A token for your Bombshell

Modern* vehonex


Kala says... #1

a few ideas: Illusions of Grandeur and Pyromancer's Swath. Also, tokens the phantasm gives them don't count toward zedruu's ability (I know that's not their purpose). In Addition, replace Urza's armor with Guardian Seraph or Orbs of Warding.

September 22, 2015 9:13 p.m. Edited.

vehonex says... #2

Kala:I love the Orbs of Warding, it's replacing the armor right away. At first I was curious about the Pyromancer's Swath but I see that it would be an amazing card for this deck. All in all I love the recommendations. Think I might throw Guardian Seraph into the side board and it might find a permanent spot if I find I'm low on creatures. This is the first deck I've made since I stopped playing mtg almost a decade ago.

September 22, 2015 10:16 p.m.

titanreaver says... #4

I like the concept quite a bit. I remember the first time I was handed and illusions of grandeur, not to pleasant and you have taken that concept even further. I just wonder if it isn't a bit slow. I think some control elements maybe counterpell affects to slow things down or some fast mana to boost your speed. The way I see it you win by turn five on your own if everything goes right, however luckily you don't need them to do anything and you can still win. I would suggest Forbidden orchard as another way of giving them stuff and maybe cut down on the redundancy of giving them stuff with spell mechanics. I think your basic combo does enough on its own so the custody battles, orbs swaths and staffs are a bit over doing it. So I would thin the herd a bit and take those things out for filtering affects like brainstorm and maybe ponder. Alternately have you thought about Immortal Coil or Cursed Idol if you want to keep the redundancy high.

October 15, 2015 11:26 p.m.

vehonex says... #5

You're right about it being slow titanreaver. I'm thinking of swapping the 4 Custody Battle's with 2 Battle Rampart's and 2 Wall of Granite. The 3 Dingus Staff's I've rarely used so I'm going to pull those out for I'm thinking a Mikaeus, the Lunarch and a couple Wall of Glare to give me some early game survival. I'm going to keep the Orbs of Warding as they protect me from the 1/1 tokens I give the enemy.

October 18, 2015 7:46 p.m.

titanreaver says... #6

if you are looking for walls to protect you why not Wall of Omens or Wall of Denial omens cantrips and denial is very resilient to removal. ALso omens is cheaper and denial can block flying creatures. I kind of like Mikaeus, the Lunarch as a board wipe affect with the Mirrorweave. I would also consider either some way of recasting Mirrorweave like Snapcaster Mage or Archaeomancer or heck Tamiyo, the Moon Sage and maybe a way to find it like Merchant Scroll. Let me know if any of that helps.

October 18, 2015 9:40 p.m.

vehonex says... #7

I like the Wall of Denial and I'ma throw those in place of the Wall of Granite and swap out the Wall of Glare's with Wall of Omens

October 18, 2015 11:58 p.m.

titanreaver says... #8

Nice! Just out of curiosity what does the Battle Rampart do for you? I don't see right now what it is you plan on hasting up with him. I wonder if just about any one drop might do better for you. Just something I noticed. I like the direction you are going. I think when you are done its going to be sweet.

October 19, 2015 12:41 a.m.

vehonex says... #9

I'm not really sure what I was thinking with those. Taking them out for a couple Think Twice.

October 19, 2015 12:46 p.m.

titanreaver says... #10

Have you had a chance to test any of the changes?

October 19, 2015 10:54 p.m.

vehonex says... #11

So several games on untap.in and it is just too slow for legacy. Some slight changes and its modern legal. I miss Zedruu the Greathearted

October 20, 2015 12:12 p.m.

vehonex says... #12

Alright, so after several games with it in it's new modern setting it's done about average. The first couple times I play people with it they don't expect the different ways I can get tokens under their control. I think the Akroan Horse has some hidden potential, maybe a cheap card that lets me take artifacts or creatures for a turn so I can Bazaar Trader is back to me. Maybe a Metallic Mastery though I'm not positive if it's effect would stay constant. Maybe a Spawnbroker to combo over a Steel Golem

Threw in some destroy enchantments because I was running into some serious trouble with Leyline of Singularity + Leyline of Sanctity were offering some serious turn 0, congrats your game is over.

October 21, 2015 6:51 p.m.

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