


Still working on it ^^

  • Agadeem's Awakening  : Takes up a land slot and scaled as the game goes longer. Also benefits from the deck's many low-cmc creatures
  • Ashnod's Altar: Sac-outlet and ramp piece
  • Attrition: Repeatable instant-speed creature removal
  • Badlands: Nothing better than OGs
  • Bastion of Remembrance: Creates a token for Korvold and is harder to remove than a creature
  • Bayou: My internship-money right there
  • Birds of Paradise: Ramp out Korvold early and sacrifice for value when topdecked late
  • Birthing Pod: Check the combo section for pod-lines
  • Blood Artist: Additional damage, also triggers off opponent's creatures dying
  • Blood Crypt: Shock lands are good
  • Bloodstained Mire: Sacrifice synergy
  • Carpet of Flowers: If no opponent runs blue, Korvold can cycle it
  • Carrion Feeder: Free sacrifice outlet, can get quite big
  • Chittering Witch: Great token-creator and backup sac-outlet/removal
  • City of Brass: Staple in any 3+ color decks
  • Command Tower: Duh
  • Deadly Dispute: Low cost for a lot of cards. The Treasure can serve to keep going or as temporary ramp
  • Dragonskull Summit: The have lands are the next best lands. Never wiff due to fetches
  • Eldritch Evolution: Fetches almost everything due to the deck's low curve. Can also sacrifice tokens. Check combos for notable targets at each cmc
  • Elves of Deep Shadow: Early ramp, also fixes for
  • Elvish Mystic: Ramping turn 1 before anyone else has even played a card is very strong
  • Eternal Witness: Staple. Grabs anything on etb and becomes sacrifice fodder
  • Evolutionary Leap: Turns token into actual cards and due to the deck's many sacrifice outlets and synergies drawing any creature is fine
  • Exploration: It's only downside is running out of lands to play, which is unlikely considering the deck's draw power. But if it's just sitting around, Korvold is always looking for a snack
  • Fire-Lit Thicket: Filter lands are always great in 2-3 color decks, especially when they have lots of colored pips
  • Forest: Most of the ramp cards are green, so is the mana base
  • Fyndhorn Elves: Having a turn 1 play in general, but it paints a target on your head
  • Gala Greeters: Good baseline, lots of potential via incremental value
  • Ghouls' Night Out: Lots of non-token sacrifice fodder. The included sacrifice makes it good with little outside help
  • Goblin Bombardment: One of the primary reasons to go into when building Aristocrats
  • Goblin Sharpshooter: Kills all x/1s. Also untaps when we sacrifice our own creatures to take down bigger creatures or deal direct damage
  • Grave Pact: Destroys other creature decks, especially Voltron and tribal strategies that play few but important creatures. Also makes blocking and attacking into our creatures complicated
  • Graven Cairns: Filter lands suck when there are no other lands out (or the wrong basic), but they still are some of the best lands for Commander
  • High Market: Great backup when we are low rolling
  • Ignoble Hierarch: Amazing dork. 'Exalted' is also relevant, since usually only the Commander is attacking
  • Impulsive Pilferer: Draws stupid amounts of cards with Korvold
  • Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse: Makes token and increases reach with an alternative win con/damage source
  • Korvold, Fae-Cursed King: Works without the deck and the deck works without him; both working together is outright broken
  • Lightning Greaves: Protects our most important creatures. Gives mana dorks and the Commanders haste
  • Liliana, Dreadhorde General: Creates fodder for and acts as an replacement for Korvold
  • Living Death: Synergistic boardwipe. Using sac-outlets we cen make sure to come out on top
  • Llanowar Elves: Make sure to not empty your hand only to get boardwiped
  • Luxury Suite: Non-fetchable dual
  • Mad Ratter: Draws crazy amounts of cards with Korvold and a sac-outlet
  • Mana Confluence: Not as shiny as City of Brass (literally and figuratively)
  • Mayhem Devil: Can target anything, super flexible with an instant-speed sac-outlet
  • Mitotic Slime: Seven bodies for one card. Resiliant to board wipes
  • Mogg War Marshal: Three bodies for 2 mana is busted
  • Morbid Opportunist: Most of the time, it just draws 4 cards/rotation. Seens opponents creatures dying as well
  • Mountain: Just one, grab it with any basic land tutor for fixing purposes
  • Nightmare Shepherd: Can 'protect' important pieces by copying them (sacrificing them in response to a bounce/exile effect ensures to get the trigger). Exiling isn't terrible, as this isn't a full-on recursion deck
  • Ohran Frostfang: Great with mana dorks and tokens. Had games where it draws 7+ cards every single turn
  • Ophiomancer: Creates excellent blockers, goes nuts with a sac-outlet and a payoff (sac the snakes each turn and get a new one next upkeep)
  • Ordeal of Nylea: Synergistic land-ramp. If you stack the trigger, you can crack it by putting it on Korvold without using his triggers (1 coutner on etb, one on attack and the third from Ordeal)
  • Outland Liberator  : Synergistic, recurable artifact/enchantment removal. Great if it ever flips
  • Overgrown Tomb: Shock lands + fetch lands are the bread and butter of each optimized, consistent mana base
  • Pawn of Ulamog: Makes loads of very useful tokens. Making one for itself dying is a nice bonus
  • Phyrexian Altar: One of the best sacrifice outlets
  • Phyrexian Tower: Taps for without any real investment
  • Pitiless Plunderer: I have no idea why it triggers on token dying. But I am not here to question, only to exploit
  • Plaguecrafter: People get super salty when this gets recurred. I wonder why...
  • Primal Growth: Grabbing two untapped(!) basics for three mana is good
  • Prismatic Vista: A true auto-include in 90% of decks (ignoring price)
  • Prosperous Innkeeper: Birthing Pod target, incidental lifegain is deceptively good
  • Puppeteer Clique: Fodder, abuses etbs
  • Purphoros, God of the Forge: Our greatest source of damage, 20 etbs win
  • Rankle, Master of Pranks: I love Rankle. Fleshbag Marauder every turn and if you feel especially evil also make everyone discard
  • Riveteers Ascendancy: Great recursion, works amazingly well with Birthing Pod
  • Rootbound Crag: The have lands at least tapping for one of our primary colors is important
  • Sakura-Tribe Elder: Synergistic ramp and self-sacrifices
  • Seal of Primordium: Synergistic artifact/enchantment removal
  • Seize the Spotlight: Usually draws 3 cards and makes three treasures (which draw anoter 3 cards)
  • Skullclamp: Not particularly synergistic, but just an auto-include in token decks. Also works with dorks late game
  • Smothering Abomination: Mini-Korvold
  • Sol Ring: Is it boring? Yes. Is there a good reason why it's in every commander deck? Yes.
  • Spire Garden: Best land cycle behind OGs and maybe shocks
  • Sprouting Thrinax: 4 bodies for three mana. Doesn't get more efficient like that
  • Stomping Ground: Shock lands are good
  • Swamp: Did you realize that there are 6 basics in the deck and effects that fetch 6 basics in total? What a coincidence!
  • Taiga: I saved up my pocket money and got this one for "cheap"
  • The Meathook Massacre: Scalable, modular boardwipe + a really good effect when of board
  • Twilight Mire: Super important, as these are the deck's most prominent colors. Lots of symbols
  • Ulvenwald Mysteries: Same as with Tracker, it also makes the token when Korvold eats a clue
  • Undergrowth Stadium: I am happy that Wizards finished this cycle. Now I can play these lands in a three-color deck without triggering my ocd
  • Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth: Majority of the deck's mana cost is , makes the Graven Cains|Filter lands and utility lands better
  • Utopia Sprawl: Turn 1 ramp, safer than dorks since it's harder to remove. Best put on basics to avoid non-land destruction (Wasteland e.g.)
  • Verdant Catacombs: Fun fact - Every fetch can fetch every color
  • Victimize: Probably Magic's best recursion spell
  • Viscera Seer: Amazing sac-outlet. The scry also works well with Korvold's draw trigger (the draw will resolve first, but it's relevant for subsequent trigger)
  • Volrath's Stronghold: Underrated commander-card. Korvold can draw the creature right away. Also works as a repeatable Command Beacon in a way
  • Wake the Dead: Basically an draw-spell. Requires nothing but your important cards getting blown up (and if that didn't happen you win and don't need anything else :P)
  • Wild Growth: Doesn't color fix, but goes on any land
  • Wooded Foothills: Fetches are still good
  • Woodland Cemetery: Comparable to the Battlebond lands
  • Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth: Colorfixing, makes it easier to play dorks in he early turns
  • Yawgmoth, Thran Physician: This card is basically Korvold + Goblin Bombardment in one card
  • Zulaport Cutthroat: Adds value to what we are doing anyways. Incidental lifegain is also deceptively good

Synergies & Combos

This deck has an unintentional infinite combo I figured out while playing. It requires:

  1. Eternal Witness
  2. Living Death
  3. Phyrexian Altar OR Pitiless Plunderer + a sacrifice outlet
  4. Five creatures to sacrifice
Get Eternal Witness in graveyard, then cast Living Death. It resolves and gets back Witness, witch returns Living Death to hand. Sacrifice all creatures and generate enough mana to recast Living Death. To actually benefit from this loop you need a pay-off or an additional creature to make infinite mana.

This section covers what's best to get with the cards Birthing Pod and Eldritch Evolution.
The highlighted targets are primarily card draw, removal, reanimation and protection, as well as sacrifice pay-offs.
The cards marked with [(ts) = to sac] are good targets to "climb the ladder" (sacrifice them to your Pod-effect next turn to get the next highest CMC).






Primal Growth + any mana dork: Turn 1 dork, turn 2 pay three mana and sacrifice the dork to Primal Growth. You are still left with two untapped lands (on turn 2) and well set up for Korvold turn 3

Nightmare Shepherd + Puppeteer Clique: "Steal" three creatures out of your opponent's graveyards. Puppeteer Clique comes back twice (one with Persist, one with the Shepherd), getting three creatures. Sacrifice them and Shepherd exiles them and makes copies for you to keep

Nightmare Shepherd + Ghouls' Night Out: Works the same as the interaction with Puppeteer Clique.

Shiny Progress

Foil OG-Printing

Foil: Extras

Zendikar Expeditions

FNM Promos

Secret Lair

Judge Reward Promos

Unstable Foil Basics

Other Foils


My playgroup has a self-made deck:|"Casual-Banned List", which contains all cards that we deem "unfair" or "non-casual". Some of these cuts are to make the deck conform with this list and to make it less spiky overall, as it often proved to be opressive, compared to your average "casual" EDH deck. Especially the cards that can also be found on our bannedlist caused frustrating losses for many opponents.

Getting Meren "online" proved to be difficult sometimes. When you play a card meant reanimate your creatures, having to kill them first can sometimes be a tough hoop to jump through, especially after a boardwipe.
Pawn of Ulamog is primarily meant to help the deck's occasional shortage of things to sacrifice. It also works well on it's own and kinda fills a similar role to Meren, as it gives you value when your creatures die.

Cradle is definitely one of the more "unfair" Magic cards. It consistenly produces more mana than should be avaliable at that point in the game. It's high price tag makes people like being priced out of the game, which is like adding salt in the wound when cradle just tapped for 8 mana.
Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth is mainly meant to help consistently cast dorks turn one. Making Fetchlands able to tap for mana also let's us keep them around till after Korvold is out + it makes the Filter Lands better.

Earthcraft is crazy good. Just makes to much mana too easily and doesn't require us to keep mana open to respond.
Ignoble Hierarch was made for this deck. It was obvious that he'd find a place in this deck.

It's often hard to resolve Dockside and NOT win in the mid- to lategame. Enables wins with too little setup.
Nest Invader is another solution to the deck's sacrifice fodder-problem: Sometimes Korvold comes out with nothing good to sacrifice and sometimes I just quickly ran out of things to sacrifice. Replaces Dockside as link in our Birthing Pod-chain.

Kinda useless without Cradle. Yes, you could always cycle it with Korvold in play, but there aren't really any other lands worth grabbing.
Before the engine really starts going (or after it was shut down), my hands tend to get light on cards and Deadly Dispute offers unconditional card draw (almost).

Lotus just causes feelbads and can actually leave us in a pretty bad situation when Korvold gets killed immediately after (which is likely).
The last piece of a game winning enigne I often have to look for is a free sacrifice outlet. It's also boardwipe protection in a way, as we can at least turn our creatures into carddraw (with Korvold). Worst case, it can be "cycled".

Night Incarnate is expensive and situational. The -3/-3 is sometimes not enough to kill every relevant threat. It's only upside is that is can be tutored for.
The Meathook Massacre on the other hand is scalable and it's other abilities are good on it's own. Just casting it for is still fine, and like Incarnate, it can act as fodder in a pinch.

Animation Module works good. Maybe even too good. Fact of the matter is, it's very easy go to semi-infinite with cards like Ashnod's Altar and I found myself in situations where I was simply not casting it because that wasn't the way I wanted to win. Instant-win combos are just not my thing.
Lightning Greaves is a card that gets thrown into many commander decks, since it's hardly ever 'bad', but in this deck it performs wonders. Korvold is always (rightfully) threat #1 and is always killed on sight. I hardly ever untap with him and when I do, victory usually is near. It also allows Korvold to attack and get extra value/damage right away, as well as protecting out other important pieces and giving our dorks and Dryad Arbor haste.

Tireless Tracker is not very impactful. With some land synergy getting cut, it's not getting any better.
Morbid Opportunist is pretty much an auto include. It easily draws 2-3 cards a turn-cycle.

Caustic Caterpullar costing only 1 isn't really relevant since turn 1 usually a mana dork is played. Having to leave open at all times is also a real cost.
Outland Liberator   does the same at the same overall cost, but takes only to activate on later turns. It's also really good it if ever happens to flip.

Curse of Opulence is nice when your oppoents play into it and give you additional Gold tokens, but is overall quite unreliable. There are also not very many creatures we want to attack with. Getting disposable tokens on the board also takes a while.
Gala Greeters is very consistent. Even if it only makes one Treasure token a turn, it's still great. It is also not very hard to trigger it on following oppoent's turns by creating tokens at instant speed.

Nesting Dragon worked fine. The flying bodies dealing damage was actually a nice increase in reach, but it didn't feel very impactful overall.
Mitotic Slime by itslef makes the same amount of tokens as Nesting Dragon with three land drops. It is also a nice piece of boardwipe insurenace, since it'll leave bodies behind to help you rebuild.

Nest Invader worked suprisingly well, it is simply outclassed with the release of ...
Prosperous Inkeeper. The treasure isn't much worse than the Eldrazi Spawn, but gaining 1 life each time a creature enters is sneakily impactful.

Fiend Artisan isn't bad in this deck, but I want to reduce the amount of tutors in the deck, as to make them less repetitive. It having summoning sickness also holds it back greatly.
Seize the Spotlight Is great in this deck. Most of the time, you just get to draw 3 cards and create 2 Treasure tokens (which will draw another 3 cards). It will always give you three things to sacrifice.

Ramunap Excavator lost a lot of value with less MDFCs and no Dryad Arbor in the deck.
Riveteers Ascendancy is a really cool card. It's certainly not 'broken', but can give you loads of value. Works amazingly well with Birthing Pod.

Soul-Guide Lantern is very low impact. While most decks interact with their graveyard in some way, only a few are truly shut down by graveyard hate. With the (deliberate) lack of tutors in the deck, drawing it at the right time is just luck-based.
Blood Artist is just another redundant engine-piece. Our main win-con is to drain our opponents for 40 with aristocrats effects and that usually succeeds with multiple drains per creature dying. It also has the added fringe benefit of stopping many infinite combos, that require creatures dying.

Necromancy underperformed. Being able to play it at instant speed wasn't very impactful. Animate Dead would've been superior in almost all situations.
Wake the Dead has the potential to be hugely impactful. With Korvold in play, it becomes a -draw spell of sorts. It is also notable that it is impossible to skip combat, so even if no opponet is attacking, you can always play this off turn.

Doubling Season is a very fun card that I hate to see go, but it simply doesn't do anything on its own. Since this deck isn't a dedicated token/counter deck, it also isn't certain that we always have a meaningful effect to double up. It happened before that it got stuck in my hand, because it just wasn't worth casting. It's also hard to just put it out, since it's a prime target for removal.
Ghouls' Night Out on the other hand is great in almost every situation. It does on its own what Doubling Season makes other cards do. The creatures being sacrificed automatically can also come in handy in a low-roll situation, where we don't have access to a sacrifice outlet.

Gate to Phyrexia is a very interesting, underrated card, but this is not the deck for it. Having access to means we are not hard up for articat removal. I also found myself not using it, since sacrificing a mana dork wasn't worth blowing up their mana rock.
Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse needs a bit of setup to get the most out of, but the baseline is one token a turn cycle, since we usually are able to draw an extra card on our own turn. The pump ability give the deck a lot of reach and can serve as an alternative (or supportive) win condition.

Sylvan Safekeeper worked quite well, but with the land synergy leaving the deck, it looses utility. Also, when our opponents really want your creatures gone, they are usually willing to Strip Mine you with their removal spells, especially when we're ahead. I also dislike the option to sarcifice lands to draw cards. It is an interesting option for sure, but feels wholly out of place in 'Casual' commander.
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is an extra land. 33 was working most of the times, but missing land drops is a surefire way to loose games that are not going great. Most cards in the deck are either or , so Urborg helps to fix mana. It also makes the filter lands better.

Westvale Abbey   is just not good in this deck. Rarely ever can we afford to sacrifice 5 creatures + spending 6 mana. The token creating effect is also highly inefficient. If we're in a spot where the only thing we can do is paying 6 and a life vor a 1/1 token, that won't save us either.
High Market is also niche, but the floor is a lot higher. Removing 'combo pieces' (like sacrifice outlets) is an efficient way to stop us dead in our tracks, so having a backup on a land, which will likely never leave the battle field, is a good bit of ensurance.

Bala Ged Recovery   is nice utility, but there are not very many cards in the deck worth extra. Especially creatures, which make up the most important part of the deck, can be salvaged easier. These land changes also serve to eliminate all tapped lands, which further increases consistency.
Dragonskull Summit and the other have-lands are the next best lands imo. Having more colored mana sources is also a benefit.

Shatterskull Smashing   is not a very good MtG card. I rarely ever used it as removal. It's always the last land I play, since I'm waiting for an opportunity to use it, which usually never comes. Playing many lands is also bad, since there is very little of it in the deck.
Rootbound Crag -||-

Dryad Arbor has just too much going against it; mainly summoning sickness and dying to removal (or as collateral damage in board wipes). Also considerably worse without Ramunap Excavator.
Woodland Cemetery -||-

Outland Liberator   is decent. It's amazing if you get it to flip, but it is simply outclassed by:
Haywire Mite. Simply a power-crept version of all other versions of this effect. Gaining two life when it dies for whatever reason is a nice benefit.

Ordeal of Nylea is great if things are going well, but without Korvold, it's almost impossible to get the effect of in a reasonable amount of time. Kind of a win-more card.
Delighted Halfling is just another great mana dork. Preventing Korvold from getting countered is also great.

Ghouls' Night Out is just too expensive and there are too many things that have to be just right for this card to reach it's full potential.
Orcish Bowmasters needs to introduction. Even the baseline of two bodies and a ping is good.

Evolutionary Leap is a fine card, but keeping up mana can be a serious hindrance. And more often than not, it just fings another mana dork.
Warren Soultrader is unbelievably good for this deck. Another Phyrexian Altar that can easily be tutored for, recurred and lets you store mana AND draw twice per sac with Korvold.

Volrath's Stronghold is very rarely being activated. Paying 3 mana and skipping out on a draw is hardly ever worth it. And with so much redundancy in the deck, getting back any one creature isn't that important. It can let you bypass commander tax, but by the time you net mana off of this, you probably have won already / don't need Korvold anymore to win.
Spymaster's Vault has great potential. With a lot of swamps and fetches in the deck, it enters untapped almost all the time and producing colored mana is always a plus. It's main use is to filter out all the lands we are bound to draw when cycling through a lot of creatures.

Plaguecrafter feels almost always great to play. Making players with no creatures discard makes it so consistent to get value out of. But hitting planeswalkers can be a downside sometimes, because if a player has a walker but no creatures, you can just attack down that planeswalker anyways. So it gives them the option to keep a key creature by sacrificing a walker sometimes.
Accursed Marauder is just so much better for two reasons: It's one whole mana cheaper and messes up players with creature tokens as well.

Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse is either useless or very good. Making a token each turn requires a lot of setup. And while I have used the pump for surprise kills before, if you have tons of cards in hand and open mana, it's likely possible to win another way.
Marionette Apprentice is just perfect. Making a body just pushed it to the next level and triggering off of treasures going to the graveyard is a nice cherry on top.

Purphoros, God of the Forge upsides: Hard to remove, better reanimation target, niche buff effect
Agate Instigator upsides: Modularity with the option to be half the cost, bodies to sacrifice, deals damage on etb when the Offspring-cost is paid

Ulvenwald Mysteries is surprisingly good, but a bit slow and clunky.
Skittering Precursor is very close to Pawn of Ulamog in function and mostly just an upgrade because it triggers on fetch lands and enchantments as well.

Rankle, Master of Pranks wasn't an easy cut, but there have been scenarios where it was subpar, because you need expandable creatures or an excess in cards to begin with.
Chthonian Nightmare is absolutely amazing. It's sometimes a better Recurring Nightmare, simply because it's one mana less, which is very relevant when playing it over and over again. Reanimating creatures with mana value 2 or less lets you save up energy to get more expensive creatures.

Puppeteer Clique is very fun, but it's expensive and heavily depends on the targets you can reanimate, which you have little control over.
Illicit Masquerade is an experiment, a very promising one. Stripping it down and looking at the best case scenario, it reads: "Whenever a creature you control dies, return another target creature from your graveyard to the battlefield." It having flash gives it a lot of versatility as well, acting like another Wake the Dead.

Potential in: Underworld Breach, Flare of Cultivation, Boreal Druid, Arbor Elf
Potential out: Mad Ratter, Gala-Greeters, Prosperous Inkeeper


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96% Competitive

Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 weeks

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 1 Mythic Rares

44 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.54
Tokens Agate Instigator 1/1 R, Copy Clone, Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C, Energy Reserve, Goblin 1/1 R, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Ooze 1/1 G, Ooze 2/2 G for Mitotic Ooze, Orc Army, Rat 1/1 B, Saproling 1/1 G, Servo 1/1 C, Snake 1/1 B, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
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