Oloro_Magic says... #2
He probably had enough to just win even if you negated one of his spells and that is what he meant, Negate a Gifts Ungiven or a Past in Flames though and you get somewhere, if anything it is a precaution, it makes them have to chain more spells thus raising their chance of fizzling out. Plus Negate has more uses than Spreading Seas in most circumstances, the upside to the latter being the card draw.
August 21, 2017 9:47 p.m.
Minihorror227 says... #3
ok i understand it then. and ya, the only upside was being that card draw, however every single game i played that day i would draw into the Entreat the Angels with that card somehow.
August 21, 2017 9:49 p.m.
Oloro_Magic says... #4
A way around that potentially could be to drop the Telepathy and play 2 Negate and 4 Serum Visions in place of Spreading Seas (an idea if you want to have some fixing with Entreat the Angels).
August 21, 2017 10:22 p.m.
Minihorror227 says... #5
Serum Visions seems like it could do good for me, since i'd be able to potentially set up my next few draws.
August 21, 2017 10:53 p.m.
Minihorror227 says... #6
i was planning on taking Telepathy out eventually anyways. I only have it in still because i still dont know what cards to name. It was jsut my way of being able to see the cards so i knew what to name for Nevermore or Gideon's Intervention.
For the decks that i played against would you be able to give me some examples of cards that i would name? They all seemed to be the usual decks you find online.
August 21, 2017 10:56 p.m.
Oloro_Magic says... #7
Storm you name one of the following: Baral, Chief of Compliance, Manamorphose, Gifts Ungiven, Past in Flames, Grapeshot, Empty the Warrens (the last two are the only real win-cons so they are a good start)
Goblins (I assume it was 8-whack): Kinda depends on the build Reckless Bushwhacker and Goblin Bushwhacker are safe bets; then there are Krenko, Mob Boss, Goblin Grenade, Goblin War Strike, and Goblin Piledriver (again this depends on the build as many don't play some of those cards)
Tron: I would first like to know what kind of tron: G/B? Mono-blue? Eldrazi? That would help, you said colorless so I assume Eldrazi, am I right?
August 21, 2017 11:13 p.m.
Oloro_Magic says... #9
In that case: Expedition Map, Thought-Knot Seer, Reality Smasher, Walking Ballista, Oblivion Stone, and All Is Dust are good targets.
August 21, 2017 11:36 p.m.
Minihorror227 says... #10
Also, for the goblin deck, he was running one sort of like this. Except he had a basic 1/1 goblin over the denizen and some other goblin over the lightning bolt
August 21, 2017 11:42 p.m.
Minihorror227 says... #12
Goblin deck: Infinite Goblins! (1072 Damage turn 4)
August 21, 2017 11:44 p.m.
Oloro_Magic says... #13
Chalice of the Void on one would cripple goblins, same goes for storm with Chalice of the Void on 2. AS for a target to be named, I wouldn't say it is worth it.
August 23, 2017 7:36 a.m.
Minihorror227 says... #14
Next midern tournament is today. Time to see how it goes again
August 25, 2017 6:22 p.m.
Minihorror227 says... #16
Well, went same as last tournament. Played against g/b elves, affinity, u/w merfolks.
August 25, 2017 9:28 p.m.
Oloro_Magic says... #17
Okay so the problem I am now seeing is that your meta is a lot of fast decks, I'm going to experiment and get back to you.
August 25, 2017 10:46 p.m.
Minihorror227 says... #18
Lol alright. Also theres a guy building the budget deck on mtggoldfish as well. So if you find anything out on what could be best i'll pass it on to him
August 25, 2017 11:04 p.m.
Minihorror227 says... #20
August 26, 2017 12:26 a.m.
Minihorror227 says... #21
I think the other players have noticed that i still need some changes to the deck and sideboard. Next tournament is Friday again and I have been told by one of the other players that he will let me use his Leylines. Other than this I have also picked up one of elspeth to replace a Sigil. Then, I also have a playset of luminarch Ascension on the way. What do you think I should switch out for this?
August 28, 2017 12:49 p.m.
Oloro_Magic says... #22
Telepathy and Spreading Seas aren't especially good (the latter is more of a sideboard card), so that is where I would start. Other than that I'm kinda experimenting with your list to make it faster to set up so I'll keep you posted.
August 28, 2017 1:01 p.m.
Minihorror227 says... #23
Ok, thank you for this. While you're working on that i've been looking up the decks to find what cards are to be named so Telepathy can be removed.
August 28, 2017 1:07 p.m.
Minihorror227 says... #24
Also, i keep forgetting to put this. The guys at the tournament were saying the Spreading Seas was worth keeping in the deck.(was saying that i could replace it with the luminarchs) but they said that the card draw is why it should stay in. I'm not sure about it though
August 28, 2017 1:13 p.m.
Oloro_Magic says... #25
Eidolon of Blossoms is a card I would seriously consider if card draw bothers you, only that would force you to either drop blue for green or go bant, bant could work but requires a more expensive mana base so I don't think it is an option if you want to keep the deck at a reasonable price, however bant would make the deck faster with reasonable ramp. I will still say that Spreading Seas should be in the side even with the card-draw as in prison decks every card counts when assembling the lock, Spreading Seas is sometimes just bad when it comes to matchups and I don't know if you can control that.
Minihorror227 says... #1
against storm, how would i use Negate, after the game i was asking him and he made it seem that using it would have been pointless.
August 21, 2017 8:25 p.m.