Fried Salami

Commander / EDH Archwizard

SCORE: 247 | 298 COMMENTS | 78187 VIEWS | IN 99 FOLDERS

iftox says... #1

Hey what do you think of the new card Flood of Recollection as another flashback effect? It has much better synergy with cheap counter spells than Snapcaster Mage or Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip. Jace's counter spells can only be used on your turn, so he generally only flashes back a counter spell on your combo turn. Snapcaster can't be used on Force of Will, and often feels a bit clunky because he's essentially a 3-4 mana counter spell, which is hard to cast when you need 4-5 mana to combo off. With FoR you can invest mana on a previous turn and save the counter spell until you need it. However it lacks wizard synergy and it may be a bit too redundant. It could be worth testing though.

I've also really been liking Vendilion Clique as a way to deal with Krosan Grip and other uncounterable disruption. I guess it's more of a tech card for a green-based or heavy control meta, but being able to check for disruption is pretty good against most decks.

February 2, 2018 5:53 p.m.

Archwizard says... #2

iftox Flood of Recollection is certainly a decent card. I do not believe it will replace Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip or Snapcaster Mage because overall I do not believe it is better than either of them for a number of reasons. It may be a worthy replacement for some other cards, however I'm not sure if Azami really needs more recursion in her current state. It is certainly worthy of testing though.

Vendilion Clique is definitely a good tool, but I believe it to be a tech card as you said. Also, I am very hesitant to have wizards that cost 3 or more mana. Trinket Mage is an exception just cause he's so damn good.

February 3, 2018 4:41 p.m. Edited.

Great name for the deck XD

February 7, 2018 5:41 p.m.

darklord1135 says... #4

Curious because I have seen so many Azami build like with this trait: Why do you play so few creatures? Aren't you supposed to take advantage of her ability? And why so many wizards that have purposes when you sac them or have abilities so you have to choose between azami's or its own? And the ones when you sac are then useless to azami.

February 7, 2018 5:50 p.m.

Archwizard says... #5

darklord1135 The reason I run so few is because of the fact that without Azami most wizards are useless on their own so I have looked to minimize dead draws. This is why most of the wizards in this list are good independently of her. Also, we really don't need many wizards to get ourselves going. Usually if we have 2 (including Azami) we're in pretty good shape. The sacing and tapping abilities on certain wizards are useful to me in specific scenarios (combo turns or early game) if I already have Azami out , but usually Azami's ability takes precedence over other activated abilities.

February 7, 2018 6:51 p.m.

rockingcheerio says... #6

back again. curious about your landbase, specifically Minamo. why's it in there?

February 9, 2018 2:53 p.m.

Archwizard says... #7

rockingcheerio I have it in the list to get extra draws from Azami when we're low on wizards or have extra mana to spare. Minamo is just pretty optional to be honest. It's not all that necessary and it's very possible I cut it soon. Islands are usually more beneficial anyways because of High Tide and Back to Basics. I'll probably do a bit more testing with it.

February 9, 2018 3:30 p.m. Edited.

ToshiroU says... #8

Hey my friend,

maybe u still remember me from my last comment. I wanted to share my current list with you:

Azami Lady of Scrolls cEDH

There are some cardchoices we got different and your list is for sure a little more in the competitive folder (I brew without Twister and Candelabra). I'm still very satisfied with my list, i got pretty good results so far - only struggling a bit vs. Thrasios / Thymna but that was expected and can be adjusted to only slightly (Spell Pierce, Spell Snare, Stifle, Grafdiggers Cage). I actually had surprisingly good results with Mindbreak Trap in a competitive environment - would be interested in your experiences and your thoughts on that card...

Anyway - greetings and hope you get along :)


February 19, 2018 6:09 a.m.

Archwizard says... #9

ToshiroU Thank you for the comment, you're very kind. Pierce, Stifle, and Grafdigger's are all wonderful picks in cEDH. Snare is more of a meta call, but I think it's somewhat necessary because it hits so many cards that hose us. In terms of my thoughts on Mindbreak Trap, I think it's good for certain metas. Personally, I don't have the space for it right now and I am happy with the interaction I currently play. If it has been working for you in your meta then I recommend you hang onto it. Azami has quite a bit of flexible slots and her interaction should be customized to what works in your environment.

February 19, 2018 6:07 p.m. Edited.

IronBlackZepp says... #10

Hey Archwizard. Few cards I've been thinking about for Azami. Wanted your opinions because your awesome!


Power artifact

Gilded lotus

Memory jar

Patron wizard- still assuming you think its too slow, but now that Azami is more combo/control thought I'd reintroduce the idea.

Academy ruins


February 27, 2018 6:01 p.m.

Archwizard says... #11


Snap It's a very solid pick for Azami and it will be included in my maybeboard once I get around to writing the primer. I just don't have the space for it mainboard right now.

Power Artifact Problem is that the only really meaningful interaction it has in our deck is with Grim Monolith and making infinite colorless really doesn't do much for us. It has the potential to be really good in the correct scenarios, but most of the time it's a dead draw.

Gilded Lotus This is kind of an interesting one 'cause it has great synergy with Transmute Artifact to get Paradox Engine and by itself it's not a bad rock either. Currently my slots will not allow for it, but it may be good enough in the future.

Memory Jar If Azami was a more storm oriented deck then I might consider it, but I don't think it's all that great for her as of now.

Patron Wizard Yes, unfortunately he is still too slow and his ability conflicts too much with Azami's.

Academy Ruins The ability is cute and all but we'd much rather have islands due to High Tide and Back to Basics

February 27, 2018 8:19 p.m.

Como says... #12


I wanted to know why you use Mana Leak. I've been thinking about it, but I don't know. I've been thinking about using it over Flusterstorm.

March 21, 2018 2:31 a.m.

Archwizard says... #13

Comodou Mana Leak is a great all purpose counterspell that is mana efficient. I think a lot of people underestimate it because it's just another taxing counterspell. It has proven to be very solid in testing. I don't think it qualifies to be a replacement for Flusterstorm, but I believe it is one of the better cost counterspells for a mono blue deck.

March 22, 2018 3:44 p.m.

kameenook says... #14

Why do you run Mana Leak over Logic Knot ?

March 22, 2018 4:05 p.m.

Archwizard says... #15

kameenook Simply because of the additional blue that it costs. If I were to run a counterspell in place of Leak that costs me I'd likely choose the new wizard one . However, I don't see anything replacing Leak in my list for now.

March 22, 2018 4:15 p.m.

Como says... #16

Why not use Arcane Denial? I was thinking of taking out Arcane Denial, but there are times with the draw one does matter at times. Is it mostly because of the controller of the countered spell getting 2 cards?

March 23, 2018 1:59 a.m.

Archwizard says... #17

Comodou Yes, giving our opponent 2 cards to counter their spell is pretty bad. Competitive EDH decks that have room for more counterspells don't run Arcane Denial at all because of this. The only time the card is good is when your opponent forgets to draw or somehow decides they don't want to.

March 23, 2018 6 p.m.

ToshiroU says... #18

Hey Archwizard,

I worked a bit on my list since I commented the lasts time and now there are only 2 replacements left.

Now that I see your list again, I'm very curious about your thoughts on changing LabMan for Stroke of Genius and Codex Shredder. Why did you change these and isn't it better to have one wincon with maybe Paradox-Scepter with Swan Song into Copy Artifact as backup?


March 28, 2018 5:57 p.m.

Archwizard says... #19


Both wincons in my deck (Stroke and Shredder) work off of Paradox Engine or Iso/Dramatic. Also, they work somewhat in tandem with one another. I can use Shredder's second ability in a Timetwister loop to have "infinite" casts of my library which means "infinite" casts of Stroke. The beauty is that both of them have their own utilities outside of the combo and can be used independently of one another. By himself Lab Man is a dead card if we don't have Azami out. Even if we do have Azami out paying 3 mana to draw an additional card isn't great when we our exposing one of our wincons. Furthermore, the infinite swan combo you are describing requires us to have Engine, Scepter, and Swan Song together to win plus it requires us to pass the turn. I hope I explained well enough to answer your question.

March 28, 2018 7:25 p.m. Edited.

kameenook says... #20

I'm not convinced that the colorless mana is worth it as opposed to the higher utility of logic knot, you've got only two lands that make colorless mana, and ancient tomb isn't good with mana leak anyways, and the only other cards it really synergies with are mana crypt and sapphire medallion. Hardly enough in my opinion to not take the higher upside card .

March 28, 2018 9:38 p.m.

Archwizard says... #21


To get the same effect as Mana Leak from Logic Knot not only requires an additional , but also makes us pay additional mana or exile cards. Now, exiling 3 cards may not seem like a huge deal, but it kinda is. We're looking to feed Dig Through Time, Snapcaster Mage, and Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip. Also, the amount of 1 mana counterspells that this deck plays is quite a lot, meaning that we can do a lot with one blue mana. Running Mana Leak over Logic Knot is the difference between us being able to cast 1 counter or 2 counters.

cEDH is all about early advantages and Mana Leak is just way better at stopping them than Logic Knot. I have been in the cEDH community for quite some time now and I haven't seen a single cEDH deck play Logic Knot EVER, however there are a decent number of lists that play Leak for the reasons listed above. See here --> Jeleva Slim, Mommy Issues, Baral Draw-Go Control

March 28, 2018 10:44 p.m.

what should i put in instead of timetwister

April 20, 2018 1:37 a.m.

Archwizard says... #23

WrinkleBeast16 That's kind of a tough question because there is no great replacement. Many times people will suggest Time Spiral as a replacement, but considering that it's already in my list it's out of the question. Lots of people like to hate on Day's Undoing as a replacement due to its end the turn and exile clauses (which I think is a fair argument), but I don't believe it's as terrible for Azami as it is in other decks. The reason is that Azami loves to dump a lot of rocks early on and doesn't have a way to recover a lot of cards effectively besides casting a wheel or having some form of passive card draw available (Mystic Remora / Rhystic Study). Anyways, I regress, I think Day's Undoing is a fine budget option for Azami, however if you don't want to play it I'd suggest other card draw or tutors Manifold Insights / Reshape etc.

April 24, 2018 1:34 a.m.

bcapozzi126 says... #24

Hey Archwizard! I've been eyeballing this list, and was wondering if either you know of solid budget versions of this deck, or (preferably) just looking at this deck, what budget considerations you would make, in lieu of some of the more expensive pieces. I'm really interested in building this, but I'm also a budget player, so I'd like to at least start with a solidly competitive build that can be gradually optimized.

May 13, 2018 10:13 a.m.

Archwizard says... #25

bcapozzi126 Once I complete the primer for this deck I will be releasing budget variations of this list at different price points. I don't know what is out of your budget so it is somewhat difficult for me to tell you how many cards you should be replacing from this list. If you browse the comments section of this list you will find that I make a lot of suggestions for budget replacements to specific cards. Also, I would like to note that if you are looking to get into competitive EDH and eventually upgrade a list into a competitive EDH deck then Azami is not for you. I would say Azami is a high power commander, but doesn't really meet the standards of a true cEDH deck.

May 13, 2018 1:42 p.m.

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