

Instant (1)

Sorcery (1)

Rakdos midrange that utilizes Blood Moon to devastating effect, with efficient removal and creatures. The deck utilizes Goblin Dark-Dwellers as a sideboard plan/package that has synergies with most of the cards in my maindeck as they are 3 cmc or less instant/sorcery.

Card Choices

Bedlam Reveler:Another name sake devil that I originally considered, which didn't make the original cut due to competition with "Fishy". I am unsure on the numbering but I feel it is somewhere in a 2-3 of range, I will mention that it can fuel Fishy with its entrance effect. Also an important note on that ability, you can draw 3 even if you have no cards in hand to discard.

Gurmag Angler:An old favorite I know as "Fishy" which also is one of the best budget fatties out there, I tend to bounce between 2-3 copies, though I feel 2 is optimal. Also nice synergy with Sin Prodder.

Young Pyromancer: our decks bread and butter, allows for additional value off of the numerous angles of attacking our opponent(hand attack and removal). Also pulls mid/late game value off of Faithless Looting being flashbacked. I run 4 with no hesitation as it builds board presence, my only regret about this card is that it often hit by Lightning Bolt before I get value.

Sin Prodder: An evasive creature that allows us to make up for the drawback of Faithless Looting or fills our grave for faster "Fishy" while burning the opponent for damage. I keep bouncing between 3 or 4 copies, but I feel 4 is optimal as it dose alot for this deck while also helping balance the same draw back of young pyromancer (Being bolted before picking up value).

Terminate: One of if not the best removal options for , I run 3 so I have an open slot for Dreadbore in main.

Dismember: Very flexible cost to suit your needs, I run 2 as the life loss early game can be the difference between a win and a loss for the match.

Lightning Bolt: Poster card for basically any deck running , 4 no exceptions.

Dreadbore: I run this as my 4th Terminate so I have more main deck resistance to planeswalker win conditions, might move the 2nd copy from sideboard to maindeck depending on metagame.

Inquisition of Kozilek: A primary and good reason for running ,this card hits alot of the threats but not everything. Run 4

Thoughtseize: Another primary reason for running , this hits everything but lands for 2 life(same potential draw back of Dismember). I run 3 as total of 7(including IOK) the cards you sends quality is decreased.

Blood Moon: this card wrecks decks unprepared often winning on its own in those cases, this can be a double edged sword if the user dose not build the manabase correctly. I run 2 as I have so much "digging" also my wallet is not really big enough for another.
Faithless Looting: now I have already mentioned this a few times above, this card makes you go -1. I personally find that the grave setup, "digging" power allowing you to get the answers you need, and the late game value with Young Pyromancer worth it. I run 3 as it really is 6 copies if you count the flashback; I will say the hardest part of this deck is knowing when to use this. You need to be able to be able to make calls like do I pitch this instant or creature to be used later with Kolaghan's Command or Goblin Dark-Dwellers; typically these calls rocket you ahead or send you back to the stoneage with resources.

Kolaghan's Command: shortly after this hit printing this card was already making an appearance, and for good reason, each and every mode has a use. The mode that adds any creature back is very potent when we use this with Faithless Looting. I run 2 for a few reasons, 1) two copies allows frequent use while still allowing other card choices 2)its good like really good yet it is easy to rely upon which can make you sloppy. Additionally when we side in Goblin Dark-Dwellers you easily have more than enough copies.

Sideboard BreakdownThe sideboard can be broken into 2 categories I call Flexible options or Specific Answers.

Flexible options: which are relevant in numerous matchups which are actually just an extension of the decks gameplan/synergy; additionally these cards interact with specific answers we run further strengthening the deck overall.

Goblin Dark-Dwellers: This card really switches the deck into value town, as most of the deck is an option for recursion( including most of the sideboard). Passes the bolt test and nice evasion. 3 is optimal as often your only siding in 2 copies though when the 3rd gets boarded in is when it will be a very long grindy games; typically the control match-up.

Darkblast: Often an oddball card, not in this case though. Allows for crazy token buildup with Young Pyromancer fills that grave for recursion off of Goblin Dark-Dwellers/Kolaghan's Command or just to get a "Fishy" play when mana is tight. Additionally I have found it a great choice in the infect match up.

Surgical Extraction: Simple but powerful, syngerizes with what the deck is already doing be it discard, targeted removal, or just letting the opponent expend their resources as the game goes on. Overall bomb in my experience in nearly every matchup I run 3 for maximum usage while still leaving my options open.

Funeral Charm: Removal, discard, or evasion all for a single [mana]B[/mana]. I will often side this in for multiple matchups. Ex: Burn discard mode replacement for Thoughtseize, Infect Darkblast numbers 2 and 3,and Jund for that sweet evasion.

Rakdos Charm: An late addition to the party, Kolaghan's Command older version. Age has been not rather kind to this one yet still finds an way to bring the party. Blowing out an grave at instant speed is the main attraction though the other two modes are still useful in odd matchups. Not quite sure if is flexible option or a specific answer as it lends itself to versatility while still being a very hard answer to grave threats. Specific Answers: tend to be cards that have specialized use which can be interpreted as just "hate" which in my opinion are different.

Molten Rain: Play this over Crumble to Dust as it can be recurred with Goblin Dark-Dwellers while getting in that extra damage. Additionally we have a pseudo copy of Crumble to Dust effect when we use with Surgical Extraction which gives the option of keeping that 4th mana up.

Shattering Spree: For more artifact intense games, I rarely have sided in the second unless I was also siding in 3rd Goblin Dark-Dwellers.


Updates Add

Been playtesting things alot and have added Monastery Swiftspear to the creature suite to add more early game pressure, which will lead into a faster "mid-game" which is where this deck thrives. Following changes where make room for swift-spear.




Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

26 - 7 Rares

14 - 8 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.65
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R
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