@Pal00ka, hey thanks for the feedback. Honestly, I've been looking for cards that fit the "flexible" spots on the main. Titan's Strength and Blinding Flare seem pretty solid to me. So, I'll test both of those to see if they fit the bill. My only issue is on turn 3, is prefer Frenzied Goblin to not swing with mana up due to a Goblin Rabblemaster cast, so convoke spells seem pretty good to prevent useless swings.
As for the Goblin Heelcutter the only thing Blinding Flare doesn't do is gives me a quick swigging body since it is heavily reliant on the fact I have a board state (which, let's face the truth, I will not always have an impressive board to be swinging with). I'd much rather have a potential 3 damage going through that triggers and synergies with Goblin Rabblemaster, Purphoros, God of the Forge triggers, and Foundry Street Denizen.
Hey thanks again. I hope to improve this deck to. Compete against all these Tier 1 Decks in the current meta.
February 2, 2015 6:56 a.m.
Clarification on my previous statement.on turn 3 its preferable Frenzied Goblin swinging with no* mana up.
Pal00ka says... #1
Coordinated Assault > Crowd's Favor; I'd seriously consider a play-set. Aggro needs to go fast and getting chump blocked/killed will only slow you down. CA can help 2 guys avoid that and would pair well with dash too.
Titan's Strength is also another great (and cheap) instant to catch your opponent off-guard. Because you'll be attacking a lot with tokens they will chump block to avoid all the pings and you could get rid of a key creature with TS.
Goblin Heelcutter Imo I don't think he fits in an aggro theme, even with dash, he's too costly. An example is Blinding Flare could do what his cost is to 3-4 guys instead of 1.
Food for thought.
February 2, 2015 2:49 a.m.