Power Bounce

Casual ParadoxProphet


ParadoxProphet says... #1

Swapped 4 Prophet of Kruphix in for Seedborn Muse . Also thinking of dropping the Birds of Paradise for 4 Sylvan Caryatid . Maybe Cyclonic Rift instead of Bramblecrush ...Any thoughts?

December 22, 2013 5:39 a.m.

ParadoxProphet says... #2

Firsrtly: Swapped 4 Prophet of Kruphixes in for the Seedborn Muses (both of them look like they are wearing gowns made of boogers but Seedborn Muse much less so)

But now the ponderings...

Part 1: I'm thinking of swapping Cyclonic Rifts for the Bramblecrushes. I think it fits the focus of the deck better, has high versatility, and will help towards balancing out the mana needs of the deck (I think 2 color decks benefit from being as close to a 50/50 mana split as possible).

On the other hand, actual removal (ya'know like kill it dead removal) is nice. Before the printing of Cyclonic Rift I originally ran Creeping Mold. Then, after lots of playtesting it with Desert Twister, and Bramblecrush, I settled on the current iteration.

I still need some people to weigh in on this issue.

Part B: I'm trying to work out better synergies for the mana-weenies.

Dryad Arbor is IN. Reminds me too much of the movie Mannequin not to include. (The other focus of this deck is to reference a movie in which Andrew McCarthy rides a motorcycle like a boss). Mannequin (1987) Poster

But then come the pairings...

I could remove the Birds of Paradises to replace with Sylvan Caryatids or Axebane Guardian

The Sylvan Caryatids boost both Overgrown Battlement and Axebane Guardians which both boost each other as well as getting boosted by Wall of Blossoms. This is the slower option that pumps out more mana to boost Capsize, Cyclonic Rift, or maybe Desert Twister. I think this might be the slower/more controlly-type option...

The other way to go is to cut the Overgrown Battlements for Noble Hierarchs. This is much more expensive price-wise but much faster mana-wise. The Exalted ability allows a lowly Birds of Paradise to start attacking on turn 2 and then attacking as a 4/5 flyer as early as turn 3. I think this might be the more agrro/attacky-type option, which I'm leaning towards...

(The other focus of this deck is to reference a movie in which Andrew McCarthy tries to conceal the dead body of his boss, like a boss).Weekend at Bernie's (1989) Poster

May 5, 2015 1:38 p.m.

yobonyo says... #3

I like the idea of this deck. Stalling out the game with walls for draw and mana accel 'till I am able to bounce away all the opponent's threats is my kind of magic. For nostalgic reasons, I also appreciate the inclusion of Capsize and Forbid in here.

I can foresee a few problems though:

The reliance on a board full of mana generating creatures makes it extremely vulnerable to wrath effects. And with the slow speed this deck runs at and lack of menacing threats, you'll be giving your opponents plenty of opportunities to wipe your board at their leisure. You can't guarantee you'll be able to Forbid all their board wipes. Also, there doesn't seem to be enough card draw in here to support Forbid's buyback cost.

You'll almost certainly never recover after a board wipe since there aren't any credible threats you can hope to top deck to get you back into the game, and you will no longer have the mana to pay to keep their side of the board bounced.

And although Capsize has a special place in my heart, I fear it is just too slow nowadays to rely on it for controlling the board (except for when you run an infinite mana combo). Cyclonic Rift can't deal with lands, but it is almost certainly a better option to get rid of all their threats in bulk if you have the mana for a capsize with buyback. Maybe keep one or two copies of capsize if you want to selectively respond to threats later.

For your mana base, how about adding in some Hinterland Harbor or Breeding Pool?

May 10, 2015 12:41 p.m.

ParadoxProphet says... #4

Thanks for the comments yobonyo,

You're right about me needing address the issue with card draw to feed Forbid. When I first put the deck together one of the big combos was Stampeding Wildebeests + Wall of Blossoms (though a very effective card drawing engine it does seem to lack the draw-power to feed Forbid for anything more than than only the most crucial threats). It's a card I tend to save for Wrath effects or anything that might remove Prophet of Kruphix but the whole point of it's inclusion is to maximize the number of spells I can counter while taking up the least number of deck slots. Another thing to keep in mind though is knowing when to bounce your own combo pieces to ensure a smoother recovery.

Right now my Wrath recovery consists of Abundance + Memory's Journey . Not exactly the perfect answer but Abundance seems to me like an underestimated tool. Memory's Journey however was just included to balance out the B/G ratio but now that I've been leaning towards Uncle Johnny's Power Bounce test deck #2(AggroISH) I might replace it with Gaea's Blessing which proved to be a better option in the decks earlier days. I once won a game against an opponent by milling him despite the fact he had Angelic Chorus + Serra Avatar and 400+ life. The ability to recycle my deck, replace the card that did so, and then dig through to find either mana or spells depending on my needs just works in the long game. It takes a lot of the worry out of chump blocking or casting spells without Buyback.

As far as RELYING the mana weenies and the weakness of Capsize though I just don't know. In the early game the combo to set-up is Prophet of Kruphix + Tradewind Rider . Since summoning sickness does't prevent you from tapping the Prophet to pay for the Rider's ability any turn 1 or 2 mana weenie both speeds up the combo and pays the Rider's ability just as well as any other creature. Capsize + Prophet of Kruphix comes in the later game. As long as you have 6 lands you can chump block with anything but one of your Prophet of Kruphixes and still return more lands to your opponents hand than he can play in a turn, eventually preventing him from replaying the creature that was threating you.

And YES, I would love to improve the mana-base. I'd love to nab a few Breeding Pools or Misty Rainforests, as those seem to work best with Selkie Hedge-Mage.

May 11, 2015 7:19 a.m.

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