Hey guys, this deck is meant for playing semi-casual tournies in my local area. The concept is simple: get an amazing mana-base and then plow your gigantic creatures through your opponents life-totals. I am looking for advidce to trim up the deck to make it even more powerfull, and especially ideas on the sideboard, a category in which I am not very veteraned.
The idea for the deck started with one of my favorite cards of all time:
Master Biomancer
It was love a first sight when I pulled this majestic piece of elvish genius out of the first pack of a draft-booster set. He defined the draft-deck I made that day, and after a glorious victory at the draft, I couldnt wait to start building a standard-deck around him.
At first the deck was meant to be an aggro/evolve-deck with creatures like Experiment One and Fathom Mage as its main components, but after consulting some of my more experienced MTG friends, I realised: why not make it a ramp-deck? It has the poetential to make creatures to powerfull to touch, forcing the opponent to go on the defensive. And so it was that Thragtusk and Primordial Hydra came into the deck. (Yes, I know what you are thinking: Primordial Hydra? Really? Well, so far, every time I have played with this deck, when the hydra hits the table, its almost an instant win. I was sceptical at first too, but with the great manacurve of my elves (Gyre Sage, Arbor Elf and Elvish Archdruid), Primordial Hydra can very well come into play as a 4/4 creature already in turn 3, or together with Master Biomancer, he could come into play as a 8/8 in turn 4.There is no telling how big this bad boy can get.)
Now, this is where my trouble start. In my own opinion, I have big creatures, I have a very solid mana-base, and I have lots of card-draw effects (Fathom Mage, Prime Speaker Zegana and Give / Take), all in all, I have, again in my own opinion, a very solid core-deck. But this is a standart deck meant for tournaments, which means I need a good sideboard to match it, and last time I played in tournaments, I had no sideboard, and therefor have no experience whatsoever in makeing them.
My biggest fears have always been control-decks (I started playing tournaments during the Lorwyn-block and still have nightmares about the blue/black fae-control decks with Oona, Queen of the Fae). I already have a TINY bit of anti-control with my Simic Charm's, but felt that it was necesary to put some more anti-control in the sideboard: hence the Plasm Capture's. However, I am not sure weather or not this is enough anti-control. Pithing Needle also helps here, though this sideboard item is designed against a pesky gate-deck which I have encountered (the one where you win when you have 10 gates in play with tons of control. The person who plays this deck is now my least favorite person.)
My next problems arrive with very qucik aggro-decks, that usually strikes you down quickly with nasty things like a combination of Silverblade Paladin and Wolfir Silverheart. For these types of decks, and Selesnya token-decks for that matter, I present to you: Predator Ooze. This bad boy is out early and can take the sting out of even the nastiest of aggro-decks with his soft, smooooooth body.
For Prey Upon, my only reasoning behind this is if I encounter a deck with only or mostly flying creatures, that my own creatures otherwise would not be able to hit.
Now for the last notes: the maybeboard. In this category I have only a single card:
Vorel of the Hull Clade
I started this deck before Dragons Maze came out, which is why I have trouble fitting him into the deck. He seems to be perfect, but I dont really know what to take out of the deck to put him in the deck. So far, I have considered removing a Prime Speaker Zegana, a Thragtusk and a Fathom Mage, but I am still very much in doubt.
I hope you guys have enjoyed the presentation of my deck. I am more than willing to take and strongly encourage you to give any help, advice, ideas, constructive critisisms or bashing you have of my deck. :)