Preserve the bloodline

Modern krotash


Datestamp says... #1

I can't believe it was left unmentioned, but Falkenrath Noble is always a fun addition to vampires. It's a big 'ol Blood Artist and flows nicely into anything with death and/or sacrifice. There's my 2 cents.

October 23, 2012 3:20 p.m.

DarkHero says... #2

This my Rakdos vampire deck. Similar idea Castle Stromkirk

November 1, 2012 10:56 a.m.

I love your deck. Your last changes were very good. +1!!

November 1, 2012 11:24 a.m.

krotash says... #4

@yungxak I used to run Falkenrath Noble until Blood Artist came out. The goal of this deck is to not win through Blood Artist effects. I'll leave those to the zombies. THe chief goal of those cards is to protect from other blood artists and from wrath effects. One of my biggest fears is overplaying my hand and having the field wiped, so I put them in to deter wipes. Granted, Terminus has lessened this, but that is still their goal, not as a win con.

@beaver2445 Sorry I'm responding too late. I enjoyed your comments quite a bit, but I don't know how much of it I will adopt. I already grabbed Killing Wave in replacement of Mizzium Mortars for the reasons you presented, but I'm still not a strong fan. Yes it combined with Blood Artist is a win-con, but I still don't like the idea of losing my own creatures. I really want Bonfire of the Damned . I also want a private jet and my own mansion. Falkenrath Aristocrat .... I just don't like her. I hat sacrificing my own creatures. Just a peeve of mine. More on her, Bloodthrone Vampire and speed later. Vampire Interloper shall stay until either Child of Night comes back or another effective 2 drop appears. He creates a fairly significant threat by having evasion, and with all of my lord buffs, especially the first strike, I rarely find myself holding him back. This deck is in general slower than the vampire deck you're suggesting. While I appreciate and desire extremely aggressive decks, and this deck can imitate them, I enjoy the late game power of Bloodline Keeper  Flip over Vampire Nocturnus . The keeper gives me a constant source of tokens with evasion, and creates a powerful lord. just one allows me to recover from a board wipe in a few turns. Vampire Nocturnus is more explosive, but slightly less reliable. On that same note, Olivia Voldaren is a bit slower, but also has the potential to tai ever the game. She can be easily make quite strong, as well as start taking an opponents creature. Again, slower, but more stable. Sign in Blood doesn't impress me too much. It's 2 life for 1 card and wasted tempo. Removal is another tricky matter. I see a lot of aggressive creature decks, or Jund midranges and such, and the power of removal is something I value a lot. Additionally, disrupting a t1 mana dork is quite useful if I don't get a Stromkirk Noble .

November 1, 2012 8:14 p.m.

scottfree says... #5

Thank you krotash for making this deck. I copied it and took it to FNM last week and did pretty good. I really like how it played. I wasn't too fond of Killing Wave but that probably just becuase I don't know how to use it. I traded it for Death Wind . Also wanted to know what you do if you play against pro black? One of my opponents played Knight of Glory after siding it in and I didn't have an answer for it. I sided in Mizzium Mortars for it on game 3.+1 from me...Thanks!

November 12, 2012 9:42 p.m.

krotash says... #6

Thanks a lot, and I'd love to hear more about those games. Killing Wave is a fairly tricky card. You pretty much use it as a game ender when there's enough creatures to kill an opponent with Blood Artist or when you desperately need a wipe. In all honesty, if I could afford it I would play a playset of bonfires in a heartbeat. They easily get past 1 toughness pro black, and are just so good. Mizzium Mortars is the only other real way I have of dealing with it.

November 13, 2012 7:18 p.m.

scottfree says... #7

My real problem was against a 4 color control deck. He had an answer for every card I laid down. I added a 4th Dreadbore because of all the plainswalkers I see. I just purchased some card:Rakdos's Return and Slaughter Games for my sideboard to deal with the control decks. The idea is to just get rid of their cards so they can't use them. I also used Duress and Mindrot in the actual game and it helped slow him down a bit in the second game but I still

November 14, 2012 12:55 p.m.

Gatecrashed says... #8

I see that your not really trying to make this deck around nocturnus, but if you wanted to make it more centered around him, but are worried 27 cards could turn him off I would reccomend Underworld Connections it may seem underwhelming, but seeing the top card of your deck is mana, and being able to draw it, and try again is pretty useful. Just a decent combo, but I really do think you should run at least 1 more nocturnes.

November 19, 2012 3:01 a.m.

Bababad says... #9

I would add two more Vampire Nocturnus since you are going to all the trouble to keep everything black. Maybe drop a Vampire Nighthawk and a Bloodline Keeper  Flip ? Nocturnus wins games...ive seen him win games on his own (24 kill spells, 4 nocturnus, 4 desecration demons, 4 nighthawks, and 4 Blood Artists) almost destroyed my mono red aggro...and considering its lack of quite a feat

December 5, 2012 8:30 p.m.

krotash says... #10

Currently looking at some modifications to the deck. With mid-range and control becoming more popular, card:Rakdos's Return will probably be seeing main board. Other idea based on the shifting meta are welcome. The other thing I'm considering is dropping Vampire Nocturnus to add some more red, namely Searing Spear to give some burn/removal that bypasses prot black. Also, this is one of the few decks I've seen that can handle Thragtusk reasonably well, mainly because my first-strike make it so he doesn't trade, negating half his potency.

January 7, 2013 10:11 p.m.

krotash says... #11

Big changes. Took out the 4 Vampire Interloper s, the 2 Killing Wave s (Irarely was in a position to play them, they were often dead cards) and the 2 Vampire Nocturnus s to make room for 4 Searing Spear s and 4 card:Rakdos's Return. It's definitely slower now, and I don't really like not having an aggressive 2 drop vampire, but it is much more durable and the removal is much better.

January 18, 2013 2:29 a.m.

Jon92 says... #12

I used to play 3 card:Rakdos's Return and i found it to be a little much I'd always end up with two in my hand early on, and in my opinion, not that useful at that point. I'd say keep two, and add two of something else. Skullcrack from gate crashers is ok. Looks great otherwise

February 9, 2013 12:27 a.m.

Lowdy says... #13

Shadow Alley Denizen is a new 1 mana drop that could make an impact in this deck. I just added 2 into my deck and I am seeing how she helps out. I see the potential aas I have Markov Blademaster who goes from a 1/1 to a 3/3 in one swing dealing a total of 3 damage first time. Then goes from there to a 5/5 dealing 7 damage the second time she gets intimidate. That totals 10 damage in two turns if they aren't running red creatures. oh, I like this deck alot btw +1

February 13, 2013 11:47 p.m.

krotash says... #14

Thanks, I'll look into the denizen. I'll have to see if the intimidate is worth it. I still have to cut back on the returns, I'll probably add those.

February 14, 2013 12:56 a.m.

Lowdy says... #15

Maybe you could look at my deck? I have 2 versions of the same vampire deck. Seeing how I can run it either way. deck:pyro-vampires is the more aggro one and Discarding vamps is the second. Please let me know your thoughts as I am caught between these two deck builds.

February 14, 2013 1:05 a.m.

Chrisbox says... #16

Nice deck dude, might want Falkenrath Aristocrat though instead of olivia shes more of a control vampire. +1. Check out my vamp deck too, its real similar Preying on the Meta

February 18, 2013 11:58 p.m.

Eidosia says... #17

I completely agree with everyone that has mentioned Falkenrath Aristocrat . She can be your sac engine for the Blood Artist , if you don't wanna run the Killing Wave , Pretty challenging to get rid of, since she almost certainly stays Indestrucible. And, a 4-damage flyer on turn 4 without any form of downside or alt-casting condition. But, anyways, cheers and a +1 from me.

February 19, 2013 12:10 p.m.

krotash says... #18

With so many extolling the virtues of Falkenrath Aristocrat , I've decided to give it a try. I'll see how it does.

February 19, 2013 8:39 p.m.

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