Abzan (Junk) Post-Rotation Prototype

Standard* A12m994


Okay so the first thing I think of when I look at this is slimming it down a ton. You need to get to cards that matter and are way more consistent. I'd recommend Arbor Colossus cause he's good devotion and an overall good beater. Polukranos, World Eater is a must for any green deck because he can literally wipe a field. Drop Hornet Queen , Hornet Nest , Heroes' Bane , Sylvan Caryatid , Ranger's Guile , Hero of Leina Tower , Phytotitan , and Ancient Silverback . They're not necessary or consistent. I say to drop Sylvan Caryatid because you have a mono-colored deck. Add 3x Arbor Colossus , 4x Polukranos, World Eater ,1x Elvish Mystic , 1x Voyaging Satyr , 2x Courser of Kruphix , 1x Genesis Hydra , 1x Reverent Hunter , and 1x Nylea, God of the Hunt . That should make it more consistent.

July 20, 2014 6:35 p.m.

scopesightzx says... #2

Keep Sylvan Caryatid , it's an extra mana, and it is good defense against aggro decks. I think hornet queen is fine as a one of for a finisher (even better if you have some chord of callings). I'm on the fence about Reverent Hunter myself. Granted it can be really big, but it can't be played on turn three for the most effect, it'll most likely want to be coming out on turn four at the earliest. Plus, they can kill it before it gets counters really easily. While Karametra's Acolyte does act as a second Nykthos in this deck, it is going to be a removal target as soon as it comes into play.

Elvish Mystic NEEDS to be a 4xCourser could be a 3x (good devotion, plus it can block early and gain you life while smoothing out your draws)I like Terra Stomper myself, but he works better in the side boardNylea's Disciple is great sideboard tech against burn.

I would also recommend Nissa, Worldwaker , she is insane in mono green devotion, allowing you to ramp into your bigger spells faster.

July 21, 2014 1:13 p.m.

Malaz says... #3

July 21, 2014 7:56 p.m.

A12m994 says... #4

IATEAREPUBLICAN- I slimmed down the deck and made sure everything was at least a 2-of for consistency. Arbor Colossus is in, but I intentionally left out Polukranos, World Eater because his ability really isn't all that great when you look at the official rulings that were made on it. I think Hornet Nest should stay mostly because it can take a hit, and the tokens that get made hurt anybody, especially fliers.

scopesightzx- Reverent hunter is almost always good, as he comes in as at least a 4/4 for 3 mana 99% of the time. He's also usually the one I sack to Life's Legacy for insane and cheap card draw (especially if it's early game and he's not big enough to swing with). I'm not crazy about Nissa, Worldwaker because she is slower at making tokens than Hydra Broodmaster and I really don't need the small amount of mana she would give me. She's also a huge target for removal...

Malaz- I don't think Archetype of Endurance is the best fit for this deck, as any removal would target my ramping creatures and prevent them from getting him out in the first place. However, I'll still mull it over...

Guys, let me know what you think of the deck now, and I would be very thankful if you playtest a few games by yourself, or with another deck!!! I honestly think this deck is one of the simplest but best I have ever built, and I want to hear any other suggestions you have to make it better!

July 22, 2014 3:49 p.m.

Malaz says... #5

Yeah, fair enough. But there's nothing more frustrating than ramping into a fat beefcake, getting all stoked to win next turn, only to lose it immediately to a doom blade. Without haste or some other form of protection (hexproof, indestructible, etc.), it just seems risky. Obviously your choice though.

As an alternative, you might consider Mortal's Resolve , as a response to removal (and keeping 1G open with your ramp is probably going to be pretty easy); Splashing red for Xenagos, God of Revels might also be good, as it'll boost your already enormous creatures and gives them haste. Indestructible is nice, and with your ramp and dorks you shouldn't have a problem making it a creature. I run him in my current standard deck You mean 30 trample damage isn't fun?, where he's mostly used for Worldspine Wurm , but a 12/12 Arbor colossus attacking on turn 4 is nothing to laugh at.

July 22, 2014 4:57 p.m.

cjk191997 says... #6

Malaz world spine worm goes out... I don't even think you read the title if your suggesting that but if you need help with side board check my deck Nylea mana ramp I'll be happy to answer any questions on why a card is in there

July 23, 2014 10:30 p.m.

A12m994 says... #8

Anyways...I was actually thinking about splashing black for Garruk's wake, Eternal Thirst for life-gain, and Stain the Mind for the sideboard. If I went this direction I'd probably need to grab 4x Temple of Malady and/or 4x Llanowar Wastes for the mana base. Thoughts???

July 24, 2014 4:07 p.m.

Don't take Polukranos, World Eater for granted. I won a matchup with my mono-green build last night against an opponent who had both Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Ajani, Mentor of Heroes on the table. When he got them out, I just had a bunch of mana dorks on my side of the table and luckily pulled Polukranos off the top of the deck. He already used Detention Sphere to take my first Polukranos and Nissa captive and was out of removal, so Polukranos stuck on the table through his turn of summoning sickness.

My opponent was at the point where he had created 12 tokens with Elspeth, 3 of which chump blocked my attacking creatures and died, and then he was pumping them with Ajani's counters. I tapped Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , 2 Voyaging Satyr , and my mana dorks for 33 mana, which put 16 counters on Polukranos and dealt 16 damage to all of my opponent's tokens, completely wiping them all out (he had 15 total toughness on his side of the table). I swung in for the win.

July 25, 2014 10:42 a.m.

wizardjohn says... #10

Setessan Tactics you can use to have your own creatures fight your own Hornet Nest , u can multi fight your hornet nest and have all your creatures hit it for a lot of dmg?. You can use it as good removal, or you can use it to have your deathtouch fliers fight as well =)

July 26, 2014 8:56 p.m.

nottinghamMTG says... #11

July 26, 2014 9:08 p.m.

Newgeneric says... #12

Setessan Tactics and Hornet's nest wouldn't work that well, because as soons as one activated ability of fighting that kills hornet's nest resolves, none of the other would matter.

July 29, 2014 7:35 p.m.

Yoshikiki says... #13

Really like it! play tested it and got Courser of Kruphix turn 3! NICE!! cool deck :)

July 29, 2014 11:07 p.m.

cthulhanoid says... #14

+1, Amazing deck!

July 30, 2014 2:14 a.m.

Malaz says... #15

@cjk191997: Clearly you didn't read/understand my comment. I wasn't suggesting Worldspine Wurm for this deck; I referred to it in the context of my own deck, which is a current standard green devotion deck. I was suggesting that you possibly splash red for Xenagos, God of Revels , like my deck does, because it goes well with any deck using fatty creatures such as the wurm (I used Arbor Colossus as a post-rotation example as well).

Not entirely sure why you put a link to another one of your decks (though, like this one, it's pretty sweet).

July 30, 2014 9:40 p.m.

Jaraldoaz says... #16

I would cut Hornet Nest and Colossus of Akros they're both defensive cards and this deck seems to want to continuously apply pressure. I would recommend Polukranos, World Eater in their places.

July 31, 2014 11:59 a.m.

scopesightzx says... #17

I would never use Nissa's first plus unless I absolutely need to. She doesn't make tokens, she ramps.

July 31, 2014 12:38 p.m.

Yoshikiki says... #18

I agree take out Hornet Nest and add Polukranos, World Eater , but since this is ramp Jaraldoaz, Colossus of Akros , is usually gonna be monstrous, so that should stay.

August 1, 2014 3:49 p.m.

BattleWalrus says... #19

This deck isn't about continuously applying pressure. It is impossible when you have to tap your creatures in order to create more mana for ones self. The mana ramp function of the deck works beautifully. I just wasn't finding anything for my genesis hydras to proc into. I could play them on my 5th turn for 19(F)(F) and 15(F)(F) the two times i playtested. Both times i tested however, the only thing i could genesis into was another genesis hydra, which would just die if it were to enter the battlefield. Granted, i still had a 19/19 or 15/15 hydra out on the field. Both times, however, i was able to bring out a planeswalker.

I'm not sure on the pains you went through to add Reaper of the Wilds to the deck. Sure, the scry is alright, and the deathtouch is nice, but i think the addition of some heavy hitters to genesis into would replace her nicely. I could be missing something pivotal , but i mean i'd much rather have Colossus of Akros out on the field. Making a 20/20 indestructible trample on your 6th turn is just scary. I had reaper of the wilds in my hand the first game and she didn't really do anything for me, she would make a good blocker, but the whole point of the Hornet Nest is just that. I just remembered now about the apex predator having that damn black mana symbol. That being said, i'm still not sure i like the use of reaper of the wilds here.

Great deck, just need some bigger things to genesis wave into. I mean my first game i was able to untap a shrine twice with 2 Satyr plus i had an acolyte on the field 3rd turn from a sylvan second turn. The hand was going so well, i had a hornest nest out with 2 satyrs on my 4th turn and a reaper and genesis hydra in my hand. i had a total of 21 mana that i pumped into the hydra drawing me 19 cards, all of which were useless except for Nissa. Even she wasn't all that helpful at the time. Just my findings, i really like the deck though! +1 from me!

August 3, 2014 9:47 p.m.

nyctophasm says... #20

I tried this deck against my homebrew called R/B/W Slow Roast, and I found it to be very troublesome to play against. I beat it in two games out of three though, and that for a particular reason. You have no direct creature removal outside of Elspeth, Sun's Champion , and that is limited to big threats only. You had no way of dealing with Stormbreath Dragon pre board otherwise unless someone already dealt damage to your Hornet Nest . On the other hand, you have one of the most deceptively interesting token decks I've ever seen. Every instance of tokens that your deck generates comes from a legitimate threat in it's own right, either the nest, Elspeth, Garruk, Apex Predator , or Hydra Broodmaster (who is your undisputed biggest bomb here, by the way that isn't a planes walker). In the same vein, Genesis Hydra never enters alone, and so has the same principle applied to him, that you have a legitimate threat on the board that also creates a secondary legitimate threat. Well done, but I would advise some Hero's Downfall if you are trying to keep this post rotation, or Putrefy if you don't mind using the previous set.

August 4, 2014 10:57 a.m.

A12m994 says... #21

BattleWalrus- I've added in more planewalkers, and the playtesting afterwards shows me that casting Genesis Hydra for 8 or more will almost always land me a planeswalker. As for Reaper of the Wilds , I think it's a good choice for the 4-drop slot, having a nice body, and being able to give it hexproof or deathtouch means it has a lot of versatility.

nyctophasm- I've been hearing that I need removal for big fatties on the other side of the board for a while now. It became even more obvious in the last week when I was playtesting against axus87's mono-green hydra ramp deck. Part of the reason elspeth was picked for this deck was that she could kill a big Kalonian Hydra or a fat Mistcutter Hydra , even if it meant giving up a Reaper of the Wilds . However, I realize that I may not draw into an elspeth with there being only 2 in the deck, and I don't like having to kill my own fatties when I want to kill theirs. I really like Hero's Downfall , but there are a few things about it that worry me;

  1. It has a double black mana cost and can't hit any non-land permanent that's causing me trouble.

  2. It's an instant and not a nonland permanent itself, so I can't grab it with Genesis Hydra if either I need it REALLY bad or I can't find a planeswalker.

So I got to thinking and Banishing Light (which I played heavily in my B/W constellation deck quite successfully) came to mind. It's a non-land permanent that exiles (in the off-chance I see a reanimator or dredge deck...), and it only needs a single colored mana to cast, which should be absolutely no problem.

Anyways..... let me know what you guys think about these fixes, as I was hoping to pick up the few cards I still need for this deck in the next few days. Thanks!

August 4, 2014 11:34 a.m.

nyctophasm says... #22

The deck I used to play test against yours uses Banishing Light , and since my deck is red white and black, it means that is really my only main deck option against anything that isn't a creature or planes walker. I play three main board. One more thing, are you considering getting some pain lands? Your consistent drawing into scry lands means your mana ramping creatures are merely putting your casting costs back on schedule.

August 5, 2014 12:52 a.m.

nyctophasm says... #23

In my previous comment, I forgot to stress that Banishing Light is one my biggest deck change all stars that I've ever made to it.

August 5, 2014 12:54 a.m.

dyelynn says... #24

i tested your deck against a MBD and got creamed 5/6 times. mainly the ramp never really materialized because the mana dorks or the early big critters got removed and 3drop flyers ate my face. I simplified the deck a bit by removing garuuk, adding in a little more ramp (Elvish Mystic for turn1 cards) and some reach(Arbor Colossus ftw)... http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/post-rotation-gwub-ramp

I've been trying to come up with a green ramp deck for a bit now and yours seems to work better than what I've done thus far, so I hope you won't mind me borrowing some of your ideas.

August 6, 2014 2:30 p.m.

A12m994 says... #25

dyelynn- Thanks for the comment! It usually is a tough match-up, but my sylvan's always survive, usually letting me ramp into enough threats to overwhelm their removal and/or use my own.

Anyways, I've been seriously thinking about maybe replacing the 3x Reaper of the Wilds in the deck with 3x Prognostic Sphinx . Thoughts?

August 6, 2014 8:28 p.m.

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