A tweaked version of a deck by GumgodMTG here.
A creative deck all about building up an army on the wrong side of the field, and have them all betray their master.
In case it doesn't click to you, here's a bit of an explanation:
The Infiltrators:
These will cause your opponents pain anytime they get a creature.
Suture Priest: One of my personal favorite cards. Helps keep your life stabilized and your opponents will think twice about creature spamming.
Blood Seeker: A downgraded version of Suture Priest.
The Coordinators:
This is where it gets interesting. These guys will be sending tokens to build an army for your opponents causing them to lose life from Suture Priest & Blood Seeker.
Varchild's War-Riders
: A key car in this deck. It's cumulative upkeep make opponents suffer on top of the fact he is a 2 drop 3/4 with trample.
Forbidden Orchard: Another key card, this helps tap for any of the 3 colors in this deck and can simply be tapped to finish off opponents.
Hunted Dragon
: A good finisher. 5 drop for 6/6 with haste, and the tokens at this point in a game will likely put an opponent at critical life.
The Bombs:
These will make your opponents fall to their knees and crush their opposition.
Mogg Infestation: The bomb of this deck. Wipe out all their creatures and sap them of the rest of their life total.
Massacre Wurm: Do your opponents have a smirk on their face? Are they glad that you have given them this bountiful army? Not anymore.
Illness in the Ranks: Playing this turn 1 may make your opponents wonder why you have this card main-boarded, or have it at all, but they'll figure it out soon enough.
The Defense:
In case mass removal is being delayed, some precautions are in place.
AEther Membrane
: Great defensive creature. Makes your opponents rethink their attack strategy and and can fizzle tokens.
: Causes damage from all those 1/1's to be rendered to nothing.
Ghostly Prison: You'll have to bribe my spies to turn on me.
: Removal and tokens, all saved up for your opponent.
Oblivion Ring: Another handy form of removal.
Wear / Tear: Pretty basic artifact/enchantment removal.
Extra Stuff:
Blood Artist: Pairs well with some of the creative ways to bomb tokens in this deck.
Genesis Chamber: Tokens for everyone!
Still looking to improve on the deck, so suggestions are appreciated.