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[Primer] Chainer's Dark Gift to a Darker Soul...

Commander / EDH Combo Competitive Infinite Combo Stax Suicide Black


"Chainer's Dark Gift to a Darker Soul"

Tax Payer

    Have you ever thought about crushing your opponents hopes of winning, rather than just simply winning the game? Well, I have and here is the result of my evil plans.

    Still asking yourself how will you win? Certainly you have read what I said before. What matters here is not winning... This is all about OBLITERATING your opponents!

    Every card in here has a purpose, meaning that not all of them will be useful in every single game you play. Yet, also meaning that you will always have an answer for whatever kind of deck or strategy you are playing against.

    I've made several Commander decks' experiences - from Uril, the Miststalker to Lazav, Dimir Mastermind. With none of them was I feeling satisfied enough when I defeated an opponent nor when I needed to have a prompt answer to whatever opposing strategy I was dealing with. So, one day I decided to make an attempt at the Ultimate Atypical Commander Deck. That was the day I came across Chainer, Dementia Master.

    After reading this single comment on Chainer, Dementia Master's story, the decision became clear - "Dementia is soon to be part of my opponents' lives!".

    Chainer, Dementia Master has a cost of ; I must admit that there are mono-black commander's with lower CMC, yet none of them has the ability to Reanimate any creature from any graveyard at a mere cost of and 3 life. Yes, those 3 life loss might become a bit of a nuissance but nothing compared to the despair your opponents will feel when you beat them with own creatures!

  • You want to build around a strong and not-so-used Commander.
  • You like graveyard and reanimator themed decks.
  • You laugh as counterspells have no particular effect in your strategy.
  • You like watching as your opponents start raging after you make them feel the pain of their own creatures.
  • You like smirking at your opponent's desperate choices.
  • You enjoy having the possibility of winning the game without attacking your opponents one single time.
  • And, most important of all, if you simply like to obliterate every single one of your enemies without leaving them space to breathe!
  • You want a Commander just for its colors.
  • You have problems with being the most hatted player in the table.
  • You dislike paying life or sacrificing your own creatures; after all this is suicide black.
  • You regret any of your creatures getting exiled due to your own cards.
  • You are worried about your graveyard being exiled, rendering you unable to be efficient.

    Chainer, Dementia Master excels in yard lovers' decks, especially in those built around his reanimating abiliy; he can insta-reanimate whatever creature hits the grave, being it a Squire or the infamous Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. With his ability, Chainer likes to abuse of creatures with ETB and LTB effects, such as Fleshbag Marauder. You can even add some sacrifice outlets to the mix to make him go on a reanimation rampage.

    A correct build when you have Chainer as your commander needs to accomplish 3 major objectives:

    1. Being able to destroy creatures on the battlefield.
    2. Being ready to make your opponent discard his hand along with yours.
    3. Being prompt to milling any and every deck you can (including yours).

    No matter how great one might be, everyone has its flaws; and Chainer is no exception. The first problem one might seem in his kite is his ability's life cost; although 3 life is not that much of a loss, if you keep on using it without having a backup plan it will rapidly backfire you.

    Furthermore, another of his flaws is his third ability which exiles all creatures he reanimated when he dies. Of course, this can be easily countered if you use a sacrifice outlet as an answer to his death.

    Lastly, the most problematic downside, is how grave removal can easily affect the sturdiness of our Chainer build. Being cards like Tormod's Crypt your greatest enemies!

  • Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed

    This guy is a beast! He is able to return any black card from your grave back to your hand; obviously this enables him to make some nasty combos. The one problem I see in having him as a commander is that to return a single card to your hand you need to sacrifice him, meaning that you either have a way to reanimate him or you'll have to pay more to play it again. Therefore, I prefer using him in my mainboard and not really as a commander.

  • Geth, Lord of the Vault

    I like to call him - "Geth, the Wannabe Chainer". It's a fact that he's able to recur artifacts apart from creatures while milling them at the same time however he can hit your opponent's yards. To me, that's a major downside.

  • Sheoldred, Whispering One

    A powerhouse? No doubt! Better than Chainer? Not in this build. Although she has a better board control than Chainer, she lacks the ability to hit your opponents yard.

  • Balthor the Defiled

    Indeed he is a massive yard summoner. And yes, your opponents don't play neither black nor red, he can produce a devastating army in the blink of an eye. On the other hand, did you notice the underlined "if"? Glad you have because Balthor can switch from a winner reanimator to a group hugger. Therefore, even if Chainer is slower, his flaws are fewer.

  • Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker

    Shirei has a strong ability, yet she needs to have a deck built with the only purpose of supporting her. Moreso, she has a huge limiter on what type of creatures you can use on your mainboard since her ability revolves around creatures with power 1 or less.

    Having Chainer as your commander means having to play with your graveyard; is that a good or a bad thing? Well, it is up for you to decide! If you have the same opinion as me, you know graveyards can be our best allies. Have no more fear of playing against control decks, they will be thorougly wrecked after realising their control is meaningless when playing against the mighty Chainer.

    To play with this bad boy you will need to have a few ways to feed both yours and your opponents' graves. One way is to beat their creatures with your own creatures; in this aspect Wurmcoil Engine will be one of your biggest threats. You can also feed graves via discard; being Mindslicer your best discard engine. Last, you have the stax method with Smokestackand Sheoldred, Whispering One , which feed graves on a turn-basis.

    Something we can't forget is the life loss provoked by Chainer's recursion. Trust me when I tell you that most of the games you'll be suffering more damage from yourself than from your opponents. To fight it back, creatures like Blood Artist and Exquisite Blood enter in action. Although they need creatures to die or opponents to lose life in order to have any in-game effect, that won't be a problem when you're playing with Chainer, since you'll most definitely have loads of sacrifice outlets and fodder at your disposal when you need.

    We could say that was all, however this deck is not only a reanimator deck, but also a stax controler one. Cards like Smokestack, Painful Quandary and nethervoid are just the tip of the iceberg. The objective is to completely lockdown your opponent rendering him unable to riposte; being it by making them pay a tax whenever they play a spell or attack you, or even by surpressing their lands with Contamination and Mana Web. The possibilities are innumerous you just need to choose how much annoying you actually want to be.

    In the early game, you want to start building your board with some mana-rampers such as Sol Ring, Lake of the Dead and Crypt Ghast or Solemn Simulacrum. You are not likely to cast Chainer this early in the game, since you won't have much reward from doing so. The best combo you might hit in this phase would be Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth into Cabal Coffers; the low-mana tutors are really important in this phase, as they allow you to decide on at least two different ways of you leading the game.

    In this phase, I suppose we already have a stable board with a decent mana ramp and enough creatures in the graves for Chainer, Dementia Master to enter the battlefield as a threat.

    We want to have a good board control. If you're able to land some of our stax cards like Painful Quandary and No Mercy, so that your opponents think twice before doing anything against you. If possible save a board wiper in your hand as things may tend to go sideways if you're dealing against heavy-mid-game-creature-casters.

    You might think about getting your Sidisi, Undead Vizier out of the library and start abusing of her tutoring. Or, if you're playing against heavy control decks, this would be the perfect time to grab that Mindslicer.

    If the game reaches this point, you will most likely be at an advantage (when not playing against graveyard control decks) since graveyards must be full of good stuff for you to confiscate. By this time you should already have at least two or three ways of winning, either by stealing their life away with Kokusho, the Evening Star or Gray Merchant of Asphodel, by going for the Blood Artist combo or even by concrete damage with Wurmcoil Engine or any other beater you might get.

    Board control and prompt answers are needed in this phase. You must be ready to wipe all the board at instant speed if one of your opponents goes on a crazy combo. You need to be able to be in control of what's happening in the table. Nothing can enter the battlefield without you doing nothing. Don't forget to make them pay each and every single spell they use.

    What can be considered a good opening hand?

    • Having the necessary resources to cast the spells in hand; meaning lands and artifacts such as Sol Ring and Expedition Map. You should only consider mulliganing away mana sources if you have more than three. In that vein, if I have three lands that can be used to cast all four other cards in my starting 7 card hand, I generally can keep that entire hand.
    • Having at least one tutor or draw spell.
    • Keeping 2 solid cards (higher than 3 CMC) if my hand is 6 or 7 cards. In case of only having 5 cards in hand, never keep more than 1.
    • Keeping spells with 2 CMC or less.
    • Keeping spells with 3 CMC may define what sort of game this is going to be.
    • Mulligan spells with CMC 4 or higher. Unless it's a Crypt Ghast.

    Coming Soon!

  • Disciple of Bolas

    A rather good sacrifice outlet, a good life gainer and, if that wasn't enough, an excellent drawing mechanism. Everytime he hits the battlefield you get high value from him.

  • Duplicant

    The "I remove what I want" creature. Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, Iona, Shield of Emeria, Blightsteel Colossus? With this littly boy, no matter what might threaten you, you're sure you'll have an answer.

  • Fleshbag Marauder/Merciless Executioner

    Also known as The Meat Slicer. Marauder is one of your best friends in this deck. He can, together with Chainer, Dementia Master, clear entire boards.

  • Kokusho, the Evening Star

    A Dragon which brings the Sun down whenever he wants. Stealing tons of life whenever he hits the grave apart from being a 5/5 Flying creature...

  • Massacre Wurm

    The Token Spammers' Wrecker. No more hiding away from token decks, this guy will clear the way.

  • Mindslicer

    I have no words to describe this card. He can totally shutdown control decks.

  • Junk Diver

    He's more like an utility card which can be recurred with Chainer. With him you can bring back any artifact that your opponents might have destroyed or countered.

  • Sidisi, Undead Vizier

    A tutor with a big body at a low cost. In addition, he's a sacrifice outlet... What more could we ask for?

  • Solemn Simulacrum

    he gives us value both by entering the field and by leaving it. In a Chainer deck this guy is a must.

  • Vampire Hexmage

    The "Planeswalkers' Eater". He can nullify every single threat with counters on it. Additionally, she combos with Dark Depths.

  • Wurmcoil Engine

    I am in love with this card. A big body that can heal you and destroy any creature. Furthermore, when he dies he summons his underlings to keep doing his job for him. Amazing!

  • Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed

    The "One-Eyed Bastard". He can bring back any black spell you might have tried to play before and ended up being countered. He can bring almost your entire deck back to your hand.

  • Chains of Mephistopheles

    This was the most recent addition to the build. It completely wrecks strategies with loads of card drawing mechanisms. The best part is the fact that it synergizes well with Necropotence .

  • Contamination

    Probably the second reason why I decided to build a mono-black deck. This card will become the nightmare of all your opponents. Add to it a Bitterblossom and there will be no drawbacks to it; you can even add an additional Black Market to make the combo even better. Awesome!

  • Grave Pact

    Since all our strategy is based on creatures' sacrifice, we can abuse of this card and be sure that the board is clear of threats.

  • Nether Void

    A true tax card. No more free spells. Makes people pay additional mana to cast any spell. It is a fact that it also affects you, yet using Chainer's ability will have no incremental costs, meaning that it won't have such a big impact on our strategy.

  • No Mercy

    If you want to attack me, you might as well be ready to pay the shipping costs.

  • Painful Quandary

    The true pay tax card. Trust me when I tell you your opponents will hate this one single card...

  • Sheoldred, Whispering One

    As referred before, this lady is a game changer. She obliges your opponents to sacrifice a creature every turn while letting you reanimate one creature every upkeep without any cost.

  • Smokestack

    A lovely card to put into a stax deck. This single card can help you get total control over the table. Even more if you have It That Betrays on the field. Just take care how and when you use it. Be always ready to remove all the counters from it with Vampire Hexmage if a boardwipe appears or if you're not able to make profit from having it on the battlefield.

  • Mana Web

    Great control card. Since it only affects our opponents making them choose between casting stuff on their turn or being able to answer on other turns. Together with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth each time a land is tapped, all other lands they control will also be tapped.

  • Contamination

    Gives us a free sacrifice everyturn while giving us an upper advantage.

  • Disciple of Bolas

    Gives us a sacrifice ability that also gives us life and cards. What else could we ask for?

  • Diamond Valley

    The best of its kind. It's like an improved Miren, the Moaning Well. Only problem is that it doesn't produce mana, but an Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to the mixture and the problem is gone.

  • High Market

    In addition to producing mana gives us the option to sacrifice a creature and gain 1 life back? I like it!

  • Miren, the Moaning Well

    For we can sacrifice a creature and gain life in return. All this in addition to producing mana. Great!

  • Smothering Abomination

    Gives you insane card advantage while having a solid body and evasion.

  • Phyrexian Altar

    A must-have in this deck. This single card can make you go on infinite combos. You can repeatedly sacrifice your creatures and return them to the battlefield. Whenever you're lacking one mana, just sacrifice one Faerie from Bitterblossom and you'll have the mana you're lacking.

  • Phyrexian Tower

    Probably my most loved land card in this deck. Lets us sacrifice a creature to add to our mana pool? I say YES!

  • Smokestack

    I think this one is pretty evident. The more turns it is on the battlefield, the more creatures it lets you sacrifice.

  • Viscera Seer

    Let's you scry each time you sacrifice a creature while having a body of its own. Meaning you can reanimate it with Chainer.

  • Geth, Lord of the Vault

    Although being an interesting card with great potential, Geth proved to be a dead card most of the games. He may find a place in different builds though.

  • Bog Initiate

    Only reason why this card was in was to convert the mana produced by Ashnod's Altar, being its only purpose to go on infinite mana.

  • Dross Harvester

    Despite having an incredible potential in this deck, I ended losing more life than gaining or hoping to have a better card in hand.

  • Grave Titan

    I decided to take this card, even though I know it has a solid body which spams tokens, because it wasn't making such a big difference. I would use it most of the times to combo but I prefer Wurmcoil Engine on that role.

  • It That Betrays

    Won me some games. Yet, not enough games when compared to the number of times it was a dead draw.

  • Myr Retriever

    Junk Diver proved to be better, although having a higher CMC, due to being able to block flying threats.

  • Gauntlets of Power

    While having only 11 basics in this build, I wasn't able to use its full potential.

  • Sepulchral Primordial

    Amazing potential, but too dependent on other people's graves.

  • Victimize

    When together with Buried Alive this card does miracles, other than that not worth the slot.

  • Black Market

    Still testing this card. The only problem is that it takes time to feed it and ends up being an easy target.

  • Altar of Dementia

    I simply gave up on the milling combos. Still, great sacrifice outlet!

    11-Aug-2015 - insertion of Primer in the description.

    26-Oct-2015 - made the deck more solid and more responsive. Also, less combo oriented.

From here on, I think you know what you have to do... Collect Taxes!

And please remember to never have fear of unleashing your full evilness. Be merciless!

Hope you enjoyed the idea of the deck. Leave your comment below and let me know how I can improve it.

Also, if you feel like it has some potential, click here and you'll upvote: +1 . Thank you ;)


Suggestion: For a budget version of this deck, visit:

[Budget] Chainer's Dark Gift to a Darker Soul...

Commander / EDH Shakull



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Date added 10 years
Last updated 6 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

19 - 0 Mythic Rares

54 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

3 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.63
Tokens Emblem Liliana of the Dark Realms, Emblem Liliana, Defiant Necromancer, Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Marit Lage, Snake 1/1 B, Vampire 2/2 B, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Deathtouch, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Lifelink, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders EDH Tournament 2015, EDH, Chainer Tuning, edh ideas, Deck ideas, EDH Mono Black, Decks, Black
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