The swarm has arrived, and they're not happy. Can you survive the onslaught of the Slivers?
Aggressive is the definition of this build. The Slivers hit the field fast, and often, with seven one-droppers and a low CMC, adding more buffs to their fellow hive dwellers.Each Sliver adds a new dynamic to the situation on the battlefield, making it difficult for your opponent to react and keep up.
Some add buffs such as, First Strike, or Flying. While others prefer to simply make the others bigger. Suggestions Welcome!
- Current Record / 2-6
- Win Percentage / 25
"Seeing one slowly devour one of my party begged the question-- do they know what cruelty is?
--Hastric, Thunian scout
Blur Sliver
This creatures adds a lot to the speed of this deck, and helps prevent the opponent from adequate time to react to new threats that we're throwing out.
Diffusion Sliver
This sliver's ability can easily cripple decks such as burn, or builds that rely on removal to win. Combined with Thorn of Amethyst, it can become a tall order for our opponents to spot remove our creatures.
Frenzy Sliver
On it's own it's not to threatening. The real power comes when combined with Galerider Sliver. With our slivers having evasion, we can easily take advantage of the frenzy ability and maximize damage output.
Galerider Sliver
This card can be a game winner very easily, often times allowing you to attack without fear of blocks very early in the game. GS can be a bomb mid to late game, usually ending the game shortly after hitting the field if not removed.
Homing Sliver
Essentially an extra copy of any Sliver we may need, Syphon Sliver for health gaining, Galerider Sliver for evasion, or any other sliver that will help put us into an advantageous situation.
Leeching Sliver
I find this to be more effective then Frenzy Sliver. The biggest bonus being that the damage can't be prevented once your slivers are tapped and attacking. I find this most useful against combat deadlocks, allowing us to squeeze in any last bit of damage we may need with complete disregard to the opponent's blockers.
Predatory Sliver, Sinew Sliver
There are subtle differences between the two, but overall they accomplish the same goal. The strength of these slivers can't be stressed enough. At 2 CMC each, they hit the field early and quickly change the dynamic of the game.
Sentinel Sliver
We only run one copy here to prevent redundancy, but that doesn't take away from it's effectiveness. Combined with many of our other creature's abilities, this can be devastating to the opponent as you can relentlessly assault their defenses without sacrificing your own.
Striking Sliver
This played on turn one followed by a turn 2 lord can be a very effective early battlefield advantage.
Syphon Sliver
Dropping a Syphon Sliver almost always flips the game in your favor. The amount of life you can gain with this on the field can be substantial. Although having more than one out is redundant, it's to good not to have one hit the field every game.
The artifacts here work to our advantage, both speeding up our strategy, and slowing down our opponents...
Aether Vial
The major reason for the speed of this deck is this card. This allows us to flood the field quickly with creatures. We can also use it to put creatures into play at instant speed, which can really hurt an opponent who thought they had your defenses completely sized up.
Thorn of Amethyst
Great for slowing down combo decks such as infect, or storm. Also hurts burn, making Lightning Bolt cost 2 instead can begin to have a large effect on the game very quickly. Our build primarily relies on a creature swarm strategy, meaning it's negative effect on our build is minimal, and often crippling to other builds lacking mainboard artifact removal.
The Slivers have infested many lands and their spread seems almost unstoppable. These lands are mostly beneficial to casting creature spells and help with casting them with ease regardless of the spell color. Here are some of the fallen territories...
Ancient Ziggurat
Great for mana fixing, but we want to avoid a full playset since we do have non-creature spells.
Cavern of Souls
Unlike Sliver Hive, Cavern of Souls cannot produce Sliver tokens, however it makes up for this by making creature spells unable to be countered so long as it is used to cast the creature, which is easy to do considering it can tap for any color when playing a particular creature spell of the chosen type.
Mana Confluence
Easy mana fixing here, but at the cost of damage. Still, tapping this for will cost one life less then the 2 damage from one of the phyrexian mana symbols when casting Dismember.
This is a great card. Playing this along with a creature the same turn gives us two creatures capable of attacking the following turn, unless you have a Blus sliver in play. This helps us with creating multiple threats quickly, or having a surprise blocker.
Reflecting Pool
This card can be a double-edged sword. You don't want a starting hand with this and no other lads capable of producing colored mana, but thats a minor risk considering how easy your opening hand will have an Ancient Ziggurat, Cavern of Souls,Mana Confluence, or a Sliver Hive.
Sliver Hive
This is the main land of the build, allowing us easy mana fixing for our creature spells, and can even help us flood the board with slivers late game.
"The hive shimmered, and its walls seemed a living mirror."
--Hastric, Thunian scout
Darkheart Sliver
Great option for siding in against burn, sacking our creatures in response to them being zapped. Also can stretch a game longer than our opponent wants by avoiding lethal damage, and buying us an extra turn we may need to win.
Another great use is to sack tokens we create late game with Sliver Hive, to keep our life climbing.
Diffusion Sliver
The modern replacement for Crystalline Sliver. Not quite as effective, but still works well to slow down builds such as burn. This may be sided in against heavy removal decks to supplement the Crystalline Sliver's.
Usually sided in against tall aggro builds and combo decks such as infect.
Ghost Quarter
We bring this in against decks that rely heavily on special lands to gain victory, such as Eldrazi, or Tron.
Harmonic Sliver
Great for slowing down Affinity or decks heavy with enchantments such as Bogles, while not sacrificing creature spells. It also triggers itself when entering the battlefield.
Necrotic Sliver
With the ability to produce tokens using Sliver Hive, we can side this in for slower games to help establish late game board control.
Torpor Orb
Hoses decks that love ETB effects, such as Soul Sisters, which is a notoriously bad match for us. We can also hose any strategies using Snapcaster Mage to bring back spells from the yard.
The beauty of this card is that Slivers effects aren't ETB effects, so it doesn't hinder us at all.
Venom Sliver
I have one copy here to bring in against creature based strategies. Combines well with Striking Sliver to end deadlocks.
"I see in their interconnectedness a strange embodiment of the natural order."
--Dionus, elvish archdruid
Grafdigger's Cage
I originally had this in place over Torpor Orb, but in playtesting, I determined Soul Sisters was to large a threat to leave unanswered.
Phantasmal Image
A great option here, typically in place of Homing Sliver. However I felt Homing Sliver added more inevitability to the build, allowing us to dig for the best threat available, as opposed to needing one in play to simply gain a redundant ability.
Manaweft Sliver, Gemhide Sliver
Most sliver run one or both of these. It's great for mana fixing while putting a body on the field that benefits from all our buffs.