Power Budget Cyclops v 2.0

Unformat TunaHero


musclebeach says... #1

Okay, I'll comment incase no one else will. This is an extreme budget. I'm not saying its bad but I will say it will not beat top tier decks which you will see at any FNM. I like originality though, but there are problems. Not having a real play until turn 3-4 without using a bestow creature and excluding shock makes this build slow. With brute strength comes a slow moving deck. I would consider some options in the one drop and two drop category that you are not rely on for their bestow. Just an example, rakdos cackler is a one drop, unleashed is a 22 and on turn two, madcap to make him a 52. Also, Boros charm doesn't fit for you would need to splash in plains just for it. Or dual lands which raise your budget or slows you down that much more.

Thunderous Might is worth considering. Hope I helped a little and good luck.

February 19, 2014 8:59 p.m.

musclebeach says... #2

Here's a look at my pre BNG budget deck for ideas, I build it for 18 bucks.


February 19, 2014 9:02 p.m.

TunaHero says... #3

Thank you musclebeach for some feedback! I'll consider the Rakdos Cackler and I'm definitely adding a few Thunderous Might . I have all the cards for the deck originally and I've been play testing it against a few others for a bit now and I do agree it starts out too slow. The deck originally had a splash of white but I've taken it out and just haven't updated the page for it yet.

February 19, 2014 11:30 p.m.

Alcolitox says... #4

Some Lightning Strike on Sb for quick aggro decks? and y not Lightning Talons to boost your creatures? also Titan's Strength it can make you win faster and deal more dmg, and y not you have scry 1, all those are common cheap cards... hope it helped

February 20, 2014 4:40 p.m.

TunaHero says... #5

Yes it did Alcolitox! Thank you! I like the idea of the Lightning Talons and I'm considering a few instants like Titan's Strength in place of the Shocks.

February 20, 2014 7 p.m.

musclebeach says... #6

Okay I've been meaning to get back to you with how to get this build more effective and efficient. And budget! I love budget decks and they can compete trust me. I'm keeping some of your theme, no one runs Cyclops and I say why not? Here's what I would do.

This build is slow you recognized that, and the bestow mechanic is slow, so together, too slow. There's a better way. So -4 rollicker and -1 everflame. -2 unicorn, too slow and you just don't need it running monored. -2 one eyed pass, I know he's a Cyclops but need to make room for better options. -2 rambler, I'll explain this, he's a 2-1 with trample, not bad, but for 1R you can do +3 firedrinker satyr. Yes, he's a rare, but a cheap one.

Also, in your four spot +3 fanatic of mogis. And in the two slot +3 rakdos shred freak. This is to build up that devotion which this build will now have tons of!

Here's the build I'm thinkingRakdos Cackler x3Firedrinker Satyr x3Rakdos Shred-Freak x3Everflame Eidolon x3Archetype of Aggression x3Ill-Tempered Cyclops x3Fanatic of Mogis x3Cyclops Tyrant x2

Madcap Skills x3Messenger's Speed x3Thunderous Might x3Lightning Strike x3Titan's Strength x3

mountain x22

This should be well in budget even with the uncommons and the one rare.

February 24, 2014 12:50 p.m.

Alcolitox says... #7

Check my Budget Deck

MonoG 1 CMC

February 24, 2014 2:18 p.m.

TunaHero says... #8

Wow, musclebeach thank you so much for the deck advice! I honestly don't know how this deck would have come to par anywhere close to what is now without your help! I am going to credit you for a majority of the capability of this deck by the way. Thank you so much! I'll be play testing this for a bit to get the general idea of the deck again.

February 25, 2014 9:53 p.m.

musclebeach says... #9

Your welcome and good luck

February 26, 2014 9:20 a.m.

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