Hello!! This is made by me! (mujjang/legolynden)
I was brewing this deck ever since I saw the card in my notes so I'm not sure it's optimised. Along with little play testing, this doesn't feel complete at all and I would really appreciate input!
I think this has power, I only play tested versus humans and UW control but it seems solid.
MY MANGO IS TO BLOW UP (Marit Lages Slumber)
This deck is really focused on powering out snow lands to scry with Marit late, and hopefully pull a 20/20 by turn 5, OR play a more grindy game with removal spells and hand attack, finishing the game with prime times. I like the flexablility this provides, and it makes games more fun and interactive. Rather than super focusing on creating the Marit lage.
My sideboard is really bland and tries to cover a lot with 2of's, but hopefully once I try it out at modern night at my lgs I'll most likely change the sideboard numbers a lot.
I also saw that Mana source made a video on a deck like this, but it was budgy. Fine, but budgy.
Notalble cards that I like and maybe are good enough:
Growth Spiral - This was in place before Ice Fang. Growth is nice as an explore effect that replaces itself, but the shame of missing with this card is too high. Ice Fang replaces itself just as well, and can also act as a 2 Mana removal spell that draws a card against attackers.
Wall of shards - This card is very good against burn, but white is very hard to squeeze into the deck. Yes there is arcums snow toy, but having to find that card to play an alright sideboard card feels bad. I think courser is a safer card against burn, and honestly I think there's many cards that are just better against burn than a semi synergstic snow permanent.(MAYBE if I didn't play scrying sheets I could change a fetch and add a white splash. But that's :/ )
Thoughtseize - I really like this card, and it should most likely be a 2 of at least in the sideboard. I just can't find the spots to take out for this, and the life loss effect in my aggro heavy meta is kinda bad. Also we play Dismember, so it feels kinda bad to lose the extra life from thoughtseize. In combo metas, this is most likely necessary.
Disdainful Stroke/Ceremonious Rejection- I think these are very good against Tron, and Amulet Titan decks. Another card I think is very good I just couldn't really find space in the board.
Mana Leak, and other counters- I'm not sure if counters are where we want to be in this deck. This deck is more of control and late game fair wins. These cards seem to be a bit better when your combo needs protection.