This deck was mostly created for a casual format. It's incredibly fun to play people who've never seen what Primal Surge can do, and then pile-drive them in the face with your entire deck.
My main method of winning a game is to go for the OTK with Primal Surge, Master Biomancer, and Fervor and laugh like crazy as my 1/1 Avacyn's Pilgrim enters the field as an uncounterable 31/31 with haste. I also threw in Laboratory Maniac as in alternate WC in case everything goes wrong, i.e. control deck taps everything after the surge (been there). And
Elgaud Shieldmate
is mainly used to keep maniac alive until my next draw phase.
I use the transmute ability of Dimir House Guard to quickly fetch Diabolic Tutor, which then goes straight to snagging Primal Surge if I don't already have it in hand.
I've found that Axebane Guardian and
Gatecreeper Vine
create an outstanding combo, giving me land fetch power and giving any color of mana. This is invaluable in fueling Diabolic Tutor and the other slew of colored cards that are in this deck.
Naturally, this deck has some drawbacks, as any deck in casual format will. A single Negate or counter-spell pretty much ruins whatever you're trying to do. Also, artifact destruction and mana dork/ land kill cards get incredibly annoying (cough-cough Acidic Slime).
I'm sure that there are a ton of cards that could be swapped out, but I pretty much just threw this deck together with a few cards I had after pulling a surge.Any thoughts on ways to improve would be appreciated. I mostly just shared this to show how freaking awesome Primal Surge can work.