This is a true Timmy deck right here! So many bombs
Animar decks have wiggle room and you went for planeswalkers; I respect that. Only 1 nonpermanent spell. You need a haste source so you can swing all-out when you pop Primal Surge lol
My favorite strategy includes the bounce creatures. Shrieking Drake is $$$ with animar. Instead of t4 cast something for ; have the Drake bounce itself three times and still cast the four drop... Or play Genesis Hydra for , return with Man-o'-War for , and again g.h. for . Dream Stalker is also good. Imagine all of these with Cloudstone Curio or Purphoros, God of the Forge. None of them are infinite combos, just good ol' magic
+1 from me! Here's my list if you'd like to check it out
March 7, 2018 10:36 p.m. Edited.
loudpenguin64 says... #3
It's true. This satisfies my inner Timmy. I do have some haste in with Temur Ascendancy and Urabrask the Hidden. Purphoros, God of the Forge is a great add and I will look to acquire it. With Ancestral Statue he kills everyone at the table. I will dwell more on the bounce creatures. It feels good, I have to contemplate what to cut though. Thanks for the comment and upvote.
loudpenguin64 says... #1
So this is pretty much a face beater. It combines the things I love in MTG: big creatures, ramping and drawing cards.
Things can get pretty silly pretty quick. Fun stuff like a Roaring Primadox bouncing Solemn Simulacrum, recasting Solemn for free, getting the ramp and adding a counter to Animar.
Alternate Win Condition: Primal Surge/Laboratory Maniac combo.
Craterhoof is a wincon on his own.
Feel free to comment and +1 if you like.
February 17, 2016 5:06 p.m.