
Welp, no more Mr Nice Sky Summoner, I'm digging out Jin baby! This is now a straight up 'dig to combo' deck, not especially lean but reasonably so. I literally added 5 U counters, this deck is much more prepared to deal with instants and sorceries, but a bit worse with creatures. In terms of power, the deck is suited to more competitive play, where doing this deck's various things (tutor up Proteus Staff, use that to tutor up Sphinx of the Second Sun and Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, then use all three to arrange for a timely Sunder (with Jin out) to make it very hard for other people to do anything, at which point Proteus Staff can then dig out Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter to then win via Altar of the Brood or maybe just Capsize and drakes. The deck has a few still extent clunky cards that serve as back up plans, if I decide to proxy some bigger name mana rocks I'll pull those I expect, but Shark Typhoon and Metallurgic Summonings are both fairly strong cards.

I suspect if I upgraded the mana more this wouldn't be a terrible cEDH premise, but being Poteus Staff based does limit your ability to run other key creatures, a very annoying thing in cEDH. Since this deck is getting more competitive, I just did custom headings to help make it easier to read at a glance, hope it helps!


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Slight exaggeration, just reworked this pretty heavily, we'll see if I'm happy with it. It's much more cutthroat, but it is probably worse vs more Casual decks if it can't set up it's hate piece/tutor/draw engine that is Proteus Staff, Jin, and Second Sun. I no longer can dig out Stormtide, but I still have a few 'up my sleeve' type cards that can catch people up in both Aetherize and Aetherspouts, but again unless I actually set up Jin and Staff I'm not going to be able to count on digging out protection.

Obviously this deck should add in Cyclonic Rift at some point, we'll see if I think it's an emergency situation or if it's just a card that would be great in here. Proxies would be nice too, specifically this deck wants Ancient Tomb, Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, and Mox Diamond, the deck's big weakness is probably being slowish, but at least it's doing something weird!

Edit: So, Sakashima's Will is a card? I mean, odds are decent I have my fishi-boi out, so if he's out all my drake can turn into Sphinx of the Second Sun's (and I steal an opponent's thing?), which aren't Legendary because Magic is cray-cray, at which point I get a huge amount of mana that I can spend at instant speed, as well as several cards. I can't decide how many drakes I'd need to pull off something powerful, but technically I should have Proteus Staff out, which could allow me to draw into whatever instants I want, in whatever order I want, making this card operate as a finisher in more than one way. Still, I wonder why they felt they needed to play it so safe on the theft part, look at what they gave Jeska's Will! Then again Red wanted some great cards, and that was one of the best they made. I guess I'll have to run the numbers, but I think most Talrand decks should look at this card if they use a powerful non-Legendary or two, especially in Polymorph decks.



94% Competitive

Date added 5 years
Last updated 2 months
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.70
Tokens Bird 1/1 U, Bird 2/2 U, Boar 2/2 G, Construct */* C, Copy Clone, Drake 2/2 U, Eldrazi 10/10 C, Foretell, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Manifest 2/2 C, Shark X/X U
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