[[Primer]] - Daretti - Degenerate Artifacts
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 831 | 523 COMMENTS | 163464 VIEWS | IN 261 FOLDERS
misterbiscuitbarrel: It's a recurrable way to bring back non-artifact cards. Hits everything Recoup can't and doesn't exile them.
January 17, 2016 1:24 p.m.
Matrixxx999 says... #3
Looks great! + 1
What is your opinion about these cards: Ensnaring Bridge, Krark-Clan Ironworks, Ring of Three Wishes, Ugin's Nexus, Feldon of the Third Path, Hangarback Walker, Hellkite Tyrant, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker?
I use these cards in my Daretti deck.
January 18, 2016 7:09 p.m.
Honestly, I would cut Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle. You are only playing 16 Mountains and it's a tapped red source.
January 18, 2016 7:16 p.m.
Matrixxx999]: Thanks for the vote!Now then, let's talk cards:
Ensnaring Bridge: I can definitely see the usefulness of this. It helps protect Daretti better than Silent Arbiter.
Krark-Clan Ironworks: Sac outlet that generates mana is good especially since we're mostly a colorless deck. But idk if I wanna sac off my artifacts for a one shot mana boost unless I have the emblem out.
Ring of Three Wishes: I don't mind not being able to tutor for things. But it may find its way in down the road if I ever encounter a time when I need to tutor.
Ugin's Nexus: I had this in here awhile ago but took it out when our Jhoira player moved away. He was the only one who took extra turns. Not bad for a one-shot extra turn for us.
Feldon/Kiki: I feel like they belong in their own deck, or a deck together. I don't run enough creatures to really justify them.
Hellkite Tyrant: Again, I used to run it, but Bribery ruined him for me.
Hangarback Walker: Terrible. Can't recur for value so not worth it.
Midwest: I will definitely consider that. Could be the best option I have.
January 18, 2016 7:52 p.m.
Adding Chandra, Flamecaller to the Maybeboard. Currently testing her out and so far she has performed better than I had originally thought. More testing will need to be done.
January 19, 2016 11:17 a.m.
JakeHarlow: Thank you very much! I really appreciate it!
January 21, 2016 7:28 a.m.
Wow, this deck is moving on up! I run a similer build, and it is absolutely amazing!
January 21, 2016 5:48 p.m.
VexenX: I'm doing my best to promote on Facebook and other places. I'm really trying to get it to #1.
Daretti is definitely my top deck. I played a three person game yesterday and the other two people were playing my Ezuri and Kozilek decks. Surprisingly won a few turns after I hit ultimate and then Recoup'd for a Scrap Mastery with a Mindslaver in hand. It was definitely the nuts.
January 21, 2016 6:56 p.m.
Dredge4life: With creature removal being prominent in the format, I feel that the possibility of permanently having an artifact exiled isn't worth the risk of running him.
Panoptic Mirror is banned in commander. Unless you were thinking of Prototype Portal?
Thank you for the suggestions, tho!
January 22, 2016 7:30 a.m. Edited.
Dredge4life says... #13
@Guerte I was definitely thinking of Prototype Portal. Also, Throne of Geth or Contagion Engine for more loyalty counters? Maybe Obliterate to kill everything but Daretti?
January 22, 2016 2:38 p.m.
Dredge4life: I'm kind of in the same boat with Panoptic Mirror as I am with Hoarding Dragon. Getting 2-for-1'd definitely isn't a good feeling. But the possibility of going infinite turns with Ugin's Nexus and a sac outlet is definitely worth some consideration.
Throne of Geth/Contagion Engine: Not a big fan of these. I'm not too worried about getting the extra counters. If I can get him out early enough and control the board, I usually don't have a problem getting to his ultimate.
Obliterate: Not a fan of MLD. Save that kind of stuff for the Stax build, which I completely despise. If I did run any kind of MLD, it would be Ruination, which is way more fair.
January 24, 2016 9:54 a.m.
Guerte - Have you practiced mulligans with both Vancouver and Partial Paris rules a lot and which do you think is better for the deck? Is one heavily favored or are they about even?
January 24, 2016 7:49 p.m.
kengiczar: Partial Paris will definitely always be the preferred mulligan in my opinion. It allows you to sculpt your hand and get rid of things that aren't good early on in exchange for the possibility of more early artifact ramp.
I did play some games with the Vancouver mulligan and having a free seven is definitely nice. You may not get a real explosive start, but as long as you can still manage an early Daretti it shouldn't affect us terribly.
If it were up to me, I would stick with Partial Paris. My playgroup, however, tends to stick with official rules so I'm stuck with Vancouver. We don't play with house rules either or things could get out of hand.
All things considered, I don't believe Daretti needs to be changed in any way to accommodate the new mulligans. Just know when to keep and when to mulligan.
January 24, 2016 8:43 p.m.
aisthetikos says... #17
I absolutely love the art on your Gauntlet of Might. How does one go about getting something similar?
January 27, 2016 1:19 a.m.
aisthetikos says... #18
Never mind! Saw the credit for Eric Klug. Keep on pimpin'!
January 27, 2016 1:29 a.m.
aisthetikos: There are quite a few different artists I have gotten things from. I'm going with Klug for my more pricey ones. He just finished up my Mishra's Workshop so I should hopefully have that one back soon. Then, it's just Bazaar of Baghdad left to do.
January 27, 2016 noon
Got my altered Mishra's Workshop back from Klug! Looks amazing!
Now just need to get my Bazaar of Baghdad altered and I should be set for awhile.
January 30, 2016 4:28 p.m.
STRONG deck! I love how it is foiled out. A lot of care put into this deck. +1 from me!
February 7, 2016 12:56 p.m.
snotice: Thank you very much! A lot of care really has gone into this deck. I am very proud of it. I just have my Bazaar of Baghdad left to alter before the entire deck is either altered or foiled.
Be sure to tell other people to stop by and +1 so it can become the #1 Daretti deck here!
February 7, 2016 4:12 p.m.
KillDatBUG says... #24
Rishadan Port as a good utility land? There are some decks that have a very hard time dealing with this card, even in a "go big" format like EDH.
February 7, 2016 9:32 p.m.
KillDatBUG: It is worth consideration, but I'm really not sure how important tapping down one land will be.
misterbiscuitbarrel says... #1
Out of curiosity, what does Codex Shredder do here?
January 17, 2016 1:19 p.m.