
Modern Boza


Methylase says... #1

This deck is so clever. Well done.

June 20, 2016 11:21 a.m.

Boza says... #2

Thanks Methylase! Accepting any suggestions!

June 20, 2016 11:24 a.m.

ZBRMusic says... #3

Could be fun watching this in action. Like in a modo video on youtube or something.

June 20, 2016 12:01 p.m.

ComboCrazy says... #4

Would Leyline of the Void be worth it? It allows for infinite processing.

June 20, 2016 12:06 p.m.

Boza says... #5

ComboCrazy, thanks for the vote of confidence!

While infinite processing is nice in the lategame, Leyline of the Void is only decent vs dedicated graveyard strategies. If I can and need to process infinitely, it will signify that the end of the game is nigh and by that point it is not really needed. You can establish a cool lock with displacer, nullifier and leyline, but it is not really worth it.

Vs dedicated graveyard decks (living end and dredge), I prefer Hallowed Moonlight for the surprise factor, the cantrip and the rebuyability with Snapcaster mage. It also works vs Nahiri, creatures that would come back from Flickerwisp's ability, Melira combo, CoCo, tokens and so many others.

June 21, 2016 5:21 a.m. Edited.

hkshwa says... #6

Deck looks great, but I think you have to name is ProcEspers.

June 21, 2016 8:07 a.m.

fastzero says... #9

i love the deck, but about mana, u already tested the deck? does it have any mana problem? because seein the mana curve i think 22 lands is not enough, what do u think? sorry my bad english

June 23, 2016 6:30 a.m.

Boza says... #10

22-23 lands is more than plenty. You never need more than 3 mana, only if you are casting 3+ spells per turn. Plus, aether vial on 3 counters helps ease up casting costs of most creatures.

June 23, 2016 6:57 a.m.

Emzed says... #11

Of course you need more than 3 mana regularly, you have cards in the deck that cost 4 mana (and also some in the sideboard), and Snapcaster Mage also needs more than 3 mana sometimes. AetherVial can obviously help out if you draw it and it lives, but a 23rd land still seems useful, maybe a utility land like Ghost Quarter, Vault of the Archangel or Windbrisk Heights.
If this deck is meant to be competitive, it should probably have a few sideboard cards targeted at Affinity. Stony Silence hits your own AetherVial but takes them out completely, whereas Zealous Persecution is a card with more broad applications.
The deck seems really vulnerable to Blood Moon (also a concern in the Affinity matchup), you might want a more permanent answer to it than Leonin Relic-Warder. Celestial Purge and Disenchant would be my ideas.

June 24, 2016 5:29 a.m.

Boza says... #12

Emzed, thanks for the insight.

Goldfishing at 22 seems to be fine so far - the only card that really costs 4 mana is Venser and he is generally not a turn 4 play. All the eldrazi and thier abilities can be played for less with the temple. Vault sounds like a cool idea for the mid-late game though.

Affinity is on quite the decline as of late and given the amount of removal they play, the Leonin is quite the permanent removal, plus it works best with the rest of the deck.

Blood moon does hit the deck where it hurts, along with Abrupt Decay and early discard spells, but clever Meddling Mage applications, coupled with Delay, venser and relic warders should provide some modicum of reactiveness.

Celestial Purge works well with the deck and allows it to deal with Liliana of the Veil and is on the shortlist for the SB.

June 24, 2016 7:57 a.m.

gateway71 says... #13

not tying to be rude, but would a "criminally underplayed" card be $45?also consider Stasis Snare and Swords to Plowshares

June 24, 2016 1:58 p.m.

Emzed says... #14

There are factors other than the Modern format that influence card prizes, and in case of AEther Vial Legacy is one of the reasons, the other being the comparatively low number of Vials printed. Stasis Snare doesn't seem good enough for Modern, and Swords to Plowshares is not legal in the format.

June 24, 2016 3:16 p.m.

Bovine073 says... #16

I have tried both grixis and esper versions of a similar list, albeit vial-less, and have found very little success. How does this run for you?

November 17, 2016 1:27 p.m.

Boza says... #17

Bovine073, while the deck struggles against big plays (Tron, Titan Bloom, etc.), the deck is geared towards and works great against aggro and midrange strategies. Delay is a great counter for any strategy, being basically a modern-legal Counterspell in this deck. The deck has a strong early game backbone of disruption, midgame eldrazi creatures and late-game lock in the form of venser/nullifier + displacer.

Keep in mind, this deck was made about an year ago, when cards like Spell Queller were not printed, which is a great boon to the deck, adding even more tempo to its game plan.

November 17, 2016 2:32 p.m.

Bovine073 says... #18

You're not running any quellers? Yes, Delay was a very powerful card for me. Have you done any playtesting involving Blight Herder? I ran 2 or 3 in my version, it did good work.

November 17, 2016 2:38 p.m.

Boza says... #19

I had to kind of sell off most of my magic collection before Spell Queller was printed, so I have not updated the deck in a good few months, qnow only down to theory crafting for this deck. Blight herder is decent and the deck could use another midgame threat in more aggro metas, but in my testing, displacer provided a lot of mid-late game in itself and takes over the role of Herder.

November 18, 2016 2:18 a.m.

Senserazer says... #20

  • Vial it in or cast it, and with the trigger on the stack, blink with Eldrazi Displacer to permanantly exile any permanent.

how does this work?

Why is Venser in there? What am I missing?

Love the idea! Might have to make this my next modern deck!

Queller seems really good in here, since it's also 3 CMC, and the exiled card will likely never be cast.

December 20, 2016 2:57 a.m.

Boza says... #21

Spell Queller is perfect for this deck, but I cannot really make any more progress on it, as I do not have it.

Vial it in or cast it, and with the trigger on the stack, blink with Eldrazi Displacer to permanantly exile any permanent.

how does this work? This trick is for Tidehollow Sculler, rather than Flickerwisp. I'll edit the description to reflect that.

Venser is the late game of the deck - With 2C and an Eldrazi displacer, you can slowly return all permanents of the opponent, including lands to their hand and enable a soft lock on them as a win-condition.

December 20, 2016 5:12 a.m.

Stinkepete says... #22

What do you think about Reality Acid

February 11, 2018 8:40 p.m.

Boza says... #23

Hi Stinkepete, this deck does not have what it takes to really leverage reality acid, which is 4 Leonin Relic-Warder and the main deck is kind of squeezed for space.

February 20, 2018 5:52 a.m.

Chasmolinker says... #24

I really like this build. It seems really fun to pilot. +1

June 13, 2018 8:20 a.m.

Boza says... #25


Honestly, this deck was made 2 years ago. I said then that Aether Vial is criminally underplayed. Now, humans is the top deck with 4 vials at the helm and vials are still criminally underplayed.

I have not touched the deck in 2 years. I sold my vials and landbase a year ago, so I cannot rebuild it, but it is the most fun deck I have played in modern. Delay + processors is one of the most powerful things in modern. If I played it now, I would 2 Relic of Progenitus to the main instead of the singleton interlude and reality shift and substitute a flickerwisp for a Spell Queller and have to retool the SB to fit the new modern meta, but it is still a solid deck.

June 15, 2018 4:22 a.m.

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