
or... BlackTempoWins

The approach is simple enough.. Utilize Tempo plays via classic hand disruption (Thoughtseize & Despise ) and Kill spells (Bile Blight & Hero's Downfall, plus Agent of the Fates 's Heroic ability) to disrupt, or otherwise ruin, the opponent's plans; and then casually beat face with weenies 'Betstowed' with various boosties.. This added synergy is due to over half of my creatures serving a 'double-duty' by either having a Bestow ability (10), or a Heroic ability (6); therefore idealy one would want to target a 'Heroic' creature(s) with Bestow abilities for maximum value..

Card Breakdown..


Thoughtseize: The gold standard in targeted hand disruption in any format; why wouldn't this be here?!

Despise : More hand disruption, and in a Midrange/Aggro heavy format, can at times be even better than Thoughtseize..

Bile Blight: Basically takes out anything Lightning Strike would, and anything else with the same name.. And more flavor.!

Hero's Downfall: The Gold-Standard of killspells in the current format. The 3-drop that provides instant-speed destruction of not only creatures, but annoying Planeswalkers as well..


Gnarled Scarhide : A 2-power 1-drop that can also makes for a decent T-4 boosty..

Tormented Hero : The 'Heroic' 2-power 1-drop..

Bloodsoaked Champion: The 2-power 1-drop with an added recursion mechanic..

Spiteful Returned : A neat 2-drop that works even better as an Aura..

Pain Seer : Grizzly Bears that can potentially grant card advantage... Though it tends to draw out the removal in an opponent's hand..

Herald of Torment : A good, evasive beater that can also be used to turn others into even bigger evasive beaters..

Agent of the Fates : Generates even more value from 'Bestow' creatures, by making those auras double as a Cruel Edict as well..

Mogis's Marauder : Alpha-Strike Enabler (against Non-Black/Artifact), but also curves nicely after a Pain Seer ..

Static Boosties/ Anthems..

Hall of Triumph: Effectively a Glorious Anthem in Artifact form..

Whip of Erebos: To help go the distance if need be..


Updates Add

Vs Abzan Reanimator: 0-2

Both matches I would start making headway, but then he would eventually stabilize, and then proceed to beat me down.. Main headaches were Courser of Kruphix, Siege Rhino, and Whip of Erebos..

Vs Abzan Midrange: 0-2

I started off the first match strong, but Nyx Weavers neutered the effectiveness of my Mogis's Marauders, and therefore I wasn't able to finish him off before he got to stabilize. And despight my own Whip of Erebos, a few turns later he was swinging at me with two Hornet Queens (and tokens) pumped up by exiling a Soul of Theros.. Ouch.. The second match I just got mana flooded and I never had a chance to come back.. I was sad..

Vs G/R Aggro: 2-1

This guy was using a deck that he borrowed from one of the shopkeepers, that was supposedly was a Netdeck of a deck a guy used to go 9-0 Day 1 at an SCG Open somewhere.. Anyway he was at a clear disadvantage against my deck. Every match I seemed to draw into the perfect balance of 1-drop creatures, Kill spells, Mogis's Marauders, and a Pain Seer or two. I ended up losing the second match mostly because of player error; he had played a Stormbreath Dragon, I could have dropped a Herald of Torment to chump block (I had two in-hand), but for some stupid reason I had thought I had a Hero's Downfall in-hand, and so I passed the turn thinking that I was going to kill his Dragon when he attacked his next turn. So he swung again unanswered, and then another turn later, killed me by making it go 'Monsterous'.. But other than that, Mogis's Marauder was an all-star by enabling me to consistently swing for damage, and turning my Pain Seer sideways.. ;)

**Vs unknown.. 2-0

This guy apparently left without telling anybody, and so had the guy who had the 'Bye'. So I didn't have anyone to play against the final round. Kind of lame actually..


If tonight was any indication; Abzan Midrange appears to be a poor match-up for this deck, which is unfortunate as different varieties of it seem to make up a large portion of the overall meta (including my local meta as well).. So I figure I need to specialize my sideboard to better handle Abzan Midrange decks. I already have a pair of Phyrexian Revokers, but I need to acquire at least a pair of Stain the Mind.. Hell, I might even splash White and turn this into an Orzhov Aggro, or totally rework it into an Orzhov Control brew..


Revision 16 See all

(10 years ago)

+2 Boon of Erebos side
-1 Erebos, God of the Dead side
-1 Master of the Feast side
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 2 Mythic Rares

15 - 3 Rares

20 - 6 Uncommons

2 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.98
Folders Favorites, Standard Decks, Mono Black Aggro decks, Cool decks, Saved Decks
Ignored suggestions
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