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[Primer] Skemfar's Blade - Lathril EDH

Commander / EDH Aggro BG (Golgari) Competitive Elves Ramp Tokens


This deck has been moved to Moxfield. It will no longer be updated here. Please follow the link to see the most up-to-date version of this deck.


Elves are a tribe notorious for generating absurd amounts of mana. They are also known for generating large boards full of creatures. This deck takes advantage of both.

We want to create a ton of elves, slowly wither our opponents down with chip damage and Lathril, Blade of the Elves' ability and eventually sink our mana into a big finisher spell/ability to put them out of their misery. Skemfar's blade will cut a swathe through every realm that dares to challenge it.

This Primer is divided into the following sections:

  • Why Lathril? - a brief overview of the kind of player who would enjoy this deck

  • TL;DR Primer - for those that just want the general, bare-minimum game plan

  • Packages - cards grouped together so you can have a better idea of how many sources we have of ramp, card draw, removal, etc.

  • Individual Card Choices - every single card discussed individually to justify its inclusion in the deck and specific interactions

  • Combos - step-by-step combos explained so you can demonstrate them to opponents in a live game

  • Budget Options - expensive cards in this list are pointed out and cheaper alternatives are suggested

  • Change Log - any edits made to the deck itself and why those changes occurred

Why Lathril

You will like this deck if:

  • You enjoy making LOTS of mana

  • You like tribal decks, particularly elves

  • You want a deck that can go wide AND go tall

  • You want a consistently fast deck that can ramp out its big spells every game without fail

TL;DR Primer

  • Ramp while consistently looking to create elf tokens (but try not to overextend if you don't need to; just because you have a ton of mana does not mean vomit your whole hand onto the field all the time).

  • Resolve Lathril, Blade of the Elves and start producing tokens.

  • Whittle opponents down with combat damage and Lathril's ability. If a creature tutor is available, look to get Seedborn Muse on the board because it combos well with Lathril.

  • If the game hasn't ended, look for and resolve a big mana sink finisher such as Craterhoof Behemoth, Ezuri, Renegade Leader or Finale of Devastation.

  • Alternatively, look to assemble the Staff of Domination + any big mana dork combo to decisively end the game.


"No more elven blood shall be spilled in these halls"



"The wood elves and shadow elves must be united once more"

Individual Cards Explained

A lot of the cards in this deck are pretty self-explanatory. Reading the card explains the card. However, some do have some niche applications and synergies that aren't immediately apparent. Take a glance through this section if any card in the list looks peculiar to you, otherwise feel free to collapse this panel and skip it if you feel confident that you understand the applications of each card.

I also prefer to discuss my cards in order of ascending CMC to better visualize my curve. If you're viewing this deck, I encourage you to click the "Sort" dropdown and select "Mana Value".

Lathril, Blade of the Elves helps us amass value whenever she connects with combat damage, which is why we have ways for her to do that safely with things like Alpha Authority, Rogue's Passage and Shizo, Death's Storehouse.

Her drain ability is also great for when we have a TON of elves on the board sitting idely by. With an untap effect like Seedborn Muse we can seriously threaten the table with her ability, however this is not our primary win-con. As with any elfball deck, we're looking to sink big mana into a power/toughness + Trample buff, of which there are a few options.

Allosaurus Shepherd makes sure our spells can't be countered by pesky blue players (or anyone for that matter). Furthermore, we have the option to sink 6 mana into it and turn all of our elves into Dinosaurs with base power and toughness 5/5. The nice thing is that this ability doesn't take anything away from our elves; they are still elves which means they still work with all of our elf synergies and they retain their abilties. This is objectively an upgrade and a decent way to power up our board if we want to go for a big combat damage push.

Boreal Druid is a simple mana dork that only taps for colorless but it is a 1-mana elf body that makes itself useful after it hits the field. Mana is still mana even if it's not colored.

Elvish Mystic, Fyndhorn Elves and Llanowar Elves are all functionally the same card. They are 1 CMC mana dorks that tap for and are all Elves. What more could we want?

Elves of Deep Shadow is another mana dork but this one taps for .

Heritage Druid can turn our elves into mana dorks by allowing us to tap any 3 of them to produce 3 green mana at instant speed. We'll be generating a lot of 1/1 Elf Warrior tokens in this deck so being able to tap them for mana makes Heritage Druid very useful.

Joraga Warcaller is a scalable elf lord. By that I mean we can cast it for 3 mana and it'll give our elves a +1/+1 buff just like any other 3-mana lord (such as Elvish Champion or Elvish Archdruid), however thanks to its kicker cost we have the option of casting it for 5 mana, or 7 mana or even more, in which case it will be providing an even bigger buff to our elves. This is a great elf at any stage of the game because we can use it to boost our elves early if we draw it early or we can sink a ton of mana into it late game and make our elf army even bigger.

Elvish Warmaster produces a 1/1 Elf token whenever we play another Elf (once per turn), so it's adding more elves to our elven army which is exactly what we want. He also has an activated ability that gives our elves +2/+2 and Deathtouch. Since it can be used multiple times, this is a good mana sink option if we have nothing else to do with all that mana.

Fauna Shaman lets us exchange a creature card from our hand for a new one from our deck. This is a great way to find one of our finishers if we're ready to end the game. Furthermore, it is an Elf so it works with all of our main synergies.

Priest of Titania can tap for a number of green mana equivalent to the number of Elves we control. At worst, even if she's the only one on our board, she can at least still produce 1 green. The ceiling, however, is insane considering how good this deck is at flooding the board with Elves.

Gala Greeters is a very versatile card because it lets us gain life, create a Treasure or buff itself whenever we play a creature. Sure, each of these effects can only be used up to once per turn, but we have so many ways to generate mana and tokens that we can very easily trigger Gala Greeters three times and get maximum efficiency out of it.

Leaf-Crowned Visionary is a fantastic elf lord because it's cheap to cast and also gives us the option to pay an additional each time we cast an elf to draw a card. A great card for the early game to give Lathril a power boost for more token generation and scales into the late game when we have a ton of spare mana and can just use it to pay a little tax on our elf spells to draw cards and keep our hand full.

Circle of Dreams Druid is literally a Gaea's Cradle on a stick. It taps for for each creature we control. At worst, it will at least be producing 1 green mana for itself.

Elvish Archdruid is basically another Gaea's Cradle in this deck, considering a majority of the creature's we'll be playing are elves. Furthermore, it gives them all a +1/+1 buff.

Elvish Champion also gives our elves +1/+1 but also gives them Forestwalk. So if anyone at the table is playing green, they're in trouble because our elves will be unblockable when swinging into them. That means Lathril, Blade of the Elves can safely trigger her ability. We also have Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth which can turn all lands into Forests so nobody will be safe regardless of what colors they're playing.

Imperious Perfect is another elf lord that provides them all with +1/+1 but this one has an activitated ability that can create an elf token. That's essentially another 2 power on board assuming we don't have any other lords or anthems and is a useful mana sink if we have nothing else to do.

Ezuri, Renegade Leader gives us the ability to Regenerate our elves for the cost of just . He also has an Overrun effect for our elves that we can activate multiple times if we have the mana for it. A great way to end games if our board is big enough and we have the mana to pump them multiple times.

Marwyn, the Nurturer buffs itself with a +1/+1 counter for each elf that ETB's. Then, it can tap for a number of equal to its power. So the stronger it gets, the more mana it generates.

Rishkar, Peema Renegade lets us distribute two +1/+1 counters on any number of creatures when it ETB's. Most of the time, we'll be putting a counter on him and the other on another creature. Then, Rishkar turns each of our creatures with a +1/+1 counter into a green-producing mana dork.

Farhaven Elf gets any basic land out of our deck and onto the battlefield. Just a simple elf body that ramps us and thins out the deck at the same time.

Wood Elves does sort of the same thing except it can only search for a Forest. However, the land can enter untapped, and it doesn't say "basic Forest", meaning we can grab Woodland Chasm and Overgrown Tomb if we want to, along with our Snow-Covered Forests obviously.

Timberwatch Elf can buff one our creatures' power and toughness equal to the number of elves we have. We can swing with Lathril and if she's unblocked, we can tap Timberwatch Elf at instant speed to give her a massive buff and generate even more tokens after damage has been dealt.

Realmwalker has Changeling so it counts as an Elf and benefits from all of our elf synergies no matter where it is (deck, graveyard, field, etc.). When we play this card, we should declare Elves so that as long as we control Realmwalker, we can cast Elves off the top of our deck. This is a great way to dig and take advantage of all of the elves we're playing. It sort of functions as card draw so long as the top card is an Elf and we're ready to cast it.

Glissa Sunslayer is a very versatile card because she gives us three options to choose from when she connects with combat damage. She can draw us a card, destroy an enchantment or remove three counters from target permanent. Most of the time we'll go for the card draw but it's nice to be able to remove an annoying enchantment or remove +1/+1 counters or Loyalty counters or whatever kind of counters we want. On top of all of that, she has First Strike and Deathtouch so she's pretty scary to block, making it all the more likely that she'll get through and deal combat damage to an opponent. And even if they do all have blockers, we have Rogue's Passage and Shizo, Death's Storehouse to make her more evasive if necessary.

Skemfar Shadowsage gives us two options when it ETB's: we can either make every opponent lose life equal the number of elves we control, or we can gain life equal to the number of elves we control. So it's either a better Shaman of the Pack or it's an immediate Wellwisher trigger. Versatility is the name of the game here.

Beast Whisperer lets us draw a card whenever we cast a creature spell. The nice thing is that even if it gets countered, we still get the card draw because we at least cast the spell.

Primeval Herald ramps us by getting a land out of our deck immediately when it ETBs but also whenever it attacks. It also starts with a formidable 3/1 body with Trample and in this deck will only get stronger thanks to all the lords, +1/+1 counter placement and other buffing effects we're running.

Canopy Tactician gives all of our elves +1/+1 and it can tap itself to produce 3 green mana.

Wirewood Channeler is a sort of back-up copy of Elvish Archdruid as it makes mana equal to the number of elves we control.

Nullmage Shepherd lets us tap any 4 creatures at instant speed to destroy any artifact or enchantment. Just some useful utility we can take advantage of in a deck packed full of creatures and ways to create creature tokens.

Seedborn Muse is mainly in here because it's a sort of win-con with Lathril, Blade of the Elves. If we manage to get 10 elves alongside Lathril and Seedborn Muse, we can use Lathril's ability to drain everyone for 10 life and pass. Then, the Muse untaps all of our stuff on every player's turn so we can activate Lathril again. Assuming no one has a way to stop it, we can drain out the table in 4 people's turns. It's not super reliable and there are better win-cons but it's something worth mentioning. Even without Lathril, Seedborn Muse is just a good card because it lets us keep mana up at all times.

Ruthless Winnower forces everyone to sacrifice a non-elf creature on each of their upkeeps. Not a huge problem for us playing an elf tribal deck but odds are it will be an issue for everyone else. It also gets around Indestructible and Hexproof effects because it forces the owner to sacrifice.

Soul of the Harvest has a sizable 6/6 body with Trample, making it a good attacker but its real value is that it draws us a card whenever a non-token creature ETB's under our control.

Wolverine Riders creates a 1/1 elf token on EACH upkeep (not just ours) and whenever we play an elf, we gain life equal to its toughness. So it helps us accelerate our board presence and gains us life from a tribe synergy that our deck is literally built on. Can't ask for much more.

Regal Force is a great way to refuel our hand because having so many cheap creatures and lots of mana means we can run dry pretty quickly. Regal Force draws us a card for each green creature we control when it ETB's, giving us more options and more plays to make.

Craterhoof Behemoth is just a good old reliable finisher in Green. This deck does everything the Hoof wants, it produces a lot of creatures and goes wide, so when Hoof ETB's, the whole squad gets a massive buff and Trample until end of turn. This is a reliable way to end games that have overstayed their welcome.

Tyvar Kell has a static ability that turns all of our elves into mana dorks, allowing them to tap for . His +1 lets us buff and untap an elf, allowing us to keep up blockers if we need to or just untap an elf to generate more mana. His 0 ability gives us a 1/1 Token, which itself will be able to tap for mana thanks to Tyvar's static ability. Finally, if we manage to get an emblem out of him, we'll be drawing two cards every time we cast an elf and that elf will have haste meaning it can attack or tap for mana immediately.

Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury is amazing value in this deck. Her +2 ability gives us a 1/1 Elf with the ability to produce . That's just her +2 ability, let that sink in. She also has a -2 that gets rid of any artifact or enchantment. Finally, her -6 is a Regal Force trigger, allowing us to draw cards equal to the number of green creatures we control. We should try to keep her around as long as possible though, so don't get too overzealous if you reach 6 loyalty. She provides so much value with her +2 that we shouldn't ult her unless we absolutely need the cards.

Vivien Reid has a fantastic +1 ability because it lets us dig four cards deep into the top of our deck and choose a creature from among them to put into our hand. We're running 35 creatures in the main deck, so roughly 1 out of every 3 cards is going to be a creature, making this very unlikely to whiff. It's filtered card draw, aka the kind of card draw in which we get to choose what we want. Her -3 is great utility and basically gives us the option of Naturalize or Plummet. Finally, if we manage to -8 her, our creatures get a permanent +2/+2 buff and will be nearly impossible to get rid of thanks to Indestructible.

Sol Ring is just a reliable and efficient mana rock, an EDH staple.

Skullclamp is cheap to cast and cheap to equip. Lathril and several of our token producing effects create 1/1 Elf Warrior tokens. Furthermore, several of our elf cards happen to have 1 toughness. If we're in need of card draw, we can slap the Skullclamp on any of them, force them to die due to the -1 toughness and draw two cards as a result.

Emerald Medallion makes all of our Green spells cost less to cast. There are very few spells in the deck that don't benefit from this. This deck is primarily a green deck (with a splash of black) so we'll lean into that as much as we can.

Staff of Domination is mainly in here because it allows us to create infinite mana and draw our whole deck with Elvish Archdruid, Marwyn, the Nurturer, Priest of Titania, Wirewood Channeler or Circle of Dreams Druid. However, even outside of combos, it has some nice utility in being able to untap our big mana dorks or draw us a card if needed.

Alpha Authority is appropriately named because it only ever belongs on one creature: Lathril, Blade of the Elves. Lathril has Menace, meaning at least two creatures must block her if our opponents want to block her at all. However, Alpha Authority says that no more than one creature can block her. Put these together and Lathril becomes unblockable, meaning we can swing freely and deal our combat damage to produce those juicy elf tokens. On top of that, it grants Lathril Hexproof so opponents will be unable to target her with their spells and abilities.

Quest for Renewal turns into a Seedborn Muse after we've tapped 4 creatures. That's not difficult to do in a deck packed full of mana dorks and expendable tokens. With Quest for Renewal untapping our creatures on every player's turn, we can fire off Lathril, Blade of the Elves's effect every turn. A full rotation around the table will mean opponents will take 40 damage.

Sylvan Anthem gives nearly every creature in this deck a +1/+1 buff which is particularly good for Lathril as she creates tokens based on her power. Plus every time we play one of those creatures, we get to Scry 1 so we can plan out our future turns or filter out cards we don't want to draw.

Guardian Project lets us draw a card whenever we play a creature with a unique name. Considering that's what EDH is all about, needless to say this will provide value at all stages of the game.

Parallel Lives doubles the amount of tokens produced by any of our effects. Double from Lathril, Blade of the Elves, double from our Planeswalkers, double from any effect that produces a token.

Gift of Doom can be cast face-down for and turned face-up at any time by sacrificing a creature. Once it's turned face-up, it acts as an Aura which we can attach to any creature we want to give it Indestructible. Lathril, Blade of the Elves, while not essential for this deck to win, is still quite a powerful creature and it's in our best interest to make sure she sticks around. We can surprise our opponents when they try to remove her by turning Gift of Doom face-up to grant her indestructible. Keep in mind that the action of unmorphing does not use the stack and is actually "faster" than even instant-speed and cannot be responded to. In other words, it WILL be attached to a creature of our choice and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it. The catch is that we have to sacrifice another creature to do this but remember that Lathril herself as well as several other effects in our deck create Elf Warrior tokens so we have plenty of disposable targets to sac for this cost.

Heroic Intervention gives all of our creatures indestructible and hexproof. We're playing an elf deck that wants to flood the board, it's very likely that we'll face something like Wrath of God, Damnation or Blasphemous Act. Heroic Intervention provides some insurance against that.

Assassin's Trophy is just a reliable removal spell capable of taking out most permanents. Its controller gets a land out of the exchange but that's usually a small price for us to pay.

Infernal Grasp is another kill spell that deals with most creatures.

Tear Asunder is one of the most versatile and reliable removal spells of all time. It's a strictly better Naturalize at it's absolute worst, because it exiles a target artifact or enchantment, so it can even get rid of Darksteel Forge for example. At best, however, if we have the spare mana we can kick it and exile literally any non-land permanent. If you're not running this in GBx decks, you need to give it a try.

Beast Within is another reliable removal spell that takes care of any permanent.

Chord of Calling can tutor for any creature we need. We have mana from our dorks as well as Convoke, meaning we can even use non-dorks to pay for this spell. This is a great way to find a big finisher like Craterhoof Behemoth.

Return of the Wildspeaker gives us two options at instant speed. We can draw cards equal to the highest power among non-human creatures we control, useful for refilling our hand if we're running low on gas. Option 2 is just giving all of our elves a +3/+3 buff, useful for pushing damage through blockers or defensively when somebody is attacking into us.

Rampant Growth, Farseek, Three Visits, Nature's Lore and Into the North are all straightforward ramp spells that get a land out of our deck and onto the battlefield.

Green Sun's Zenith can tutor for any green creature we want straight out of our deck if we put enough mana into the X value, which shouldn't be difficult considering that 1 out of every 4 cards in this deck is a ramp spell in some capacity.

Finale of Devastation is one our best finishers. If we cast it for X=10 or more, we can find something like Craterhoof Behemoth for an even bigger buff, which is usually enough to end games on its own.

Genesis Wave is a fantastic mana sink in this deck because it can cheat out a good chunk of cards from the top of our deck based on how much mana we put into it. Also notice how a majority of our permanents are 4 CMC or less so we'll be hitting a lot of stuff with this card. It may not end the game outright but it will put us in a very commanding position.

Toxic Deluge is a good boardwipe that relies on the state-based -X toughness removal. We just pay any amount of life we want alongside the mana cost and debuff all creatures on the board.

Verdant Catacombs is our only fetch land, useful for mana fixing and deck thinning.

Deathcap Glade, Darkbore Pathway  , Gilt-Leaf Palace, Llanowar Wastes, Necroblossom Snarl, Nurturing Peatland, Overgrown Tomb, Twilight Mire, Undergrowth Stadium, Woodland Cemetery and Command Tower can all enter untapped and produce both colors of our mana.

Woodland Chasm enters untapped but can be fetched with Verdant Catacombs, Wood Elves, Into the North and Farseek.

Path of Ancestry enters tapped but lets us scry whenever we cast an Elf.

Wirewood Lodge is a useful utility land because it can untap one of our elves. Most of the time, it'll be something like an Elvish Archruid who has already tapped to produce a ton of mana, and we can spend one of it on Wirewood Lodge to untap it and tap it for that big mana again.

Rogue's Passage can give a creature unblockable which is useful if we want to push Lathril, Blade of the Elves through blockers and trigger her token-making ability.

Shizo, Death's Storehouse is in here for the same reason, being able give Lathril Fear makes her unable to be blocked except by Black creatures and Artifact creatures. This also stacks with her Menace ability meaning she will have to be blocked by at least 2 black and/or artifact creatures.

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth turns all lands into Swamps so we don't have to worry about access to black mana if we need it.

Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth turns all lands into Forests so we don't have to worry about access to green mana if we need it, plus Elvish Champion giving our elf army Forestwalk means they essentially all become unblockable.

Castle Garenbrig can turn 4 mana into 6 green but we're only allowed to spend it to cast creatures or activate the abilities of creatures, which is pretty much most of what this deck wants to do anyway. We have plenty of creatures to cast but we also have some juicy abilities we can sink that mana into such as Elvish Warmaster, Allosaurus Shepherd and Ezuri, Renegade Leader.

11 Snow-Covered Forests and 3 Snow-Covered Swamps round out the lands in the deck. We're running snow-covered basics to stay on-theme with Skemfar being a Kaldheim realm and also because we have Into the North. We're also heavily leaning towards Forests because a large chunk of the casting costs in the deck require green.


"The old gods are bound to this realm, these very trees are a reminder of their mistakes, a reminder that we must be better"


Not so much a "combo" in the traditional sense but if we have the following on board:

We can use Lathril's effect once on everybody's turn. This means that in a full rotation around the table, if she isn't removed, we'll be dealing 40 damage to our opponents.



  1. Tap your dork to create at least 5 mana.

  2. Spend on Staff of Domination's effect to untap that dork.

  3. Spend to untap Staff of Domination.

  4. You're now back to where you started except you've netted 1 mana. Repeat steps 1-3 for infinite mana.

  5. Once you have a pool of infinite mana, you can activate Staff of Domination's card draw ability for , then untap it for and repeat until you've drawn your whole deck.

  6. From here, cast every creature you can followed by Finale of Devastation for X = a trillion which will grant your creatures Haste, a power boost and Trample so you can swing for game.

  7. If Finale isn't available, Skemfar Shadowsage followed by Craterhoof Behemoth should get the job done. These should be the last two creatures you cast for maximum value.


  • We're not running any generic black tutors like Demonic Tutor to search for Staff of Domination because this deck is meant to be high-power casual, not cEDH turbo combo. It's in here in case we need to end the game but it shouldn't be the main gameplan.

  • However, we have some creature tutors to assemble the other half of the combo as needed. Fauna Shaman, Green Sun's Zenith and Chord of Calling can find any of the aforementioned dorks if we want to go for it.

  • If you and/or your playgroup absolutely hate combos and you don't want to run Staff of Domination, you can replace it with Vorrac Battlehorns.

Change Log


  • Replaced Reclamation Sage with Glissa Sunslayer. She can't destroy artifacts but we have plenty of other effects that can. And she provides optional card draw, making her more versatile than Reclamation Sage for the same mana value.

  • This card doesn't release until Phyrexia All Will Be One but I went ahead and updated the deck now.


  • Removed Damnation because this deck hardly cares about opponents' boards and we can generate an overwhelming number of creatures to block with. Staff of Domination was added because it enables a combo we can use to end the game if it's going too long, however it's not the main gameplan.

  • Lys Alana Huntmaster was replaced with Wirewood Channeler due to the addition of the Staff.

  • Finally, Tainted Wood was removed because too often I didn't have a Swamp in play so it was just a glorified Wastes. I've replaced it with Wirewood Lodge for the utility of untapping a big mana dork.


  • Coat of Arms was removed. It's a great card, however it's also a logistical nightmare because it affects all players and power/toughness needs to be constantly recalculated if somebody else happens to play an Elf or Warrior or whatever.

  • Decided to add Nullmage Shepherd because I like the utility of on-demand artifact/enchantment removal, made especially easier thanks to the critical mass of creatures this deck can pump out.


  • Leyline of Abundance was removed because there weren't enough dorks to justify its inclusion. Replaced it with Primeval Herald instead. It's the same mana cost, ramps immediately and upon attacking and has all the tribal synergy as the rest of our elves.

  • Shaman of the Pack isn't quite as impactful as it is in a 1v1 format, so it was removed and replaced with Realmwalker because casting spells off the top is very powerful.

  • Return of the Wildspeaker was removed because the card draw we miss out on is made up for with the Realmwalker replacement mentioned above. Gift of Doom was brought in because it's been great in several of my other decks which want their commander to stick around and stay protected. It should work just as well in this deck.



  • Kamahl, Heart of Krosa was removed. I just wasn't impressed with his +3/+3 buff. Feels like I could be doing more with that kind of mana investment. Decided to replace him with Coat of Arms for now, becaue the card is just insane in this deck.




  • Did some testing and decided I liked Joraga Warcaller more than Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen so I made that swap. The Warcaller scales into the late game when we have a ton of mana available, allowing us to kick it multiple times. It's an overall stronger elf lord than Dwynen.



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Revision 27 See all

(2 years ago)

+1 Glissa Sunslayer main
-1 Reclamation Sage main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #22 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

51 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.91
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Elf Druid 1/1 G, Elf Warrior 1/1 G, Emblem Tyvar Kell, Emblem Vivien Reid, Morph 2/2 C, Treasure
Folders Dragon Deck, other, standard post rotation , Standard Gauntlet , Future Prospects, Standard, deck ideas, Want to build, Komz, Ideias
Ignored suggestions
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