HowlingFoxGPH says... #2
I want that version of Azami, Lady of Scrolls where can i get that?!
I like the theme of the deck.. "sit back and relax my opponents, and gaze upon the beauty of azami!" Upvote+1
October 18, 2016 12:19 a.m.
Docent of Perfection Flip will help with the wizard generation.
October 31, 2016 3:04 p.m.
Archwizard says... #4
Tpsig567 I have tested with Docent a bit and I have to say it's underwhelming for this list. My deck tends to go too fast to run a token generator like Docent. If Wizards prints a lower costed wizard token generator I will probably use it, but as of right now the deck doesn't have any issue with getting wizards out.
October 31, 2016 5:11 p.m.
As a Temporal Azami player, what are your thoughts on Lighthouse Chronologist? It doesn't chain turns together, but it does still give you a lot of card advantage and tempo. I've found it to be a solid control enabler, so I'm curious how you think it would do in a temporal build.
Also, I saw someone mentioned Timetwister earlier, I think it's worth pointing out that it doesn't just refill your hand and recur your grave, but it also disrupts opponents' hands and graveyards as well, which can be used to mess with decks that do a lot of early tutoring, either to the hand or grave.
Really solid list, probably the best Temporal Azami list I've seen.
November 13, 2016 4:15 p.m.
Archwizard says... #6
Roryrai Personally I'm not a fan of Lighthouse Chronologist. It's because early on I want to ramp out and cast Azami and build my board with wizards and directly after I want to either chain turns or start tutoring combo pieces. The fact that I can only activate his level up ability at sorcery speed means I need to invest time and resources into making him become relevant.
That comment about Timetwister was from awhile ago, the deck has changed a bunch since then. I can definitely see it being a great addition to my deck as it is now, only problem being the hefty price tag.
Thank you for the comment. I've been seeing a bunch of competitive control based Azami lists pop up lately. I've been thinking of switching from Temporal build to control build due to increased consistency. Not sure if I'll go through with it. As a control Azami player what are the most difficult matchups? How do you fare against fast aggro? I feel like some of your counters are geared toward a combo / combo control meta, which isn't a bad thing if you're in a combo / combo control meta of course. Personally I like to have my counters be general counters that work for just about anything, that being said they lack speed and efficiency in specific match ups. Anyways, I'd love to hear more of your thoughts and opinions. Cheers!
November 13, 2016 5:16 p.m.
That's pretty much what I was expecting you to say about Lighthouse Chronologist in the Temporal build. I think it does more work in the control variant.
I'm planning on writing a matchups section on my list soonish. I'm hoping I'll have that done by the end of the year - it's a lot of writing and I probably won't have time until after finals. For now though I think the biggest problems facing the control variant are stax decks, and the danger that someone else can go off before you do. Sometimes depending on the situation you can take advantage of the stax player to catch up to the fast combo commanders, but not always.
As for counterspells it really is meta-dependent. Recently my games have been me and my friends messing around with a bunch of proxied competitive stuff I put together so we would have relatively equal power decks to play (instead of me curbstomping every game with Dramatic Azami). If you're in a fast combo meta, the early control is really strong even if it's more niche. If you can afford to wait a few turns, you'll get more value out of things like Forbid than you will from Mental Misstep.
November 13, 2016 5:44 p.m.
AlucardZain says... #8
Hey, would you take a look at my Azami build again? It has been upgraded with some new stuff, would love to hear your input again!
November 13, 2016 8:03 p.m.
IronBlackZepp says... #11
I like the changes you have made to your list since the last time I looked! I really do think that temporal azami is the best way to go. I think you should work on a few things, and luckily they are not big things! first off I would start replacing some of the higher cost wizards with cheaper ones. with my list I have noticed quite a difference in speed since I did this. I was able to cut down on creatures from 15 to 11 and add more non azami related draw spells while not loosing speed or consistiancy. another thing is counter spells. the cheaper the spell the more usable it is. flusterstorm and mental misstep are good because people try to kill azami the turn she comes out. usually they use spot removal like path. while these spells do not counter everything they come in handy in those type of situations. other then that windfall is a good card for those on a budget!
November 19, 2016 1:23 p.m.
IronBlackZepp says... #12
Well I guess you are playing some pretty cheap creatures. I would probably only replace venser and glen elandra.
November 19, 2016 7:42 p.m.
Archwizard says... #13
IronBlackZepp Believe it or not I am in the process of converting this build (which was temporal) into a more hardcore control build for more consistency and competitiveness. Foil Mental Misstep is currently in the mail for me and I have been thinking about getting Flusterstorm. As for Venser, Shaper Savant and Glen Elendra Archmage they are decent targets for cuts, but I may end up keeping them. Considering I will be replacing the extra turns and some other pieces that are better in the Temporal Build for some more removal, counters, and general control spells. I want to keep a decent amount of wizards in my deck. Azami wants to have as many as possible without sacrificing control and consistency. I think 15 is a reasonable amount to have especially considering most of them have their own way of controlling my opponents. Thanks for the suggestions.
November 19, 2016 10:56 p.m.
I ended up dropping Glen Elendra Archmage in favor of Cursecatcher, the idea being that the latter hits early tutors which can slow opponents down, whereas Glen Elendra felt too slow. I haven't had a whole lot of chances to playtest, though, but I think it has promise.
I tend to agree on the number of wizards, I think I'm running 18 or so personally.
November 20, 2016 12:52 a.m.
Archwizard says... #15
Roryrai I did add Cursecatcher back into my list (I had it in my list, but took it out cause in the Temporal Build Sidisi's Faithful was overall a better choice). I still feel that Glen is a powerful wizard despite her cost. The fact that I basically have a guaranteed counter for 2 noncreature spells and I can draw off of her after I sac her the first time is really pretty good in my opinion. Keep in mind I'm still running a decent amount of rocks to a) Be able to ramp if need be and b) fuel Dramatic / Scepter combo. I will continue to do more rigorous testing with Glen and Venser to see how it goes. Thanks for your opinions.
November 20, 2016 1:27 a.m.
Why move away from the Temporal build? You say to be more competitive but what's more of a lockdown: having lots of counters or having slightly less counters but chaining turns together to not let your opponents do anything? More questions/points.
I like Venser, Shaper Savant simply because there's only so many ways around spells that "can't be countered." He also has flash and at the very least he's uptempo on a body that draws you cards.
Agree with you on Glen Elendra Archmage
Does Back to Basics work for you? Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is a house in this deck and I'm hesitant to shut it down. Although with all the 4 color decks running around...
Take another look at mine if you get the chance!
November 20, 2016 2:05 a.m.
Oh, Glen Elendra is fantastic if you can get it out. If you're able to consistently ramp into it you could probably convince me to put it back in my list. The problem I was having in playtests was safely getting it out early enough to be relevant. I think you have a couple more rocks than I do (I've been hesitant to add as many of the tapped rocks yet) so let me know if that ends up working out well for you.
November 20, 2016 2:43 a.m.
Archwizard says... #18
Burgdawg Temporal build works excellently in a meta with little to no blue players, but if there is a hardcore control deck at the table or a combo deck that uses a combo that sets up on turn 1 or 2 then you're kinda out of luck with the temporal build. The hard control deck (if piloted correctly) will probably have multiple counters for your extra turns. Also, for the extra turns to be good you have to have a board state of wizards built up. Rather than rush out wizards and slap down Azami it is much safer for her to sit back and counter while building a board. After all, Azami is one of the best late game commanders out there. In short, I just think Temporal is a lot more disruptable in a competitive environment. I still think the Temporal build works very well just not as often as the control build does.
I like Venser as well for his flash and utility, but who knows I may decide to cut him.
Back to Basics hoses a lot of decks and it will generally be a lot more beneficial to you than harmful (unless of course you're in a very mono colored meta.) I also had the same idea about the 4 colored decks which is just another reason to run it. Nykthos definitely is a house and it is one of many reasons for why I will purchase a Candelabra of Tawnos. That way I can get around Back to Basics or just net a stupid amount of mana.
Thanks for commenting! I will take a look at your deck.
November 20, 2016 2:50 a.m.
Archwizard says... #19
Roryrai I've found that the tapped rocks work pretty well. I mean I also run Transmute Artifact which makes it beneficial to run a bunch of 2 drop rocks. That way I can just go straight for an Isochron Scepter without paying additional mana. Also, the number of times I've gone turn 1 land, Sol ring / Mana Crypt, 2 drop rock that taps for blue into a turn 2 Azami is quite high.
November 20, 2016 3:26 a.m.
I see... the way I've always dealt with playing vs control is saving my counters for their counters, Boseiju, Who Shelters All (Tolaria West transmutes into it), and by strategically waiting until they tap out for something if possible. True, it requires more wizards to be out which is why I run 20 and have Intruder Alarm to suck more draw out of them. Although hard control has more answers, unless you're vs another Azami player or Damia, you can often bury them in card advantage. Perhaps I'll build it both ways and test it, my deck was originally hard control but as soon as I discovered Temporal build I stepped away from it
November 20, 2016 4:13 a.m.
Archwizard says... #21
Burgdawg Problem I've found is that generally there isn't just that one control player or combo player trying to screw you. There'll also be that cheeky mono red player playing Boil and Price of Glory or there'll be that Gruul player who can get a lethal creature to swing by turn 3 and the list just goes on. Maybe you play in a different meta where Temporal is the favorable build. After all, I do believe Commander is a very meta dependent format. I am a student at an institute of technology and our meta is pretty diverse. But, I am primarily making this deck to compete at the infamous "combo table" that we have here. It is comprised of 3 guys who all have highly competitive and degenerate decks. They leave the 4th spot open so that people can play with them. Basically, I'm gonna transition this deck so that it can deal with the turn 1 reanimator combo player or the hermit druid player or the hardcore control player or the insert really degenerate deck here player. When faced with the extreme decks that are built to be tier 1 I believe Azami is just much better off with the heavier control shell.
November 20, 2016 3:43 p.m.
Have you thought about Riptide Laboratory works great with Vendilion Clique, Snapcaster Mage and other ETB like Venser, Shaper Savant, Trinket Mage, etc.
November 20, 2016 10:41 p.m.
Archwizard says... #23
mlequesne I just removed it because it's really underpowered considering the amount of mana it takes to get value out of it. It isn't very profitable with this build. Also now that I'm running Back to Basics it'll just become a hindrance.
November 20, 2016 10:51 p.m.
IronBlackZepp says... #24
I have a hermit druid deck and a zur storm deck that others play at times and I think that the temporal shells a good way to keep up. If you through in all the good counters you can go off and stop everyone at the same time. all 3 of these decks are able to go off turn 3 through 5. several azami builds are strong but they are all combo control builds. take a look at tenroses list. it uses a lot of transmute cards. oh and for hermit druid through in a tomods crypt and ruin his day lol!
November 21, 2016 10:42 p.m.
First off, I just got a new keyboard. I think I caught all of my typos but I might have missed something stupid.
Second, the deck. This definitely looks to be a more control focused build than what you had before. A lot of this is similar to my list so I'm going to go over my thoughts on some individual cards and then the list as a whole. All of this is just my first impretion of what's here (primarily what's different from my list) without looking too much in depth at it. I've had a long day and I'd also like your opinion on these things before digging too deep into the list.
DISCLAIMER: A fair amount of the list I have posted is theorycrafted based on a high-powered, optimized meta containing largely tier 1 and 2 commanders. My list attempts to optimize Azami for such a meta. The version I actually own is weaker, though I am actively working towards buying as much of my optimized list as I can. Of course it's still getting too strong for my LGS (and I want to keep it that way if I can). That said I have still piloted a combo-control build for several years so I like to think I have a good idea of how it wants to play.
Impulse, Frantic Search, Brainstorm, etc: You're running more dig spells than I am, which I think is honestly personal preference to an extent. You could probably convince me to run at least one or two of those, just because they offer a lot of draw value.
Intuition: I'm not personally a fan of Intuition in a deck without any real graveyard interaction. While it's a very good tutor, I prefer seeing it put opponents in a situation where they can't actually make a decision that doesn't benefit you in some way, and I don't see how Azami can pull that off. (Alternatively, I'm just really bad at using the card and don't know what I should be looking for with it.) So, I don't run one myself. How does it work out for you?
Memory Lapse: How well does this work out for you? I could see it being kinda rude but I haven't actually tried it.
Misdirection: Misdirection is a great card and I probably ought to be running one honestly. How much spot removal you see is meta dependent though.
Stifle: I don't currently run any anti-triggers or actives in my list but I was considering trying to find room for Trickbind just because of how much it stops. This is something that's probably pretty meta-dependent as well.
Thirst for Knowledge: Three mana for three cards is okay I guess? I feel like there are probably better options here.
Extraplanar Lens: So I dropped this from my list because it's theorycrafted around a fast, optimized meta, where there are generally better things to do with 3 mana. That said, Lens is a fantastic card for accelerating Azami to lategame, and she's already one of the best lategame generals out there. If it works in your meta then go for it.
Lotus Petal: It's a solid card and I've been meaning to do some testing with it, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
Scroll Rack: This one is straight up personal poreference, I dropped mine from my list only because I got rack locked multiple games in a row one night and it was just really annoying and unfun to play and I didn't feel like dealing with that possibility.
Ancient Tomb: Another preference card, I like having blue mana over having 2 mana a lot of the time so I decided not to run one myself. Part of this is due to trying to optimize around 1-mana counterspells where possible.
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip: He's decent, I never considered running him because of the price tag but I might look into it again as I try to fully optimize a list. How does it work for you?
Spellstutter Sprite: How useful is this in practice? I haven't really botherd testing it but I've seen plenty of people run it in various decks.
Day's Undoing: Holy crap it's a budget Timetwister why didn't I know about this now I don't have to drop $650 in order to have a chance of ever owning something that resembles my full list this is actually amazing.
Time Spiral: I still kinda need to form an opinion on this one. It's a way more expensive Timetwister but it refunds itself so I dunno. What are your thoughts on it?
Transmute Artifact: I'm assuming this is in to fetch Isochron Scepter for the combo. I don't run one because I didn't like the thought of having to sacrifice mana rocks to it.
Windfall: Another one I need to think more about before forming an opinion on it.
Seems solid, it looks like you've gone for more dig spells over wizards, and a slightly different counterspell arsenal than what I've been thinking is good. This approach can definitely work, I think, since depending on the speed of your meta those cheap dig spells can be better than havbing a wizard out to draw off of every turn. The pitfall I've seen some people walk into is running nothing BUT dig spells, so that you aren't ever digging into anything that's actually useful. You look like you've avoided that trap so it should be solid. Some things I would recommend looking at (purely in terms of card utility) are Dispel/Flusterstorm as these two excel at winning counter wars, as well as Sea Scryer since it's a fantastic mana dork that we can take full advantage of with Azami.
Dk1997 says... #1
Also feel free t check out my azami deck, it's slightly competitive and is only meant to draw out, and isn't meant to win but more have fun drawing alot, there's defiantly a few wizards that would make sense being in there but aren't because of high prices and them not being necessary
October 10, 2016 4:56 a.m.