Fried Salami

Commander / EDH Archwizard

SCORE: 247 | 298 COMMENTS | 78187 VIEWS | IN 99 FOLDERS

Archwizard says... #1

I've been looking at it. I've always wanted a good wizard token generator, but I'm still unsure as to if it'll fit in. It costs 5 mana to cast and it itself isn't a wizard. Not sure really what I'd want to cut for it if I were to run it. I may try it out, but odds are I won't end up keeping it. But, Unsubstantiate from EMN will definitely be making it onto my list.

June 30, 2016 12:52 p.m.

Necrodart says... #2

No Tidespout even though you're running rocks, shame on you.

July 8, 2016 7:05 p.m.

IronBlackZepp says... #4

I play a deck that is so close to this one in style. I think that the next step is creating a side board. Cards like flusterstorm and mental mistep come in handy against storm decks, it might be helpful to have these cards availiable. I won a tournament with mine a few weeks ago and these cards came in handy against zur and friends who can combo out at the same speed as our commander.

July 17, 2016 4:22 a.m.

Archwizard says... #5

Technically Commander doesn't have an official sideboard and the LGS I usually play at doesn't allow one for something like Cunning Wish. Believe me, I'd make one if it were worth it for me to do so, but in EDH it's really dependent on where you play.

July 17, 2016 6:06 p.m.

CricketYT says... #6

Check out my deck Wizards, Mages, and Mystics, oh my! for some potential suggestions. great deck man, +1

July 17, 2016 6:12 p.m.

Archwizard says... #7

CricketYT Thank you for checking out my deck and for the kind words. Your deck looks pretty well optimized for a control heavy build of Azami. Gave your deck a +1. For some reason it doesn't say that you gave mine a +1, but that might just be TappedOut goofing up. Cheers!

July 17, 2016 6:25 p.m.

AlucardZain says... #8

Very nice Azami EDH and love the altered card form of Azami! +1 from me man! I also run an Azami EDH, albeit not as good, but I have so much fun with it. Feel free to take a gander at mine and comment on it! I like feedback!

July 23, 2016 11:53 p.m.

blackfire2400 says... #9

Archaeomancer + Rite of Replication + Time Warp gives you both infinite turns and infinite 1/2 wizard creatures as lond as you have 14 mana and Archaeomancer in play

August 2, 2016 10:33 p.m.

IronBlackZepp says... #10

I have been testing windfall and it works great. I imagine time twister will be great as well. You might wanna test them.

August 11, 2016 2:42 p.m.

IronBlackZepp says... #11

I dont know about silver myr. You seem to have plenty of ramp and that thing dies to removal.

August 11, 2016 3:05 p.m.

Archwizard says... #12

IronBlackZepp Windfall and Timetwister are both great. I have debated running them, but really they are most effective when I dump my hand turn 1 and that doesn't happen extremely frequently. I end up chaining extra turns for awhile so it's not like I'm in desperate need to get rid of my whole hand and fill everyone else's in the process. Really don't know what I'd wanna cut for them. As for the Silver Myr, I run as many fast early blue sources as I possibly can. This deck loves having early blue open. The "dies to removal" argument is one of the silliest arguments in all of magic. The amount of times someone will actually spot remove my myr are practically 0 and I don't currently play in a board wipe heavy meta. Even if I did I'd be far more worried about losing wizards than a Silver Myr. Thanks for the suggestions.

August 11, 2016 8:01 p.m.

Burgdawg says... #13

Question: How many people do you usually take on with this deck at a time?

August 19, 2016 12:09 a.m.

Archwizard says... #14

Burgdawg I generally play in 4 player pods, but I sometimes 1 v 1 (granted they are also using a regular edh legal deck).

August 19, 2016 10:24 p.m.

Burgdawg says... #15

Nice, that's the same group size that I'm aiming for. Why no Time Stretch? Two extra turns for one card is pretty snazzy. +1 from me, I like playing magic with myself with a captive audience. Take a look at mine? Azami, Lady of Beatin' Yo A**

August 25, 2016 2:09 a.m.

Archwizard says... #16

Burgdawg My reasoning for not running Time Stretch is purely because it costs too much. This deck is more about casting cheaper extra turn spells and recurring them with things like Snapcaster Mage, Archaeomancer, and Call to Mind. It is a good spell, but I just like to keep this deck as efficient as possible. My next desired cut is Part the Waterveil for Capture of Jingzhou just because of the fact that it's strictly better, only problem with that is the price tag haha.

August 25, 2016 10:05 a.m.

Burgdawg says... #17

Makes sense, I recently playtested my deck with more extra turn cards (only had 2 before) and I love it. I get what you mean by either commit to the extra turn or don't thing. My only question now I guess is do you ever feel naked without extra Wincons? What do you do if Laboratory Maniac gets rfg'd? Granted it shouldn't happen as we're playing control, but with a 4 person pod weirder things have happened.

August 27, 2016 10:41 a.m.

Archwizard says... #18

Burgdawg Honestly, my deck has gotten so consistent with having one wincon that it really doesn't need any other win cons. Generally I'm not gonna cast Laboratory Maniac until I can combo off and when that happens you can be damn well sure I have control of the entire game by that point. The only thing I really have to worry about are effects that remove him from my hand or from my deck like Jester's Cap or Thoughtseize (doesn't rfg but it'll slow me down until I can cast Time Spiral) and I haven't really encountered those cards often enough to justify running another win con. If you do play in a meta where a lot of people remove cards directly from your hand or deck then run another wincon, but really you shouldn't worry too much about him being removed from the board. If lab man does get removed from the board then you're doing it wrong. Thanks for the comments!

August 27, 2016 2:12 p.m.

Pownu says... #19

Nice deck! +1 for mono blue. I was wondering if you could take a look at a deck I'm working on, Look to Tomorrow to Win Today. I'm new to commander, and I'm trying to make a good budget mono blue deck, (not necessarily super competitive). Any advice you could give would mean a lot. Thanks!

August 30, 2016 5:34 p.m.

Burgdawg says... #20

Question#408: How often does Rings of Brighthearth come in handy? I've never got the combo out with Grim Monolith so I'm thinking about cutting it for a different rock and cutting Rings of Brighthearth for Dramatic reversal because of the sexiest of double draw for 2.

October 7, 2016 4:08 a.m.

Archwizard says... #21

First of all, Rings of Brighthearth doesn't combo with Grim Monolith. It only combos with Basalt Monolith and as for the usefulness of the combo it is very useful. In fact Basalt Monolith, Rings of Brighthearth, and Sensei's Divining Top is one of the combos that wins the game for this deck.

October 8, 2016 3:36 p.m.

Psychic Trance is a little-known card that increases in value the more wizards you have.

October 8, 2016 3:55 p.m.

Dk1997 says... #23

how dors Basalt Monolith and Rings of Brighthearth combo when Basalt Monolith is a mana ability and Rings of Brighthearth strictly says it can't be copied if its a mana ability

October 10, 2016 2:12 a.m.

You focus on Basalt Monolith's untap ability. That is not a mana ability.

You tap the Monolith for mana, then use that 3 mana to activate its ability. Using 2 mana from an outside source, you pay for Rings of Brighthearth's trigger, thus giving you 2 instances of untapping the Monolith.

The first resolves, untapping it. Then you tap it for 3 again with the second untap still on the stack. Then that resolves and you untap once more. You tap it again for 3 more mana, now floating 6.

Use 3 of it to untap, and 2 of it to copy the untap. Netting 1 mana every time.

October 10, 2016 4:02 a.m.

Dk1997 says... #25

Thanks for confirming that for me, i actually figured that shortly after i commented,

October 10, 2016 4:37 a.m.

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