Worship + Near-Death Experience = A sweet combp, but maybe not what you're looking for. Also works with Angel's Grace
June 5, 2014 6:20 p.m.
Smellygoat11 says... #3
WickKid 52: You have a point. I love Akroma's Devoted however, so I decided to add 4 Emeria, The Sky Ruin and replace my Order of Whiteclay with some Weathered Wayfarer to help the deck go a bit faster and have some more reliable graveyard interaction.
ulamoguy: Awesome combo! Unfortunately not what I'm looking for here though, sorry :)
June 5, 2014 6:23 p.m.
look into black clerics, B/W is the way to go for clerics.
June 6, 2014 11:58 a.m.
I tried my hand at a tribal cleric deck one time and it was fun but I didn't have access to as many copies of these cards as I really needed to make it work. +1 on idea. Love the Doubtless One .
Good luck!
June 6, 2014 11:59 a.m.
Fatboy26105 says... #6
Nice +1 what about Door of Destinies , Urza's Incubator or Coat of Arms or even Brass Herald ? All are good in tribals
June 10, 2014 6:01 p.m.
Smellygoat11 says... #7
I have decided to go for 3x Coat of Arms for this deck.
Door of Destinies was a close second, but I ultimately decided against it. I might replace a Coat of Arms with these though depending on how playtesting goes.
Urza's Incubator would be great if I had even a little bit of card draw in this deck, but unfortunately I will probably be top decking for most of the late game, so it won't really shine in this deck.
Brass Herald is awesome, but unfortunately he's not a cleric. I might reconsider him if playtesting goes badly for the current deck though. A card-draw engine might be needed.
Thanks for the suggestions man! :D
June 10, 2014 10:03 p.m.
If you want to be able to keep Order of Whiteclay in there and maximize the graveyard interaction Master Apothecary + Order of Whiteclay is a killer combo and would allow you to resurrect the low cmc clerics pretty much at will and gets around the issue you cited with Akroma's Devoted preventing it from tapping.
In fact, I'd say Master Apothecary is the backbone of cleric tribal as it gives each cleric an upgraded "Samite Healer" ability that can be used as soon as they hit the battlefield, regardless of summoning sickness.
And Akroma's Devoted + Master Apothecary is also extremely potent
I have a mono white cleric deck that I've been refining over the years, but just now posted to tappedout, that you might want to check out: Clerics - The Holy Warriors
June 12, 2014 7:05 a.m.
Smellygoat11 says... #9
Actually, that is a wonderful idea! I have taken out my 3x Ajani's Sunstriker , 2x High Ground , and 1x Coat of Arms to put 3x Master Apothecary and 3x Order of Whiteclay in.
Thank you!
June 12, 2014 7:37 p.m.
Hmm... I hadn't noticed Frontline Medic before now (wasn't playing at the time it was released). Looks like it could be brutal. I might have to work it into my deck :)
June 14, 2014 2:10 a.m.
While coat of arms is good, I found that when I used it in my cleric deck it backfired majorly when I went up against other tribal decks that are able to pump out way more of their tribesmen on the board with tokens and such. Guess it depends on your meta, so YMMV.
Also, it seems pretty vulnerable to board wipes.
WicKid52 says... #1
I don't really like Akroma's Devoted here. It makes it near impossible to tap Order of Whiteclay . May I suggest Icy Manipulator ?
June 5, 2014 6:16 p.m.