Part of what I'm calling Project Benjamin. It will be a little deckbuilding adventure of mine to design as many Modern declists as possible, with a budget of $100 or less. None of these decks will wina Pro Tour, but the aim is to have decent, upgradable starting decks for new modern players for FNM level. First up is Mono Black 8-Rack
This one was hard to bring down below $100. I'm not sure how well I did, but then again thats why I'm posting it here for you a**ho-good people to give input on
Liliana of the Veil, Thoughtseize, and sadly even Inquisition of Kozilek all had to be cut from this initial build for budget reasons (screw you Lili for being as much as my entire budget for this) these were replaced with [[Necrogen Mists], which gives us Liliana's +1 every turn, Black Market a personal favorite of mine, and Duress because... I wasnt sure what else to substitute.
Shrieking Affliction and
Waste Not
provide us with damage and hopefully card advantage for all of our discarding we'll be making the opponent do. Same with the namesake of the deck, The Rack
Pretty basic removal with Bile Blight for decks that focus on making tokens (Hi Splinter Twin) and Victim of Night because I have never seen anyone play vampires, erewolves, or zombies in Modern
Other than that, pretty basic assortment of discard spells to ensure that the opponent doesnt get to do things.