[Primer] Mangara, the Field Researcher (UC)

Commander / EDH* Aystogon


skylinerees says... #1

Hey great primer! Love the effort. Few questions: Solid Footing is just for the flash pump? feels kind of not super great. love the idea of the protection and defensive idea, but other than Approach of the Second Sun, are there any other similar wincons? In my playgroup we kind of don't play felidar sovereign, so im trying to find other win cons!

June 24, 2020 6:42 a.m.

Aystogon says... #2

@skylinerees Yea, Solid Footing is just a a flash pump for Mangara. I'm sure it can be replaced with something better, i'm not sure what to put in for it yet though, probably more instant speed protection or interaction.

I guess an alternative to those would be something like Aetherflux Reservoir to take advantage of the life gain, low CMC, and along with the amount of cards we can draw. If your playgroup isn't good with that than I would suggest using big angels. I think using angels will probably require harsher adjustments because the CMC is quite low in the current iteration. Some of those larger angels can prove to be pretty nasty!

June 25, 2020 3:38 a.m.

skylinerees says... #3

Aystogon for sure, was just checking I hadn't missed some crazy synergy :) I see what you mean, aetherflux could be great. I'm currently fine tuning my version, where I've gone for a flash tokens theme, using every instant speed token maker (that's any good) along with cards like Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and indestructible avacyn to kind of react to being attacked and force bad blocks. I think the second ability is where mangara really shines, so I think a kind of reaction defensive shell makes sense. I have something similar in my Elsha, Retaliate! Deck, based on aikido, but obviously in jeskai there's more flex in the win con section. I will share my version of this deck when I'm done, would love some feedback!

June 25, 2020 4:27 a.m.

skylinerees says... #4

Here it is!

lemme know what you think Aystogon

June 25, 2020 6:41 a.m. Edited.

0rc says... #5

neat :)

July 11, 2020 4:15 a.m.

Monomanamaniac says... #6

I saw your you tube channel and I'm a big fan. This is a great deck and I appreciate that you're representing mono-white

October 23, 2020 12:20 a.m.

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