if I want 4 Intangible Virtue . I was told yes, but i'm leaning towards 2 or 3 because you cant stack vigilance.... Probably 3 incase 1 is removed.

December 19, 2012 12:05 a.m.

MTGNoobs says... #17

The 2 Champion of Lambholt s wouldn't be a horrible idea. Intangible Virtue is a great card, and vigilance most definitely doesn't stack, but it's counters still do. I have had games wher eI never draw a copy of a card I have 4 of, so it's hard to make up the decision whether you want 4 3 or even 2 of them in, If you're uncertain, I'd reccommend 3-ing them for now, and then play with it, and see if it works for you. I'm not really a fan of Collective Blessing ....granted it can really kick some ass, but it's expensive to cast, and cant be a waste of a turn when your opponent hits you with Terminus , or Supreme Verdict . You really need 4 Thragtusk s here. I know you don't want to spend the money, but consider picking up a few creep and conquor event decks, theres easily 50 bucks worth of cards there. I'd also consider adding 2 Restoration Angel s here, so you can bounce a Thragtusk , gain life, and put out a 3/3 beast token. Also, if you're gonna to make a Grove of the Guardian token, Rancor plus Silverblade Paladin for the win? Lol. Just some things to think about.

December 19, 2012 7:25 a.m.

Gigglestomp says... #18

Playtesting this new setup solitaire style nets a pretty consistent turn 6 win. I've gotten it down lower will good draws. I'll get to try it out back home this Christmas.

December 19, 2012 7:39 p.m.

Saljen says... #19

Best Selesnya deck that I've playtested, well done.

December 19, 2012 10:27 p.m.

Gigglestomp says... #20

Thanks for the feedback! It seems very consistent so far after the changes I made.

December 19, 2012 11:24 p.m.

Gigglestomp says... #21

Any good or bad feedback on the sideboard? What am I doing correctly/incorrectly?

At the moment I think the sideboard strategy will be to move out 1 Increasing Devotion , 1 Collective Blessing , and 1 Selesnya Charm in favor of 3 sideboard cards. Not sure what ELSE can be spared after that.

My go-to sideboard for threats I don't know how to hard-counter is x2 Nevermore . "THRAGTUSK" "STAFF OF NINNNNNNNN" "RUNECHANTER'S PIKE!!!!" "OBLIVION RINNNNNG" ....etc. Yes exactly with that gusto.

Sigarda, Host of Herons looks like a great sideboard for game 2 no matter what, if it looks like they don't have an answer for her.

Knight of Glory looks good to hate on and block some zombie aggro (Gravecrawler s). It also gets around Abrupt Decay because it doesn't "Counter" it.

Rest in Peace against decks that rely on Deathrite Shaman , Snapcaster Mage , card:Runechanter's Pike, or Gravecrawler . Anything that laughs in the face of the graveyard.

Pithing Needle are there for planeswalkers of course. I am not positive I need four, but I thought if a deck had more than 4 walkers it might be a good idea to have extra.

Intrepid Hero looks like a nice singleton against decks that tend to produce big creatures fast. Decks that use +1/+1 counters, etc. His mana cost is low enough that he doesn't get in the way either. I also noticed he would take out Loxodon Smiter , Armada Wurm , Thragtusk , Angel of Serenity , Serra Angel , and some other big hitters.

I sideboarded 2 plains for lack of anything better. Ideas?

This deck may be destined to be a black/green/white deck when Gatecrash comes out. I'm going to be adding Sorin, Lord of Innistrad , and Lingering Souls at least.

December 23, 2012 5:45 p.m.

Gigglestomp says... #23

Tablet new. Think when I double tapped to zoom deleted post. Saw x2 witchbane suggestion thnx.

December 26, 2012 8:08 a.m.

Kudzuu says... #24

Great deck, I like love populate. I use Parallel Lives in mine, saved me a few times.

December 30, 2012 4:24 p.m.

Gigglestomp says... #25

Playing this one tonight at tuesday standard magic. Hopefully I can get a feel for it against some varied decks. I'll post back with an update. Going to try writing some stuff down between matches this time so my mind is less foggy.

January 1, 2013 4:41 p.m.

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