Wait, you can actually win an FNM with a 5$ deck?
Yoooo Rex_JB24 i took the amonkhet welcome decks and they are !!! Everything in this list is standard legal. This is why it's hilarious. I mean, today i went 3-1 with this deck, and i opened a showdown booster! In the god damn booster , there was a foil Ajani planeswalker. I sold him for ten euros.with those euros, i will participate in a draft event and judging by my mtg experience, i will place top 3. Sooo, i will not only get my money back, but i will get some expensive cards too! This is what i love in MTG . It's so simple, yet some people refuse to see it :/
October 27, 2017 4:12 p.m.
3-1 at an FNM? That's great! What deck types did you face? Were the matches close? How does this deck play? Could you elaborate a little more in your update?
October 27, 2017 9:46 p.m.
First match, was a red-green dinosaur home-brew deck. It was very easy. He is a friend of mine and I had told him to make it an enrage deck. He didn't listen to me. He has all the good creatures in(Carnage Tyrant Regisaur Alpha etc.), Yet the synergies are non existent.
Second match, was an Approach of the Second Sun deck. First game , I won him with my flyers. I went 2-1 first game was easy for him. I lost the tempo plays and a land drop. As soon as I hit the board with a Sphinx of Magosi , he had already cast one approach and had another one in . He had many removals too. The three mana removals were just perfect for him. (Skywhaler's Shot Farm / Market) . Second game , turn three I already had three creatures on the field and he missed a land drop. He scooped. Last game, it was close. I was attacking with my creatures , trying to make him concede.he then casts an approach. He gains seven life, getting back to 10. Game over I thought. He then conceded, cause she hadn't had any removals in hand AND not another approach. It was weird, buuut I wouldn't care less. I was just happy I beat a 700$ deck with a welcome deck.(he is a dick, that pimps out every deck of his. If it isn't foil, it won't fit in his decks. imagine when a welcome deck 2017 kicks your ass :p )
Third match, was a pain in the ass ramunap red. I knew I would face a deck like this, that's why I have many small creatures. First game , I was blocking with everything I had (if I could) . I mean, those Earthshaker Khenras are nut busting. He dropped two and by turn 4, I was at 10ish. That's when I hit him hard . Turn 4 I hit the field with an Arborback Stomper . I gain 5 life, I pass. Fifth round, he attacks with everything. I block a ragavan token, I kill a khenra with a 3/2 Merfolk Branchwalker and he passes... Turn five, I draw a Nature's Way . Sixth Sense on a flying Stealer of Secrets, swing in for 8, draw two cards. One is a Rabid Bite . I cast it .he now has 1 creature left, while I have 3 on board. He conceded. Second game, she goes 0-60 in no time. I lost and didn't even realise how she got me so fast. Game three, was a fun one. I Mulligan to six. I keep all the possible removal and two small creatures. She gets me to fourteen life, when I start to hit her field. It was over pretty soon.
Last game, I play with a Baral control. I couldn't do shit. Search for Azcanta Flip, in combination with Torrential Gearhulks and River's Rebuke kicked my arse. I would care less though. :) Next time, I will raise the stakes with my sideboard games :D
October 28, 2017 12:57 a.m.
Digging the improvements. Regarding sideboard, let me just say that there are very few flying threats in the meta that aren't vehicles. The ones that are there, your mainboard is already equipped to handle with all the pseudo-fight removal. Instead of Crushing Canopy I'd like to see Slice in Twain instead, because it deals with enchantments and vehicles while also drawing you a card. Sure, this doesn't answer Angel of Invention but you have your fight spells for that.
November 1, 2017 11:14 a.m.
Rex_JB24 it is a nice add. But beware. My meta plays with lots of flyers. I will playtest it and see how it performs. Till then, I thank you for stopping by and commenting:)
November 1, 2017 11:28 a.m.
Disciple_of_Doran says... #7
this is an awesome deck idea for those on an extreme budget. My local card store only does standard, so I may need to pick this up just to go give it a try. After all, getting literally any prize is worth the cost of the cards... big +1 from me
November 5, 2017 3:39 p.m.
Disciple_of_Doran THANKS A LOT!! You don't know how much it means to me, whenever I manage to save people's money. I mean, mtg is meant to be a fun game. There's no fun in net decking 400$decks.
Thanks for stopping by and upvoting :D
November 6, 2017 11:54 a.m.
"Second game , turn three I already had three creatures on the field"
How? You have no 1 cmc.
November 10, 2017 6:55 a.m.
Darsul He probably just made a mistake. Even so, this deck is kind of a joke, and even in my Wildest Dreams I don't see it beating UB Control.
November 10, 2017 3:50 p.m.
Darsul turn two, Naga Vitalist turn three Merfolk Branchwalker X 2 . Also, Rex_JB24 this deck is not a joke. It really performs well. I remember last year, when I brew a mono black zombie deck, that I had purchased, FULL FOIL, for 40 euros. Everyone told me, that it cannot beat mardu vehicles, but two months later, I sold it online for 400 euros or sth. XD
November 10, 2017 6:29 p.m.
I really like the idea of a go-to playable deck that new players can pick up for FNM. While this list has potential, it does have what I view to be several flaws. You have an aggresive menfolk theme, then a number of random 6-7 drops, in addition to a bunch of mana dorks. I would suggest deciding on either an aggro or a ramp theme, then going all in on what you decide. You could pull off some sort of ramp deck with gift of paradise, druid of the cowl, etc, but I feel that a menfolk aggro deck would be much stronger. Also, your removal is primarily "fight" effects", so it has very little use until the late game when you deploy your large creatures. I would cut channeler initiate, eternal of harsh truths, sphinx of the magiosi, garruk's horde, drag under, nature's way, rapid bite, cartouche, and sixth sense. I would then add 4 kumena's speaker, 4 river sneak, 2 vine shaper mystic, 2 jungle delver, 2 herald of secret streams, 2 kopala, 2 unsummon, 4 blossoming defense, and the 4th chart a course. If your budget permits it, rishkar, peema renegade and verdurous gearhulk are both 1-3 dollars, and would be great additions to the deck. For potential upgrades, metallic mimic and botanical sanctum would up the consistency and power level of the deck. I like to have 2 five drops, but they vary. If there's a lot of ramunap red or mardu in you meta, I would play arbor back stomper, but if there's more temur/approach, then I'd play ridge scale tusker. Obviously, if you want to spend 5 dollars more, then gearhulk is the best option. With the exeption of the cards I said were upgrades, all cards mentioned are draft chaff and under a dollar. Once again, love the idea, and I think new players can really benefit from this.
November 23, 2017 5:05 p.m.
December 11, 2017 3:29 a.m.
This is not standard legal at all. Check the bottom of the tapped out page and it'll tell you
Eldrich Moon is not in standard and neither is Shadows over Innistrad
December 13, 2017 9:10 p.m.
MVP12 thank you for your comment. I am actually trying a version similar to yours and i am very excited. Stay around and i will inform you, as soon as i create the final version.
Darsul i know. I was making some tweaks and now it's ready! I am looking forward to this Friday, to playtest it and inform you. I am currently at +40 euros from this deck.
mikeb388 , rjphilla have you tried visiting the official site of WOTC? It's really easy to go to a store and pick up some welcome decks guys!! This is the whole point of this deck. Get it for free and kick some net deckers' arses . Look it up!!
Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I will keep you informed about my matches coming this F.N.M.
December 13, 2017 9:29 p.m.
LOL do you just stall until you can summon bruisers? This deck is so simple its funny.
December 21, 2017 2:33 p.m.
andbartwo that's the point. Go at your LGS and ask for m17 welcome decks. Get the cards and start building depending on your meta. Last week, I destroyed a 400 euros deck and it felt really, REALLY nice. XD
Thanks for your stopping by and commenting :)
December 21, 2017 2:44 p.m.
GajuszBobusz says... #20
I love it. I dont have to spent 40 euros now. It's amazing.
December 26, 2017 5:57 a.m.
BlackKnightJack says... #21
"Last week, I destroyed a 400 euros deck and it felt really, REALLY nice"
Uh huh. And I'm the Tooth Fairy. Your removal is all sorcery speed and can be disrupted VERY easily with either a few well placed Fatal Pushes or Lightning Strikes. Do you really expect people to believe you can beat meta decks with this?
December 30, 2017 1:23 p.m.
Damn it YOU FAIRY, I want my teeth back!
His first incarnation I was little more skeptical of but, really at a budget FNM deck it's sound. That doesn't mean I dare to run this at a PTQ or any thing like that but, FNM sure.
December 30, 2017 10:09 p.m.
BlackKnightJack says... #23
Oh sure. MAYBE this deck can do well at FNM if absolutely no one was even attempting to try and play the meta and maybe had a chunk of their brain missing, but I don't think there are very many people who underwent the same lobotomy procedure that ROUROU did.
December 30, 2017 10:34 p.m.
@BlackKnightJack,Some of us players don't have $50-100 to spend on cards every time the meta changes. ROUROU is showing that it is possible to build a decent deck that will function well against those meta decks and possibly even beat them without spending lots of money. Building a good cheap deck takes a lot more skill than building a deck when you don't have a price limit.
Rex_JB24 says... #1
Drag Under and Rabid Bite are no longer standard but Unsummon and Pounce are. With this many giant creatures, I would rather see Druid of the Cowl than Shapers of Nature. Even with those changes, likely still under $3.
October 27, 2017 10:21 a.m.