(Notice: use Ctrl + F to find out if I already have a card or someone already has suggested a card recently.)COUNTERS COUNTERS EVERYWHERE!!! >:3I have been contemplating to make this deck for a while now but every time I made it it never worked right, But now after witnessing all this walker support from the recent Ajani planeswalkers to The Chain Veil and the new commander walkers such as Teferi, Temporal Archmage I decided to finally make a Superfriends deck.Slang: Doublers = Counter Replicators Little Sister = Parallel LivesHer Majesty = Sliver Queen
The Plan
This decks name is not for show combining Proliferate and Doubling Season provides a extreme amount of counters, Not to mention our other cards as well, now lets break it down.
Doubling Season - Any Superfriends deck worth anything will run this card.
Privileged Position - Everything gets Hexproof! No more worrying about walker hate.
Defense Grid - Against counter spells and instant removal.
Sliver Queen Her Majesty, she was chosen for the task because she was the most relevant five color walker for this deck due to her token production and has save my skin many times when walkers just couldn't stick without a barrier. (Just remember to tell the players this is not a Sliver deck for all those random Sliver deck haters out there)
Awakening Zone - Makes tokens that ramp on each upkeep and provides blockers.
Warning! this is quite long considering it goes over every single walker.
The upper limit of this decks walkers is currently 20 so walkers will usually have to be removed for other walkers if it reaches 20 unless some cheap 3 CMC or less walker comes out and has a effect that would be bonkers in this deck.
Now on to each walker starting with the walkers I do use:
Ajani Steadfast - Even better than the last Ajani Steadfast allows me to put counters on each creature and Planeswalker now combine that with Doubling Season and/or Rings of Brighthearth and it gets out of control fast. But lets not forget his ult which makes me and my walkers practically invincible for the rest of the game unless some one was to wipe the board entirely and swarm me with 40+ tokens.
Dack Fayden
- He may be only one use without support and his the rest of his abilities may be meh but he is a three drop walker and his artifact stealing alone makes up for his downfalls. With counter replication his artifact stealing abilities can be sustainable as well.
Elspeth, Knight-Errant - The perfectly balance of tokens producing, aggression, and defense all built into one walker. She is every thing this deck could possibly want at once!
Elspeth, Sun's Champion - Elspeth and Ajani seem to have the role for best planeswalkers in white for superfriends and here is another one! Like her previous incarnation she provides me with everything I could ask for her ult is not as good but she does producing much more tokens and has a built in wrath.
Garruk, Apex Predator - Now we have reached the Garruk series which he happens to have the most walkers out of every single walker in here due to his token making goodness now on to the actual walker. HOLY **** this card is right up there with Bolas in expensive CMC wise but devastating. Walker and Creature removal, huge token producer, and a ult that lets the table run someone into the ground not much more needs to be said. The only thing besides the CMC that I dislike/fear about this card is the fact if someone was to obtain it via a control or copy effect it would absolutely ruin my deck if I don't have anything setup for it.
Garruk, Primal Hunter - It is green heavy however this card makes huge tokens bigger than any other walker's +1 other than his other forms of course. His -3 is pretty good if I am in need of cards and by the time you activate his ultimate you will have a ton of 6/6 wurms.
Garruk, Primal Hunter - Tokens! that is mostly his use and if you can get him to flip them you get death touch tokens an a neat finisher (if you have build up an army). He does have anti-synergy with Doubling Seasons counter clause but a bigger creature can knock him down.
Jace, Architect of Thought - Now his +1 is pretty lame unless its under a token swarm or I have Humility out and his -2 is a mini Fact or Fiction but his ult alone is what makes him worth it as it could possible win me the game after getting ANYTHING from each library from Eldrazi to Blightsteel to even Omniscience.
Kiora, the Crashing Wave locks down pesky creatures, has a built in Explore, and gives me SUPER HUGE TOKENS! with her ultimate.
Liliana Vess +1 is lame but her -2 can search for things and who doesn't love getting all the things from the graveyard onto the field field?
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker Its Bolas no need to explain so lets move on... bah fine I will explain but I am pretty sure anyone who reads this can tell by just looking at him that he is my strongest walker. His +3 kills anything but creatures and indestructible things and his -2 lets me keep a creature forever these alone warrant his stay so much that we can neglect his ult which would basically says to target player that they lose the game.
Ral Zarek Mostly utility but his ult is game winning if you can get at least 3 turns and even with less you still get plenty of value.
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage - Locks down creatures, draw power, and the ult that breaks the game in half if it ever touched down so unless someone exiles everything I have I am walking on sunshine from here on.
Teferi, Temporal Archmage - draw/ramp and the ability to reuse any tap effects. Now lets completely neglect that for awhile and look in awe at his ult and how powerful it is. So yeah not much more to say but instant walkers!
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon - Well Merry X-Mas to you to mister. Ugin (who at the time of me writing this has not actually come out yet) is quite expensive however he is colorless and comes with power rivaling and even passing in some areas bolas. First, his +2 is a Ghost Fire on a stick while its not too useful but it sure will be killing plenty of things in EDH. But he gets better, his -X is a All Is Dust mixed with Final Judgment that I can make as strong as I desire. But that's not all! My favorite ability is of course his ultimate which is the reversal of bolas's which is way more better for me and in EDH anyway. Its has enough power to turn the game around completely for me as it preforms like a better Narset except I don't exile the cards but draw them, I get up to seven, and get a
Heroes' Reunion
stapled on it as well.
Vraska the Unseen - She does sort of protect herself and her minus is very relevant and her ult is excellent while at the same time game ending just think about having her out with both token doublers. :O
Venser, the Sojourner His +1 is invaluable to this deck as we can reset walkers and if Season is out they gain double counters. His -1 makes a good finisher for the tokens and his ult is repeatable exile removal on each spell cast.
Ajani, Mentor of Heroes - Buffering creatures are nice and more so gaining a 100 life off his ult but what really makes him shine is his second +1 which basically lets me grab any planeswalker/creatures off the top of my library into my hand. But he is not leaves no significant impact to the board (no tokens, protection, ramp) without support and his other abilities don't quite make up for it either. +1/+1 counters are great but the power of my creatures is not a probably considering they get buff by a bunch of other things and come in mass amounts. His other +1 is good at digging for walkers and creatures but at that point I might as well have more card draw. As lots of the cards in my cards in my deck are extremely useful that are not only these types of cards (ex: Doubling Season or Wrath). Finally, 100 life ult is also good but I can still easily die from commander damage and I rather have a ult that either puts me in a position with power and/or defense (Kiora's Ult or Ajani's Ult).
Ajani Vengeant - +1 is pretty good but does not do much against 3 other players and his ult only effects one player as well so he is not very good for the multiplayer setting.
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver Requires setup for -x to be useful, +2 relies on -X, and his ult hurts Lili's ult and exiling everyone's hands does not stop them from ganging up on you from doing so.
Chandra Ablaze - Does not fit in here at all (I am running like what 4-6 red cards?)
Chandra Nalaar
- Weak in general I would not even play it in any format.
Chandra, Pyromaster
- Better in modern in EDH not so much in superfriends even less.
Chandra, the Firebrand - Sigh Chandra just can't work for me can she? This Chandra is also lacking like the rest for this deck.
Domri Rade - We run very few creature cards and tokens don't tend to be huge to warrant a fight but his ultimate is excellent but that is about it.
Elspeth Tirel - Her -2 is wonderful but that is also it as her +2 is minor her ultimate would destroy my planeswalkers and my enchantments.
Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury - Tokens that are Elvish Mystics? sign me up! This was probably my main reason of considering her in here, that and her ability to be a repeatable Naturalize. Her ult however is pretty meh but I do have green tokens so it can be useful.
Garruk, Caller of Beasts - The only one of his series not to make it into the deck due to the lack of creatures in here.
Gideon Jura - a glorified wall assassin transformer is how I would explain this card which makes it sound much more useful then it actually is. (But I do have to say off a double Season this guy has a whopping 12 counters.)
Gideon, Champion of Justice - This guy is even worse than the first as all his abilities are meh in general.
Jace Beleren - No need for draw hugs when I have access to other blue and black draw power that can't be attacked at.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor - Besides budget reasons Jace is ok but he brings an unreasonable amount of hate towards any player that plays him that is not worth his inclusion plus he is not as great in the walker shell as he is by himself.
Karn Liberated - -3 is what he has mostly going for him but using his ult draws out the game if I don't exile anything of use and his +4 is land bait.
Koth of the Hammer - Lack of red in here and mountains for that matter makes him unable to work with me.
Liliana of the Veil - Her +1 does not help me and kinda of hurts me more so as I only have a few ways to abuse the graveyard, her sac effect is pretty useful her ult is as well but both only targets one player and neither are game breaking or protect me or make tokens.
Nissa, Worldwaker - I don't want to use my lands as creatures as I or the other players will end up blowing them up eventually and their also my mana base. Her rest effects work better in a dual or mono color setup as well.
Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath - All I want is his 5/5 flying demons but the rest of the things he does is not worth him getting a spot.
Sarkhan the Mad - You have to build around him and he is pretty bad himself.
Sarkhan Vol while his +1 is only effective if we have tokens out however his -2 allows me to steal creatures for a bit and his ult is devastating with Doubling Season. However after testing he simply didn't do enough as his +1 gets outclassed by most of my walkers as does his ult.
Sorin Markov+1 is pretty meh, ultimate is awesome but it all depends on what the current players have setup. But what makes him the bane of EDH is his -3 which is a death sentence to both that player and you if most of the table is still alive so his mana cost of six and the hate are just not worth it.
Sorin, Solemn Visitor - Great with tokens and makes tokens but requires -2 to make a token and +1 is not great without a lot of tokens. His ultimate however is quite the killer.
Tezzeret the Seeker - Build around card but it does have use with the veil and other artifacts but that's about it.
Xenagos, the Reveler The last of the walkers due to his name starts with an X. Anyways, he provides me with mana ramp and tokens you can disregard his ult however as it does nothing for me. His place in this deck would mostly comes from being a four mana token producer but we already have enough toke producers that preform the job better,
Planeswalkers being considered:
The hardest part about any five color deck is deciding what to use and what to take out more so because you have access to every single color. So please leave feedback if you can as I still have cards trying to fit in here and I always like to hear comments! :3
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