Population Nation

Modern Gigglestomp


Gigglestomp says... #2

I played this deck at Tuesday Night Magic and was still having issues against Board Clear (Draw Decks). I would get them low, and would always have more stuff to put out or flashback, but the rounds lasted to the limit the first or the second game, not allowing us a third.

I'd either lose or tie those. I was beating non-control, with the hardest matchups being Naya or Mirror.

Rootborn defenses would dodge one supreme verdict if I sideboarded it. But.. that still leaves the others (They are drawing more cards than me). Also Terminus will bypass indestructability.

I anticipated board clears and put lots of walkers in the deck to make tokens, but they are usually exiled.

As control users, what worries you in your matchups?

Everyone else, what do you usually do to deal with control?

January 24, 2013 7:29 a.m.

Gigglestomp says... #3

I have Nevermore x3 hoping to say Supreme Verdict or Terminus but I often find that the following 3 things happen:

1) I don't draw it till the control wipes my board.2) I draw it in my opening hand, and it influences my decision to keep a hand with fewer tokens.3) I draw into it early enough, and play it. But it's exiled later or immediately countered.

January 24, 2013 7:33 a.m.

terastadon says... #4

Bitterblossom, Voice of Resurgence, thought sieze (or Blackmail if u dont like the price) and Path to Exile are the only improvements i can think of

January 21, 2016 6:42 p.m.

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