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Post-BNG Grixis Midrange

Standard Control Midrange UBR (Grixis)




Planeswalker (1)

Artifact (1)

Instant (1)

Post Born of the Gods Grixis Midrange/Control build I'm looking to take to FNM. I need a little help fine tuning it before the next time I go. Let's start with the Breakdown!


AEtherling: Who need an explanation for this dude? Win con. Nuff said.

Mogis, God of Slaugher: I'm not really playing enough permanents to reliably activate him, but regardless, he puts a conditional clock on the other guy, and with all the removal in this puppy, they'll more than likely lost 2.

Stormbreath Dragon: All around good hasty flyer with great protection from Gee-Dee Sphinx's Revelation decks. (Detention Sphere, here's looking at you...) Also sometimes helps activate Mogis, but meh.

Desecration Demon: Devotion toward Mogis. Big beefy flyer with Pseudo-removal ability. Good synergy with Mogis.

Thassa, God of the Sea: Again, not too concerned with activation, although it's more likely to happen with AEtherling and Jace, Architect of Thought floating around in the deck. More interested in the free think tank she provides, considering that I'm always digging for a win-con.

Nightveil Specter: Pseudo card draw engine with evasion that bumps up devotion counts for both Thassa and Mogis.


Hero's Downfall: Perfect removal spell. Kills almost any creature and takes care of them pesky planeswalkers.

Devour Flesh: Easy to cast when you're in a pinch and you even have the option of gaining the life yourself as a last resort. Gain nine on an AEtherling if all else fails

Far//Away: Great against aggro decks with multiple creatures, bounces Gods and all that fun stuff, all around useful card.

Magma Jet: Early game kill spell good against aggro, also can target planeswalkers, and even get a scry to boot.

Doom Blade: Basic black kill spell. Only running two because of the frequency I've been running into Mono-Black builds.

Anger of the Gods: Wipes out mana dorks and the entire RDW decklist. Very handy.

Thoughtseize: This card is just too powerful for standard, so it's perfect for a control build. Take out that mana dork first turn and you're set.


Jace, Architect of Thought: Helps stall aggro decks until I can get stabalized, helps me dig for them win-cons and threatens to even steal my opponents. Fantastic for what this deck needs.

Divination: More card draw. I prefer divination over Inspiration simply for the cost.

Opportunity: The closest thing to a Sphinx's Revelation I can get in Grixis but it'll have to do.

Rakdos's Return: This is simply evil. Seize that counter spell and then wipe away the rest of their hand and maybe even kill you a walker. I live me a hand dumper.


Slaugher Games: Uncounterable Win-con removal. One of the main reasons I wanted to build Grixis.

Pithing Needle: Takes care of walkers and Mutavault.

Ratchet Bomb: Mainly to get rid of Detention Sphere... I hate that card...

Jace, Memory Adept: Side in against control in an attempt to deck them out. Also card draw if needed.

Anger of the Gods: Side in if aggro is the opponents style

Mizzium Mortars: Two more in case they run Barons. another of my weak points.

Rakdos's Return: A second to side in against midrange or control matchups. I tell ya this thing destroys slower players

Turn / Burn: Two more to side in to deal with bigger threats, Blood Baron in particular. Also Gods are killable with this guy. Underrated card IMO

And there you have it, my current build. +1's and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Maybe I can even beat the Devotion decks lol


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 2 Mythic Rares

28 - 11 Rares

8 - 2 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.20
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