This is a simplified version of two different decks that handed me losses at FNM last week.
It's all pretty straight forward. You put your cheap creatures on the board before most other decks get going, then build them up. When you do this to Fencing Ace or Fabled Hero you can have a turn four creature swinging for 5-6 double strike damage pretty easily. Simple but effective.
Xenagos is used for token creation once you have Phalanx Leader on the field.
Domri is incredibly useful for slaying annoying creatures that your opponents refuse to block with, using your buffed double strike creatures in the fight pretty much is a risk-free proposition for them.
Common Bond used in conjunction with two Phalanx Leaders on the field gives each of them three +1/+1 counters, and all your other creatures two +1/+1 counters, it can get pretty sick pretty quick. With a great draw you can be swinging for 9 damage on turn three with 3x Boros Elite, then turn 4 you can put out a Phalanx Leader, drop a couple of Ethereal Armors on him and your Boros Elites are 3/3 swinging for 5 each because of Battalion on turn 4, turn 5 we're swinging for 20, having played only 3x Boros Elite, Phalanx Leader, and a couple of Ethereal Armors. With a crap draw we're still talking turn 6 or 7 kill.
I thought about Elspeth instead of Xenagos for token generation, but she's two turns later, and Xenagos's +1 makes him almost free, and is one of six cards in the deck that creates green mana, so I decided Xenagos was more advantageous, even though a couple Phalanx Leaders with three tokens per turn on the board would be fun, it would just slow this deck down, I think.
Red decks could be troublesome...
There is no enchantment removal in this deck, and Burning Earth could really hurt without having some basic land, and a simple Shock or Magma Jet will start killing things before you can buff them. I plan on sideboarding some things that will give protection from red, multicolored, or color of my choosing, as I think burn is about the only thing that can wipe my soldiers before they're buffed up.
I only spent about fifteen minutes putting this deck together after four games losing before I got five mana on the board.