[[Primer]] - Daretti - Degenerate Artifacts

Commander / EDH Guerte

SCORE: 831 | 523 COMMENTS | 163464 VIEWS | IN 261 FOLDERS

tigerdigere says... #1

You should try The Chain Veil just for the sake of Daretti. He is your commander after all. Where is Squee, Goblin Nabob? With Daretti's +2, it's a must. Same thing with Anger but you already have Hammer of Purphoros. Is it an easy target since it's an enchantment AND an artifact? I've never played with it so in that case, I'll let you be the judge of that. Had a similar deck and I decided to change it into a prison/MLD deck. Not really fun and seeing yours make me wanna change back.

February 27, 2016 1:01 a.m.

tigerdigere says... #2

Forget about Squee, Goblin Nabob. Just saw him in your list. Sorry about that.

February 27, 2016 1:08 a.m.

Guerte says... #3

abzanforever: Thopter Assembly is good pitch fodder, makes a good flying blocker, and then produces a bunch of flying blockers. Hammer of Purphoros makes my things hasty, and produces blockers/attackers in a pinch. With Recoup, I can flashback something twice, or pitch it and still flash it back. Batterskull I feel is better suited for a Voltron type deck. Lightning Greaves only gives one of my creatures haste, and I'm not too worried about gaining shroud. Mizzix's Mastery isn't that great in this deck to be honest. Wouldn't be using the Overload much as there isn't exactly many spells I would be casting. Recoup is just better in this spot. Ensnaring Bridge is definitely on my radar. However, I don't find myself very often without a hand to fully utilize it.

Ezuri099: Not a problem. I shall play it until he is banned again, which is hopefully never.

tigerdigere: I have The Chain Veil on it's way, just not sure what to cut to try it out. Squee, Goblin Nabob is in here; he's my go-to guy with Imperial Recruiter! I'd rather have Hammer of Purphoros over Anger as it is recurrable with Daretti, Scrap Savant and can also create attackers/blockers if need be. I originally ran Anger, but I hate that it is graveyard reliant for it to have any affect.

I have tried the MLD/Stax version, and I absolutely hated it. I prefer this style of Daretti so I can play all of the stuff I love, which is all the cards in this deck! Lol!

February 27, 2016 1:19 a.m.

Still waiting for that Bazaar to be altered and a video submitted to CMDR decks ;) mind giving a shoutout to "SnowCoveredPlainsWalker" when ya do it? I want people to see my old Daretti deck on there and then see how Daretti looks when perfected, which is your list :)

February 27, 2016 2:24 a.m.

Guerte says... #5

SnowCoveredPlainswalker: I just sent out the Bazaar a couple days ago. When I get it back, I will definitely do the video and give a shoutout to you. Idk if I'd call mine perfected, but it sure is pretty. Lol.

February 27, 2016 3:02 a.m.

tigerdigere says... #6

Yeah, actually and as of right now, I'm taking my Darreti prison/MLD apart and making it like it was before (lol!) and as I'm going through my cards, I saw some I didn't see in your list that might be of interest:

-Staff of Nin (a bit win more but good with Clock of Omens, Unwinding Clock or Alhammarret's Archive)

-Scarecrone (second option if Daretti is down)

-Expedition Map (for Workshop or Bazaar or whatever land you need)

-Scuttling Doom Engine (you always attack with it, you don't care if it dies, you want it to)

-Pandemonium (now that one I haven't tried yet but with the kind of creatures in the deck...)

Last thing, I'm curious as to why you don't play Hellkite Tyrant and Hellkite Igniter. Not artifact? Goes well with Haven of the Spirit Dragon and you already have Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and Steel Hellkite.

Great deck nonetheless. A lot of fun to play with.

February 27, 2016 3:31 a.m.

abzanforever says... #7

Staff of Nin and Scarecrone are must plays in my opinion, the same counts for Batterskull. Thopter Assembly doesn't do anything special in you're deck, you don't need the tokens, but trust me, you really need lifegain in daretti, cause everyone wants to kill you! And Batterskull has vigilance too, which turns him into a 4 life engine every turn, and a lifelink blocker. it's also getting better with Alhammarret's Archive.Lightning Greaves is better than Hammer of Purphoros in my opinion, cause you don't play many creatures, it gives shroud (which can be very useful), it costs one mana less and you don't need two red to cast it. Be honest, how often do you play more than one creature per turn? Mizzix's Mastery can be better than Recoup, as you don't need to pay the mana cost of the chosen spell, but you can flashback Recoup, so it's your choise, but I would consider playing both. Ensnaring Bridge is just one of the best cards in my Daretti deck, you can exchange it with one of your boardwhipes, maybe Starstorm as it is very mana intensive and you don't need it, if you got Ensnaring Bridge on the board.

February 27, 2016 6:30 a.m.

abzanforever says... #8

Contagion Engine is a great alternative to The Chain Veil, as it's also good removal, and can put counters on other permanents like Everflowing Chalice, which you could play instead of Fellwar Stone or Thought Vessel

February 27, 2016 7:17 a.m.

tigerdigere says... #9

abzanforever, the tokens are for Goblin Welder and Daretti's -2. Nevertheless, lighning greaves is something to think about. With the Colossuses, it's GG. On the other hand, the hammer will work well with Scrap Mastery. Contagion is not a bad idea. Doesn't activate the +2 but the ultimate will come fast. Ring of Three Wishes comes to mind.

On another note, there's Diamond Valley that acts like High Market but with a much bigger impact with Alhammarret. Doesn't give you mana though.

February 27, 2016 12:11 p.m.

abzanforever says... #10

I know that you can use the tokens for darettis -2, but you need to wate one turn and there are just much better creatures for six mana. If you need to activate darettis -2 you, then you can use every not nececarry artifact and don't need a not really good token producer. I think it isn't worth playing Hammer of Purphoros cause of Scrap Mastery, there are 8 big or at least not weak artifact creatures, so with Scrap Mastery you can maybe reanimate two of them and give them haste. That's one more creature with haste and only if you got Scrap Mastery... It isn't worth it for one more mana, no shroud and two red. I played Hammer of Purphoros myself, but I also don't play many creatures, so it didn't do much and I putted it out early.

February 27, 2016 6:52 p.m.

Guerte says... #11

tigerdigere & abzanforever: Oh boy!! There is lots that I have missed and am a bit behind on, so I will try to go through each card individually and give you my thoughts:

Staff of Nin: I have played it here before. The extra card draw is nice. The 1 damage isn't groundbreaking, but it could help keeps other 'walkers in check, especially with Unwinding Clock.

Scarecrone: Used to run it. With so few artifact creatures to recur, I opted to cut it from my list as it really was only an expensive draw 1.

Expedition Map: I don't feel that searching for specific lands is necessary. The only lands you really "need" are Mountains. The deck still functions without all of the utility lands.

Scuttling Doom Engine: Used to run it. Dropped it in favor of more combo pieces. I still have it and may end up using it again.

Pandemonium: Not worth it to me with so few creatures.

Hellkite Tyrant: Don't want it to get Bribery'd. Risky enough running Blightsteel Colossus, so having two targets makes me feel less comfortable.

Hellkite Igniter: I've played it before, and it was really crazy. Can swing for a lot of damage. May have to reconsider this one. I've won games with it.

Batterskull: Still kinda iffy on this. Yes, the Lifelink is good, but again, I feel it's better in a Voltron style deck.

Lightning Greaves: I can see your point on this. With so few creatures here, I don't necessarily have a lot of creatures on board. Easier to cast, gives Shroud. Might be useful afterall.

Mizzix's Mastery: I still like that I can either get two uses out of Recoup, or pitch it to Daretti and still get to use it later. However, I like that with Mastery I can cast without paying mana cost, which could come in handy.

Ensnaring Bridge: As I stated before, not very often will I not have cards in hand. If there was something I could use to help make this better, I'd be more in favor of it. Yes, there is Bottled Cloister, but I don't think it's worth running just to make Bridge better.

Everflowing Chalice: I really wish I could like this in here, but I can't. Not recurrable because you need charge counters to produce mana with it.

Diamond Valley: Doesn't produce mana; not worth it.

Ring of Three Wishes: Gamble is a good enough tutor for me.

If I have forgotten anything, or wish for me to go more in depth with my thoughts, please, let me know.

I will be gathering these cards to test them out and see how well they work:

March 1, 2016 12:50 p.m.

abzanforever says... #12

Thanks for this great explanation of your thougts. I m glad to see, that you will try some of our advices. But there is one question left, why do you have many cards in your hand? In my Daretti, I m taking a starting hand filled with my mana rocks and maybe one creature and if possible Ensnaring Bridge. So I can empty my Hand early and have a bunch of mana and can play Ensnaring Bridge... And if this happens, I WON THE GAME(normally)! The next few turns I m casting Daretti, discarding the lands, playing the artifacts I m drawing and don't have any cards in hand at end of turn. Then I m getting the Emblem and playing out my win conditions. My opponents can't do anything, but destroy Ensnaring Bridge and look at me bringing it back next turn. So normally Ensnaring Bridge is a win condition itsself.Your deck doesn't seem to be that different to mine, so I don't know why the gameplay should be that different to mine and why you always have cards in your hand.

March 1, 2016 2:09 p.m.

Awesome deck Guerte! I'm making a EDH Stax Primer which I would like you to check out if you can. It's a Glissa, the Traitor EDH deck so it uses lots of artifacts as well. I was thinking of linking some strong decks in my primer as examples of different types of stax and I was wondering if I could use yours for red artifact based control.

I use a package in my deck involving Salvaging Station, Krark-Clan Ironworks, and powerful 0 and 1 drop artifacts like Sol Ring and Tormod's Crypt. One card that I use that I would suggest to you is Lotus Bloom, it seems like it could be very strong with Daretti, Scrap Savant and Goblin Welder.

Great deck and +1 from me.

March 1, 2016 2:36 p.m.

Guerte says... #14

abzanforever: I will never flat out deny advice until I've at least tried it out. If it works, great! If not, then I usually give my opinion of why it didn't work for me. That doesn't mean something won't work for anyone else.

I basically do the same as you. I try to keep a hand with mana rocks to cast Daretti early. But, I will only cast enough to be able to play him out; nothing more. I like to have enough pitch fodder for him. Which is why I tend to have more cards in hand: I despise pitching 0-1. Combined with Alhammarret's Archive and Chandra, Flamecaller, plus all the other card draw, my hand typically stays filled. Not to say it's always filled as there are times where I do have nothing in hand.

Perfect_Phyrexia: Thank you very much; I appreciate the compliments and the +1!

I wouldn't call this version of Daretti a Stax deck. Yes, there are some stax-y elements to it, but nothing full on. I don't like the Stax version of Daretti as it's not really my style. But I do consider it a control deck of sorts.

I will surely check your Glissa, the Traitor deck out, although I'm not too familiar with her. And I would band honored for my deck to be linked in your Primer!

I do have a Lotus Bloom on the way, and am considering trying it out. I've got a lot of things to test out! Lol.

March 1, 2016 3:19 p.m.

I wouldn't consider this deck as a dedicated stax deck, but is still a great example on how to build a red stax deck that could abuse Winter Orb, Static Orb, Tangle Wire, etc. with Daretti, Scrap Savant and Goblin Welder. Liquimetal Coating is another way to get a Mycosynth Lattice effect into the deck if you are looking for one. Crack the Earth and/or Pyrohemia + Stuffy Doll seem good in this deck as well.

I hope this helps :)

March 1, 2016 3:58 p.m.

abzanforever says... #16

Stuffy Doll is very nice with many boardwhipes, but there aren't many in this deck. Crack the Earth and Pyrohemia seem to be less good than other boardwhipes like Starstorm in my opinion. Crack the Earth normally seems to be one land less for everyone, which isn't that strong in commander. The best red MLD and boardwhipe for red in my opinion is Devastation, but Guerte doesn't want to play MLD, so it doesn't matter.

March 1, 2016 4:52 p.m.

Yeah I have cards like Tectonic Break, Impending Disaster, Price of Glory, Ruination, Devastation, Jokulhaups and Decree of Annihilation in the resource denial section of my primer, but MLD isn't for everyone. I agree with you on Crack the Earth since its just an Innocent Blood for red but I would still vouch for Pyrohemia (Not Stuffy Doll lol). It sticks around, it's hard to interact with, and it's repeatable so I put a pretty high value on it when thinking of red board wipes. Starstorm, Comet Storm, Chain Reaction and Blasphemous Act are all quite good though.

March 1, 2016 5:06 p.m.

abzanforever says... #18

I can suggest you the eldrazi titans with Eye of Ugin and Eldrazi Temple. I'm sad, that I can't find them in any Daretti deck on tappedout, cause they're really great creatures and Eye of Ugin is a very good tutor for them. I won many games with the eldrazi titans, my favourites are Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre and Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger, cause I'm also a big fan of the indestructible ability. In my Daretti deck, I wanna be able to reanimate all my creatures, or don't ever want them to leave the battlefield and indestructible is the best way to do this. You should really try them, they're a great win condition, an allround removal and just funny to play. But I wouldn't know what to cut for, maybe Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer, his ability isn't really nececarry cause of the -2 ability of daretti. Soul of New Phyrexia also seems to be a great addition in this deck, if you have enough mana to activate its ability.

March 1, 2016 5:11 p.m.

abzanforever says... #19

Perfect Phyrexia, I also play Daretti with MLD, but only MLD, that also destroys my opponents creatures, cause else there are still too many creatures on the battlefield and everyone wants to kill you, cause you've destroyed their lands. So I only play Devastation, Wildfire and Destructive Force. The problem with Pyrohemia is, that you want to destroy all creatures and if you do, you have to sacrifice Pyrohemia. If you need repeatable removal, play Karn Liberated, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, Spine of Ish Sah, Nevinyrral's Disk and Oblivion Stone. Jokulhaups is useless without something indestructible, cause it also destroys you're artifacts and the only reason why you should play MLD is, that you keep your mana rocks and you're opponents lose everything. Price of Glory and Ruination can be good in the right playgroup. If you want to play much MLD, play duellcommander Daretti.

March 1, 2016 5:44 p.m.

Cicjose says... #20

Hellkite Tyrant that is all

March 2, 2016 10:32 a.m.

abzanforever says... #21

Cicjose, playing Hellkite Tyrant is very risky, cause if your opponent gains control of it you'll be very unhappy. And in a big playgroup the chance is even greater that someone steals it.

March 2, 2016 10:48 a.m.

Cicjose says... #22

well there are things like Brand

Mob Rule and

Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded although he's widely regarded as the worst planeswalker ever printed

Homeward Path is the one land you want to include if you can untap it as required assuming your playgroup all have answers to it

March 2, 2016 11:17 a.m.

Yeah I agree with you on that Pyrohemia and Pestilence aren't the best since they go away if everything dies, but that's assuming you aren't playing with cheeky cards like Rakdos, Lord of Riots, Phylactery Lich, Creepy Doll, Stuffy Doll, Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Blightsteel Colossus, or a Darksteel Forge ;) I run both the disk and Oblivion Stone in my Glissa, the Traitor and they work out great due to the recursion she provides.

I have never actually run Jokulhaups but I was mostly using it as a nuke example like Apocalypse, Obliterate, or Razia's Purification.

Devastation, Catastrophe, and Armageddon are still the best.

March 2, 2016 1:09 p.m.

Have these guys make you a custom Daretti life counter too! Keep the pimpage going!!! http://www.ebay.com/usr/spellbound_studio?_trksid=p2047675.l2559

March 4, 2016 2:28 a.m.

Guerte says... #25

Alright, let's touch base on a few things that have been discussed:

MLD: I won't run this in my list. Ever. It's not fun to play against and I'd at least like a challenge instead of shutting people out completely. The only one I would ever consider playing, and have, is Ruination.

Eldrazi: I may consider Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger as he's good removal. I don't want to run the OG Titans cuz I don't want to reset my graveyard.

Hellkite Tyrant: I already run Blightsteel Colossus as a Bribery target; I'd rather not have two. And out of the two, Colossus is better at getting the win.

Hope I didn't come across as a jerk.

SnowCoveredPlainswalker: Thank you for pointing that out to me! I contacted them and they are going to make one!

March 4, 2016 10:42 p.m.

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