prized skaab
FNM 7/23/16 —July 25, 2016
32 people, 5 rounds before cut to the top 8.
round 1: U/R eldrazi mid-range-2-0-0 a homebrew list, not the established ramp one, with a curve topper of reality smasher and chandra. the deck was pretty good but failed to see removal for Wharf Infiltrator so all he could do was sit back and watch it carry the game for me both games, although game 2 was close its only because i was dealt 8 by my own Mindwrack Demon.
round 2: bant coco-0-2 this decks hardest matchup by far, game 1 is almost always just a slughterfest, almost might as well concede game 1 and go the the 2nd, i unfortunanlty didnt see any removal game 2, but what really got me was the Heron's Grace Champion gaining him 23 life when he was dead on board my next turn. Elder Deep-Fiend is a real mvp in this matchup.
round 3: the mirror-2-0-1 unfortunanlty played against one of my freinds, he was playing without elder deep-fiends which was the real reason i was able to win the games, otherwise it wouldve been who got morePrized Amalgams into their yard faster, game 2 was a blowout though cause i saw 12 lands and 7 spells throughout the course of it.
round 4: grixis control-2-0 i kinda had the nuts in terms of starters, both games i had reanimated a Stitchwing Skaab on his turn 3-4 at the end of his 2nd main phase (this is vital so any amalgams in the graveyard already, or the ones you discard to the skaab get to return on the end step) discarding 2 prized amalgams with counter magic backup going to my turn 4, he never stood a chance.
round 5: esper control-2-0-1 this deck is very good agaimst control because of its inevitability late game,evry other trun i can just reanimate anything they killed and eventually they run out of answers, unless of course they play 4 dec in stone. fortunately for me my opponent had none, but game 2 i saw nearly 2x as much lands as i did spells, and i was somehow hanging on until my opponent cast an Emrakul, the Promised End, the other games came easy with a concession after the draw step by said opponent on his turn 4,
round 6: top 8 R/G ramp-2-0-1 the sideboard is key in this matchup aswell, without hand disruption they can just chain World Breakers without a problem, which is exaclty what happened game 1. game 2 was just a dream starter, curving Heir of Falkenrath Flip into reanimating Stitchwing Skaab discarding 2 Prized Amalgams and having Unsubstantiate for his Kozilek's Return so he was dead before he could even resolve his first ramp spell. and game 3 was just hell with my opponent having 4 Jaddi Offshoots on his turn 4 while i swing for 4 in the air with a 1/1 spirit and a flipped Heir of Falkenrath Flip. the only reason i won was Whispers of Emrakul though, using it twice with delerium active both times tore his hand apart and stopped his world breaker chain giving me time to swing through his absurd lifegain .