Wait, you can actually win an FNM with a 5$ deck?

Standard* ROUROU


ROUROU says... #4

SynergyBuild Nope... just no... this deck cannot win .trust me . just brew it real life... played already 10 games with a friend of mine. i ASKED him to play as good as he can. He didn't make a simple mistake. He kept good hands. He didn't do a single misplay. NOTHING. this deck lost 9/10 games and the one i lost, was due to mana screw.

June 20, 2018 8:01 p.m.

ROUROU says... #5

420Liliana69 again... i linked you the damn shop and you spammed that branchwalker isn't 25 cents!! do you want me to buy them for you?? it's gonna be free XD look again dude and staaaahp spamming about prices!

June 20, 2018 8:04 p.m.

mikeb388 says... #8

actually i just looked at blackjack's black red deck and i beat that deck every time with my cheap ass control deck that cost under 100 bucks so don't worry about him he has never won a game day i am sure or been to the pro tour he is just sour cause his life sucks

June 20, 2018 8:53 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #9

ROUROU, okay, so you got a friend to play 10 games with you, in 90 minutes from when I sent you the list? I trust that. I mean if you play a match in 9 minutes, I could imagine that, but then you made the comments, played long games with mana screw, and a midrange-control deck (which you claimed was the victor, so especially slow games), but you got a friend to learn the deck, and play it with you and that is all after you read my comment.

I mean I don't believe any of your BS. But that is okay, you can claim it can't win, and I don't personally like it. a $100 GW list is the goal, but for a budget build I have found that it wins more games than this does.

http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/22-04-18-gw-aggro/ is the perfected list.

Also, test more than ten games. I won't be the one to claim 9/10 odds are a complete statistical anomaly, but my findings were closer to 12/18 odds out of thirty, and that isn't awful for either, but since you are probably a liar, I don't think that is nessecary.

June 20, 2018 8:55 p.m.

ROUROU says... #10

SynergyBuild what do you mean he was learning the deck... we both know how to play magic. We both participate in events that qualify you to pro tours (we haven't won yet) and we both are rocking 500euros decks! Also. What the hell are you talking about dude? Are you elaborate with statistics and maths? 9/10 means 90% . Now, go away and don't come back to this deck.

P.S. your "perfected"version had the same results!

P.S.2 Your buddy liliana 420 deleted all his comments. You can do the same as well so as not to appear like a douche

June 21, 2018 10:42 a.m. Edited.

ROUROU says... #11

mikeb388 hey ... this is my point. Observe your meta and build a deck that can win.

Mtg is not about the money. It's about bluffing and knowing your opponent . I believe that you beat the deck. Good job mate!!!

Thanks for stopping by , commenting and upvoting mate!!

June 21, 2018 10:53 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #12

So he didn't need to learn the deck, but you got in contact, showed him the list, he got the list, and played 10 games with you in 90 minutes, all after whenever you saw it. That is godlike. Unless you are one, in which case I will apologize.

Am I wrong here or are you a god, and your friend one too.

June 21, 2018 4:52 p.m.

Kenthris says... #19

ROUROU HAHAHAHAHA... Had to come here to see it for myself!! This deck just beat my ass on F.N.M. Really liked the tempo plys. PLUS the synergy between Glyph Keeper & Channeler Initiate was hilarious . +1

June 30, 2018 4:22 p.m.

bwanabeast5 says... #20


June 30, 2018 7:54 p.m.

bwanabeast5 says... #21


June 30, 2018 7:55 p.m.

ROUROU says... #22

bwanabeast5 Thanks a lot broski! Depends on the meta of your L.G.S. There will be stores, where this deck underperforms . My point is, to stay within a budget and have fun !

God bless you and thanks for stopping by!

June 30, 2018 8:47 p.m.

bwanabeast5 says... #23

No problem!!! If you havn't already, (IDK if you play Commander) but here is my other deck!!! Tatyova Take Ova. This is my budget competitive EDH deck.

June 30, 2018 11:13 p.m.

FieryPhoenix says... #24

klsfgkb;rhehj;trkh;lyfrdkjty;rkj'ypu k jnbhtpu7ikh b.tk hnjbkhy gjnb.,

July 1, 2018 5:45 p.m.

SchleyGuy says... #25

My LGS only has commander and draft for FNM, and I am trying to look for a budget commander deck for 20-40 dollars. Any recommendations?

July 1, 2018 6:24 p.m.

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