Prison Stall

Modern Minihorror227


Minihorror227 says... #1

I've got a bit of a game update as well.

I played in fnm with it again. Its still just w/u. Did pretty decent going 2-2

Round 1:2-1 Tron, I was shocked here. He had a few bad plays and saw them after he did it. I won first game. Had 3 ghostly prison on board along with luminarch and a nevermore naming all is dust. He never drew into his Karen or ulamog that game. Game 2 he got a turn 4 ulamog and destroyed me. Game 3 I had about the same board state as the first along with an Elspeth

Round 2:1-2 Storm, same as always they either had enough in their starting hand to go or I had enough time to get nevermores on board. I won game 1 and lost the rest.

Round 3:2-1 Seismic Assault Swans, I had played against his deck before. I named Seismic Assault as soon as possible to get rid of his main win con. I won game 1 and 3. Game 2 he got it off before I could stop it.

Round 4:1-1 storm, this round was draw. game 1 I called grapes hot and then had ghostly prisons on board after. He had empty the warrens main board but couldn't do anything. I watched as he had 50 goblins out but couldn't swing haha. I lost game 2 to him going off turn 3(my payback). We then ran out of time which pushed us both out of the top 4.

Not a bad night for the deck. I got the strands and fountains in the deck and have at least 2 leylines on the way. All in all I think I may be able to stay w/u after getting leylines

For now though, I'm adding 2 Rule of Law to the sideboard till I get Canonist.

I was also was told by another player to consider adding a 3rd Verdict to the deck for added consistency. I don't see a point in adding a third but figured I'd let you know.

September 17, 2017 1:47 a.m.

Minihorror227 says... #2

*Karn not Karen, dang autocorrect haha

September 17, 2017 1:49 a.m.

Minihorror227 says... #3

Also, so you can see what i was running that night, i'll set the deck back up on here the way it was when i played. Just so you can see what i was running

September 17, 2017 1:55 a.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #4

First off, congrats on the showing! A game win against storm is a win for prison in my books especially without a Ethersworn Canonist effect. As for the third Supreme Verdict I would say yes if it wasn't for the seemingly abundance of storm in your meta. I would definitely play a third in the side, and if there is less storm than it looks play it main as a third Verdict means that every game you can expect to see it as an out.

U/W Can definitely work on its own and if you did, Glacial Fortress would be a great addition to the mana base.

September 19, 2017 7:55 p.m.

Minihorror227 says... #5

Thanks! I was shocked that i beat tron and won a game with each storm deck. I thought it was funny to win about the same way with both of them.

I'm hoping the Rule of Law is quick enough until i can get the Canonist. Other than that i may have Leylines to use friday.

Heres to hoping fridays goes as well haha

September 19, 2017 11:14 p.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #6

In a lot of ways sometimes Rule of Law is better as it is an enchantment, in your deck however it is important to get the Ethersworn Canonist's as game two your opponent will likely side out creature hate and side in enchantment hate, so it should be good enough if you don't get the Canonist's but it forces your opponent to be aware of what hate to have.

Good luck Friday!

September 20, 2017 7:06 a.m.

Minihorror227 says... #7


I've been looking at the new set for a little bit now because I'm trying to build a standard deck at the same time as this one. After looking at it for a little bit I've been thinking about adding Ixalan's Binding. Its pretty much Cast Out and Nevermore in one.

September 24, 2017 8:53 p.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #8

Yeah it is worth testing, it loses the instant speed but the effect is very powerful.

September 24, 2017 8:54 p.m.

Minihorror227 says... #9

Well tonight go so well. My only win tonight was because of a bye. Today i played against Living End Cascade, Eldrazi Tron, and W/R Burn(in thus order for rounds)

Round 1(1-2) first game was bad. He locked my lands down to 2 with land destruction and then cycled so much that by the time he cascaded for Living End he had a large enough boardstste to win. Game 2 i got a Nevermore on Living End and controlledbthe board till Luminarch Ascension was making angels. Game 3 waa tge same as the first.

Round 2(0-2) these games were so close! I almost had him game 1, he could never draw into the last piece of the urza lands. Game went so slow that he casted Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger before i could get Gideon's Intervention to show up on a draw. By the time i drew into one it was already on board. He then milled me out in both games.

Round 3(bye) technically counts as a win soo sadly my only win of the night.

Round 4(0-2) this matchup i definately needed Leylines. After tonights games i definately started ordering them. Game 1 was quick. He had my health low before i could respond. Game 2 i slowed him down with Nevermore but it still ended up the same.

September 30, 2017 12:08 a.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #10

I think eldrazi tron really shows the value of Ensnaring Bridge, a card I really think you want still. The ability to stop them from attacking is very valuable and if are then able to get out Elspeth, Sun's Champion you have a win-con, though an alternate win-con could be valuable with this strategy for example Psionic Blast or Approach of the Second Sun. If living end is popping up then I can't stress enough the importance of finally reworking the sideboard finally to include the necessary hate you need for your meta, namely graveyard hate like Rest in Peace and Relic of Progenitus for control and living end.

In my opinion, Chalice of the Void is another important card for prison but seems out of your range and can be played without.

October 2, 2017 4:07 p.m. Edited.

Minihorror227 says... #11

Ya i'm starting to get what i need for the sideboard. Right now i've added Sentinel Totem until i can get Relic of Progenitus

October 3, 2017 6:57 p.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #12

If possible can you give me a quick summary of decks you consistently play that way I have some data to make informed suggestions in the side.

October 3, 2017 6:59 p.m.

Minihorror227 says... #13

Lets see, the decks i play againat are:

  • Titan Scapeshift. The usual one you will find online with added blue for Gifts Ungiven and Cryptic Command

  • Goblins. This is the usual goblin decks you'll find. He uses Guttersnipe and tries to deal damage through Dragon Fodder and Krenko's Command while having in the goblin that creates goblin tokens equal to the amount you already have(forgot the name. I think its Krenko but not sure right now))

  • Eldrazi Tron. Uses Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger, Karn, and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. The main removal thwy usw against me is All Is Dust. Have Thought-Knot and the usual in it. Think can find the deck by going to meta decks on MtgGoldfish.

  • U/R Gifts. Storm deck. No changes to them other than 1 deck having Empty the Warrens sideboard and the other running 1 or 2 main.

  • Seismic Swans. Uses Seismic Assault and Swans of Bryn Argoll

  • W/R Burn. I'm not sure what he used in the deck. One card was some shrine that puts counters on it when you play red spells or on upkeep, then can sac to deal dmg equal to the counters on it. Sorry for not knowing much about it, he's only played it once.

  • Cascade Living End. Uses any 3 cost cascade spells and Living End the rest is a bunch of cycle creatures.

  • U/W Prowess. Built around Elusive Spellfist and tries to buff him until victory.

I think i've named all the decks. If i missed any i'll post them later.

October 3, 2017 7:31 p.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #14

The burn deck is probably Naya so you know with Destructive Revelry in the side, and the artifact is Shrine of Burning Rage, this helps I'll be sure to try to get some sideboard tech for you to consider.

October 3, 2017 8:22 p.m.

Minihorror227 says... #15

Ya it was probably naya, i never saw any green the entire game so i may have just died before he put down green mana haha

October 3, 2017 8:24 p.m.

Oloro_Magic says... #16

Honestly the fact that it is called naya burn is kind of misleading as they only play 1-2 Stomping Ground and usually only have Destructive Revelry in the side but technically that makes it naya.

October 3, 2017 8:33 p.m.

Minihorror227 says... #17

Oh and i forgot the affinity deck as well. That should be all now

October 3, 2017 9:40 p.m.

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