[[Primer]] - Daretti - Degenerate Artifacts
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 831 | 523 COMMENTS | 163464 VIEWS | IN 261 FOLDERS
Hey, what do you think of this combo: Krark-Clan Ironworks + Nim Deathmantle + (Wurmcoil Engine || Myr Battlesphere || Precursor Golem) = infinit tokens and mana
- Anger or Hammer of Purphoros = infinit combat damage
- Comet Storm = infinit damage to everything
- Staff of Domination = draw your deck
- Scuttling Doom Engine = infinit damage to each opponent
I frequently win with this combo, but it is hard to establish because you need so much pieces for it to work. But Nim Deathmantle often feels like a dead draw because the usage outside of the combo is feels underwhelming. Do you think I should cut it for something more useful?
Maybe you can look at my list (Scrapyard of Fun), it's similar to yours but perhaps I miss anything crucial!?
March 18, 2016 3:33 p.m.
All the cards you just added where already in my build except Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger and The Chain Veil, both of which make since. I think I will take out my Thopter Assembly and Starstorm!
March 18, 2016 6:21 p.m.
That's definitely fair, and I completely understand. A lot of people dislike MLD, and for good reason. I just saw 'Degenerate' in the title and jumped to some conclusions that I probably shouldn't have. There's definitely a difference between 'degenerate' and 'pure evil', which is what stax often ends up being. Most don't like playing against, or even playing it themselves.
Anyway, amazing deck! I definitely picked up a few interesting ideas for cards and synergies for the Daretti build I've been tinkering with (yes, it's a stax version. Being pure evil is fun sometimes). I'm still new to the commander myself, so I can't easily return the favor yet. Hopefully after a few hours of testing I can come back with a few card suggestions myself though.
March 18, 2016 8:16 p.m.
Maaki: Honestly? It seems like too many pieces to be a viable combo. Deathmantle isn't really all that good on it's own. But if it works for you, go ahead and run it! Everyone has their own take on every deck. I will definitely take a look at your list.
VexenX: As scary as it can be to have another Bribery target, I've actually found Newlamog really useful. The exile on cast ability has actually saved me multiple times; it's better than Scour from Existence, and if it resolves, you get a nice body with a relevant ability. And The Chain Veil has been working really well; more than I had originally thought.
NarejED: I call him Degenerate because some of the things he can do really are degenerate. I don't fault you for running Stax; for me, I just find it more enjoyable playing the cards I do. To each their own!! I'm glad you like it, and I'm always for bouncing ideas off of one another.
March 18, 2016 8:41 p.m.
SnowCoveredPlainswalker says... #6
Can't believe I haven't asked this yet but, why no Dust Bowl? It's great land destruction and you do run Crucible of Worlds to combo with it.
March 22, 2016 3:45 p.m.
I have found Mesmeric Orb an interesting card, as it slowly fills up your graveyard (and unfortunately your opponents' graveyards). However, it can also go infinite with Basalt Monolith, milling yourself hopefully a bunch of artifacts, Recoup and Scrap Mastery. With these and enough mana, you can cheat a lot of artifacts into play.
March 22, 2016 8:26 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #8
Guerte I'm curious how useful you are finding Blood Moon to be in the deck? I tried running it but found that it nerfed me in a few ways, especially due to having so many non-basic lands in the deck. Obviously, It should hurt your opponents more, but I was wondering if you find it worthwhile?
March 22, 2016 10:16 p.m.
abzanforever says... #9
BloodMoon is an amazing card, as it's kicking out every three colored and every silver commander. You don't really need the nonbasics and can play without them, but some opponents need them and can't play without them!
March 23, 2016 5:50 a.m.
SnowCoveredPlainswalker: Strip Mine/Wasteland does the job of Dust Bowl much better, and cheaper too. However, Dust Bowl is repeatable, which is a plus for it. Sanctum of Ugin hasn't really done much for me, so I may remove it for the Bowl. Thanks for the suggestion!
Scence: I'm not a fan of Mesmeric Orb. Personally, I like to control what goes to the graveyard, and not have it be random.
Ender666666: My big thing is knowing when to play it. If you're going against a deck that runs a bunch of nonbasics, it's definitely useful. If they aren't running very many, I usually ending up pitching it. I can still get by without utilizing my utility lands. And if it's a big enough problem, they usually remove it. Lol.
abzanforever: I agree with everything you have said.
March 23, 2016 9:07 a.m.
Ender666666 says... #11
Cool. I've been making some revisions to my Daretti build. Mind taking a look at it and letting me know your thoughts?
The Great Red Menace
Commander / EDH
March 23, 2016 9:25 a.m.
Jay3401: VexenX is correct. We already have Blightsteel Colossus and Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger that can be Bribery'd. But, out of those three, Hellkite Tyrant would need to survive until your next turn to get the win, which is highly unlikely. The other two have built-in indestructible so can last quite a while, barring any exile or other non-destruction removal. And the have more relevant abilities (infect and exile removal on cast).
I don't like Hellkite Tyrant and probably never will.
March 26, 2016 11:38 a.m.
abzanforever says... #15
In the end I wouldn't play Recoup at all. You only have six targets for it. If you draw Recoup, it won't win you the game and usually it also won't save you in a difficult situation. Seems like it's only there for the good feeling to reuse something, or only a sorcery. I would consider replacing it with a good removal spell like Starstorm.
March 28, 2016 5:51 a.m.
abzanforever: I still plan on keeping Recoup in for awhile. It is an option for cuts tho.
And Gilded Lotus is better than Thran Dynamo simply because it gives colored mana. The extra 1 CMC is negligible since we can recur it instead of casting.
March 28, 2016 9:41 a.m.
Small change and we are now the #8 overall EDH deck!
March 28, 2016 9:45 a.m.
abzanforever says... #19
I like Sanctum of Ugin...
But you don't need colored mana, one Mountain is enough, so in my opinion Thran Dynamo is the better choice. I also don't want to activate the -2 of daretti for a mana rock, I use it to get a relevant creature in the early game or in the lategame to recur relevant artifacts. I play my mana rocks before daretti, to get my first creature soon to protect him. Ideal you should play both Thran Dynamo and Gilded Lotus, maybe a reason to cut Recoup ;)
March 28, 2016 7:57 p.m.
What are your thoughts on Viashino Heretic? It seems like it should be an auto include for every Daretti deck, but I rarely see lists that run it.
March 29, 2016 3:53 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #21
I'll field this one... Heretic is a great card, but you are pitching so much stuff into your Yard, sometimes without knowing what will be pitched, that non-artifact creatures are risky. Red has a few other ways to deal with Artifacts that are just as good, if not better. Personally, if I were to run a non-artifact critter, I think I would run something with more impact like Hoard-Smelter Dragon over Viashino Heretic. The Dragon's bigger, it flies, can nuke multiple artifacts, and can even munch on your own artifacts to buff up and enter the red-zone. Plus it's a DRAGON that can burninate stuff. I think that Viashino Heretic is a great card... Just maybe not as much on an auto-include as it would appear to be at first.
If you like Viashino's and causing chaos, why not use Shivan Harvest and recurrable Myr, Pentivites, Thopters or whatever to decimate the lands of your opponents?
March 29, 2016 4:20 p.m. Edited.
Thanks for the quick response Ender666666! Hoard-Smelter Dragon definitely seems like a strong choice. I was leaning more towards Viashino Heretic since it's a tutorable target for Imperial Recruiter and more mana efficient for destroying other people's mana rocks during the early game. Shivan Harvest is definitely a blast to play with. I previously ran it in my Krenko deck, but took it out after complaints from everyone in my play group.
March 29, 2016 4:40 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #23
Wusses! You lose a land, I lose a creature. It's fair!
March 29, 2016 4:58 p.m.
abzanforever says... #24
How about playing Winter Orb instead of Static Orb?
March 29, 2016 8:09 p.m.
Ender666666: Thank you for answering that for me!
abzanforever: Never used Sanctum of Ugin for its effect, just for mana, so it gets the axe for now. Sometimes it's better to pitch your high cost rocks and recur them. I still do hard cast them tho. I like leaving a Gilded Lotus up cuz then I can fake a red instant like Chaos Warp; can't do that with Thran Dynamo. ;)
I like Static Orb over Winter Orb cuz you can turn it off with Clock of Omens and untap all of your stuff.
Guerte says... #1
alexyoung: I think that's comparing apples to oranges. If some people wanna run him, more power to them. But I don't like the card. I've tried it out in the early stages and it just wasn't doing enough for me. Thank you for the suggestion tho.
NarejED: I'll be completely honest with you: I've seen the list. I've tried the exact list. I did not like it. I'm not a fan of MLD and comepletey locking people out of the game. I'd rather win a hard fought game, than a game where everyone else say there and did nothing. I still win a good percentage of my games with this list, and that's a percentage I'm happy with. I feel like if I went that route, people would not like to play against Daretti, and he's my favorite deck to play. Thank you for commenting tho.
March 17, 2016 9:17 p.m.