Mono white blink. Generate lots of value with Preston then win with one of the deck's various combo lines. If you can keep Preston alive for more than a turn or two, you will probably win. Questions or feedback welcome!

The power of Preston over, say, Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines is that you have access to a combo piece in the command zone. Though it isn't a deterministic win on its own, it can be paired with Altar of the Brood or Radiant Solar (some conditions may apply, more on that in the next section) to become one. Still, with Preston, Felidar Guardian, and any blink effect, fast or slow, you can generate infinite mana (always) and infinite cards (if you have an ETB draw a card creature in play), infinite 0/1 illusion copies of Felidar Guardian, and infinite ETB/LTB triggers for your own nefarious purposes. You can then use that infinite mana and those infinite illusions to exile all of your opponents' non-land permanents, after which it should be easy enough to win, or use those infinite cards to assemble a deterministic win. To execute this combo, you must have Preston and Felidar Guardian in play and a way to blink the Felidar Guardian in order to trigger Preston. Once you do this, you will have two triggers: Felidar reentering, and Preston. Resolve Felidar's trigger first, targeting a land that enters untapped and tapping it for mana in response, effectively using Felidar to untap it. Then resolve Preston, creating a 0/1 Felidar Guardian which will blink the original Felidar Guardian to continue the loop. Once you have as much mana as your heart desires, if you happen to have a Spirited Companion or similar card in play, switch to blinking that instead until you've drawn all the cards you could possibly need to win.
Lines that involve two creatures with ETB blink effects repeatedly targeting each other to endlessly trigger Altar of the Brood and mill your opponents out and leave them to die on their respective draw steps. This can easily be done with any combination of Felidar Guardian, Restoration Angel, or Icewind Stalwart. To end the loop, just blink any other creature, then pass the turn and start shuffling up for game two. A pro tip is that if you have more cards left in library than the highest life total among your opponents, you can actually sub out Altar of the Brood for Radiant Solar by venturing through Lost Mines of Phandelver as many times as you need until all your opponents are drained out. Take care not to repeat this loop an infinite number of times though, as you will draw your deck and lose if there are any opponents still alive.
These lines are a little more nuanced than the Altar of the Brood lines, requiring you to loop recursive effects such as Reveillark or Karmic Guide with each other or a blinking creature and use Altar of Dementia to both sacrifice creatures to continue the loop and to mill your opponents out. While Reveillark and Karmic Guide are the most commonly used combo pieces, this combo can be performed a variety of ways. For example, if you play Icewind Stalwart and target Karmic Guide with its ETB effect, then hold priority and respond by sacrificing the Stalwart to Altar of Dementia, you can then bring back the Stalwart with the ETB effect of the Karmic Guide and repeat until your opponents have no cards left. Another example would be Reveillark and Felidar Guardian, using Felidar Guardian to repeatedly trigger Reveillark's LTB effect, sacrificing Felidar Guardian in response, then bringing the cat back to do it again. Be careful though: this line needs to target opponents to mill them out, so watch out for cards like Teferi's Protection.

Because they suck. This effect is infinitely more valuable to me stapled onto a creature a la Charming Prince because they allow me to perform slow value loops. I would also rather play every version of Eerie Interlude, as they provide far more value and can double as boardwipe protection. Simply not worth the slot compared to other options.

Because I want to keep my friends! Yes, this card is insanely strong, but it's also just plain annoying. No one leaves a Smothering Tithe game happy unless they were the one playing it or the Tithe got blown up instantly.

Because this isn't a combat deck. The main goal is to combo off, not to beat down. That being said, if you were looking to take this deck in a more combat-centric direction, Cathars' Crusade would be the first card I would add.

Because in a deck like this, whenever possible, you want to play a creature over a spell. Playing Cavalier of Dawn over Generous Gift trades a bit of efficiency for raw power, allowing you to easily take over the game with one of your many repeatable blink effects.


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92% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

44 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.22
Tokens Construct 0/0 C, Copy Clone, Dungeon: Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Dungeon: Lost Mine of Phandelver, Dungeon: Tomb of Annihilation, Goblin 1/1 R, Golem 3/3 C, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B, Samurai 2/2 W w/ Double strike, Skeleton 1/1 B, The Atropal, Treasure
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