[Primer] Karametra's Bounce House

Commander / EDH Goretast

SCORE: 162 | 85 COMMENTS | 26027 VIEWS | IN 50 FOLDERS

Goretast says... #3

@Senomar Avenger of Zendikar is simply there to make the buff from Craterhoof Behemoth larger. The tokens won't have haste unless I have Akroma's Memorial, but I can swing out with the rest of my board that will have at least +10/10 with trample. Also, the combo does work because both enter simultaneously, but you chose what ETB triggers happen in what order.

June 6, 2018 2:57 p.m.

Beebles says... #5

Hey Goretast,

I looked through your list. These are some things that came to mind. Hope some of it might be useful to you ;).

  • I really like that your run Protean Hulk in addition to Academy Rector. Will probably go ahead and do the same :).
  • I miss Zendikar Resurgent in your list. That’s my number 1 rector target for sure.
  • Overall you run quite a low number of draw spells for my taste (I counted around 5). I prefer to run ~10: nothing is worse than being all ramped out and having nothing to spend that mana on. Potential cards to include (apart from resurgent) could be: Evolutionary Leap, Lifecrafter's Bestiary and Soul of the Harvest.

Other than that, I really liked your list. Nice selection leaning more on landfall and goodstuff. Looks like fun!



June 9, 2018 11:31 a.m.

Goretast says... #6

Thanks for the suggestions! I've moved those cards in and out of the deck for awhile, but it seems like I got a little greedy on value without adding enough card draw. I added Zendikar Resurgent, Evolutionary Leap, and Lifecrafter's Bestiary. I also want to try Kozilek, Butcher of Truth as a possible mid-game wincon with great draw for late game.

June 10, 2018 10:21 p.m.

bem77 says... #7

Fun looking deck and nice layout and explanation for this deck. Keep up the good work.

June 22, 2018 11:11 a.m.

ScionLocke says... #8

Have you considered Oketra's Monument? it's a cost reducer for Whitemane Lion and it creates a threatening board state at the same time. Also just in case you feel like you need more card draw, Arch of Orazca exist and it shouldn't be too hard to pay that cost in this deck.

June 28, 2018 11:42 a.m.

Goretast says... #9

Thanks for the suggestion ScionLocke! I was considering it awhile back, but I think it would be a great addition now especially with a Whitemane Lion infinite combo built in. Any suggestions on what I should cut?

June 28, 2018 2:31 p.m.

ScionLocke says... #10

I'm not a huge fan of Beastcaller Savant. I know you generally don't want to take away from the creature count in this style of deck but I think what Oketra's Monument offers is similar enough with a bigger pay off in most cases.

June 29, 2018 2:19 a.m.

Goretast says... #11

I run Beastcaller Savant for a haste trigger for Odric, Lunarch Marshal when I pull it with Protean Hulk. It allows for a gross swing with Odric buffs. I'll have to give the idea some thought because I do think Oketra's Monument should be in the deck.

June 29, 2018 2:56 a.m.

ScionLocke says... #12

If it's too hard to cut from the creature package, I think the loss of explosive starts with Sol Ring or Exploration might suffice.

June 29, 2018 10:55 a.m.

Vidjalante says... #13

I think you could drop Thornscape Familiar for Oketra's Monument. Similar effect on each except Monument gives you a little bit more payoff and is a bit harder to remove. :) Love the build; more like Karametra, Jack of all Trades! <3

July 28, 2018 5:59 p.m.

Goretast says... #14

Hey Vidjalante, thanks for your comment. I'm glad you like the deck! I run Thornscape Familiar because it can be pulled with Protean Hulk to start an infinite combo with Whitemane Lion and Lotus Cobra immediately. It's a very strong combo in the deck that would be even stronger if I can find a spot for Oketra's Monument. I'm still giving some thought on what I want to cut.

July 28, 2018 6:29 p.m.

As a way to deal with direct damage, why not try Pariah? I'm sure your gods won't mind...

August 6, 2018 3:42 p.m.

Goretast says... #16

Hey slayingmatt1234, I've never seen Pariah before. It seems like a really solid fit. Do you have any suggestions on what I would remove to add it?

August 6, 2018 3:57 p.m.

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. One thing I will say that I don't like about this deck (and this could be just me, I don't know your meta) is that it looks like you don't have many ways to get karametra out early, and instead have a lot of high cmc cards. So I would recommend taking out something that lowers your curve. Which one though, I'm not sure. Maybe Sun Titan since you have other ways to recur stuff and it misses a lot of your deck?

Anyway, I have my own Karametra deck here if you are interested. It plays a little differently but I'm sure it has a few more ideas for you. I'm a big Karametra fan myself!

August 6, 2018 4:27 p.m.

Wazgold1981 says... #18

What about truimph of the hordes as an additional win con, with any overun effect or cratorhoof flashed in with the elf that lets you drop creaturs for 1 green mana, i also runn wolfbrior elemental and the sabortooth that lets you return creatures to your hand....

October 17, 2018 7:19 p.m.

Goretast says... #19

Thanks for the suggestions Wazgold1981. I really like Triumph of the Hordes and Wolfbriar Elemental. Do you have any suggestions on what to remove for those additions?

October 19, 2018 1:58 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #20

Greenbelt Rampager should be here ;), three triggers for 3 mana? Yes...

November 1, 2018 7:26 p.m.

Goretast says... #21

Thanks for the comment SynergyBuild! I've seen a few of your decks around here. Do you have any suggestions on what I should remove to add Greenbelt Rampager or any other suggestions?

November 2, 2018 1:18 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #22

Sublime Archangel, Rhonas the Indomitable, and Protean Hulk can be dropped for the rampager, Recruiter of the Guard (gross with effects like Academy Rector), and Kor Skyfisher.

My reasoning is the the cards I listed don't do enough until you already have the commanding board state and can win. They are win-more, and don't get you the resources to win, but make a win more inevitable.

I don't know what to drop, perhaps a card like Kozilek, but Enlightened Tutor and Worldly Tutor are good enough to run as well.

November 2, 2018 8:54 a.m.

Gl1tched666 says... #23

maybe you should look at Dovescape it combos very well with a some of the cards in your deck. Mentor of the Meek with dovescape means a ton of drawing only limited by your lands which this deck works around and cards which tends to be covered by the huge amount of cards mentor of the meek allows you to draw. Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite combos well with dovescape because you get 3/3s with flying and your opponent can't play noncreature spells. another card that you could add is Cathars' Crusade I think it would work well with your creature heavy deck

November 5, 2018 2:19 a.m.

Goretast says... #24

Hey Gl1tched666, Dovescape looks sweet, but I can't play blue cards in a Green/White commander deck! I've also played around with Cathars' Crusade, but found it to be too slow and found my self always grabbing Zendikar Resurgent with my Academy Rector. It was also a pain to keep track of +1/1 counters with it.

November 5, 2018 2:37 a.m.

Gl1tched666 says... #25

ah I forgot sorry. I'm used to standard where you can splash in dual symbol cards without changing your deck.

November 5, 2018 4:12 a.m.

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