[Primer] Engineered Explosives

Commander / EDH* Mortaal


Possessed Portal idk, maby.

July 28, 2020 7:45 p.m.

Mortaal says... #2

Interesting stax piece there, locking opponents out for one turn, then throw the portal and move on. Or just leave it up to lock the table up to allow bosh to throw everybody to death.

Worth a try in later testplays!

July 29, 2020 4:02 a.m.

I use it with Necropotence in my hand hate deck, dont got a hand then its gunna be eatin all your permanents.

July 29, 2020 4:51 a.m.

Mortaal says... #4

I understand the Necropotence interaction, sadly this deck has no access to it, so it would be purely a stax piece for me.

July 30, 2020 9:27 a.m.

DankMagicianD says... #5

Mindslaver? You have plenty of ways to use the effect multiple times in a game. Or it could just be too slow and make you too big of a target. I don't know myself, but my brother enjoys playing it in his Daretti deck, and I'm afraid of it enough to want to suggest it to other people. God-Pharaoh's Statue is another powerful but target-making card he plays; maybe it's worth testing too?

August 16, 2020 10:59 p.m.

Mortaal says... #6

Heya Dank, thanks for the input! Mindslaver has been discussed in my playgroup before. A constant recurring of it made people feel it was a pseudo sen triplets, and I want to steer off that course for that reason (still a great and powerful card though).

The statue actually slipped my mind, great slow-down piece while still ‘throwable’. Will think about that one some more, thanks!

August 17, 2020 6:03 a.m.

Destroyerbirb says... #7

Mortaal Nice. I just have one question. Where's the Engineered Explosives?

+1 from me!

August 17, 2020 6:38 p.m.

Mortaal says... #8

Heya Destroyer, the idea is that we would engineer our own explosives with this deck ;), once Bosh hits, things go boom!

Thanks for the vote!

August 17, 2020 6:47 p.m.

Vintcient says... #9

Definitely upvoting! Love the list and it gives me plenty of ideas on making my own Bosh list. Question, what infinites would you run in it if you were running them?

October 6, 2020 8:05 a.m.

Mortaal says... #10

Heya Vintcient, thanks for the love :) much appreciated.

I think I would run the fastest infinites possible to get to infinite red mana, so that your finishing piece is Bosh. It feels good to have your inevitable kill ready in the command zone to go off and nothing able to stop it.

I would run the following infinite engines as a start, but probably add as many as I could (preferably 2 piece combos):

Metalworker + Umbral Mantle / Sword of the Paruns

Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth

After this you only need to get things such as Prismite, Stonework Packbeast, or any other mana filter are your third piece to finish it off with Bosh, Iron Golem.

Focussing on this single strategy I think offers to most consistent wins with Bosh, and frankly I am very curious about how strong it is, good luck building!

October 6, 2020 8:40 a.m.

cool stuff

October 10, 2020 4:06 p.m.

Genderfluidia says... #12

Hey, I'm not really familiar with this deck yet, but I didn't see Hellkite Tyrant, which I think would be really strong!

November 28, 2020 5:06 p.m.

Mortaal says... #13

Hey Gender, helkite is indeed a powerful flyer, yet I felt it to be rather slow due to it having to attack and “your next upkeep trigger”. Also we want to throw stuff to win ;) so I rather slot in something that helps that purpose.

Cheers, Mortaal

November 28, 2020 8:20 p.m.

Nabux says... #14

As a Bosh player too, i find your list very interesting. (Im a bit jealous about your curve)

Im glad to see i cut some of the same high CMC Bosh's signatures cards than you. Aswell i'm interested cause our decks dont rely on the same way to draw cards, which is one of the main goal : how not to be out of gas.

As you play a lot of untap tool, i think you should consider Azor's Gateway  Flip : card selection seems nice to me in monored and if you flip the card, you often kill someone (or everyone).

Aswell i see you dont rely on Grafted Exoskeleton and Ugin's Nexus. I guess that's cause you run a lot of tutor, and you dont want get them each game. Am i correct ?

If you want, i would be interested if you open a section to explain some of the notable exclusions of your deck according to your gameplan.

Best regards

My personnal Boshie's deck : deck:https://deckstats.net/decks/144588/1661620-bosh-garbage-thrower (feel free to give me a feedback, or any advice)

December 2, 2020 10:10 a.m.

Mortaal says... #15

Heya Nabux! Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated. To come back on your comments:

I feel that because we play so much stuff out of our hands we need to get the consistent draws going through lands or even through mana-rocks (which we can reanimate to do it again later on). The reason I run these draw effects is just because they have a "dual-function" as ramp or draw in the deck. I do like your setup as well though, which has a more focus on drawing cards consistently rather than sporadically in bursts.

The Gateway is indeed very interesting to consider for the deck, although I think the requirements to get it active are still quite steep. The exoskeleton was also in my mind the first time I drafted the deck, yet I wanted to make it a little more difficult to get to a win, as you said I probably would tutor for that every single time as an out. As for the Nexus, I feel it takes one turn to set it up, which basically means you get to get to gain that turn back later but lose your progression the turn you drop it in if that makes sense?

Perhaps I should add that notable exclusion section indeed. Possibly even a "potential candidates" section for things to try out as there are more suggestions above which would be nice to give a spin.

thanks again! Cheers, Mortal

December 2, 2020 11:27 a.m.

Nabux says... #16

It makes sense, if i had your tutors, i wouldn't run thoose cards myself. One other point i realy like, is the quantity of cheap removals and deflect.

December 2, 2020 3:17 p.m.

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