

Creature (1)

Artifact (1)

This is a B/U/G deck i made with a friend, it has come along way since its first appearance here. Always looking to hear some constructive criticism.

I wanted to make a deck which had great synergy which could control the board while building a force to be reckoned with.

Sylvan Caryatid - A good early game blocker, helps smooth out mana and allows plays a turn earlier.

Master Biomancer - This guy supplies the steroids. Partnered up with Vorel of the Hull Clade (or as of now Kalonian Hydra) produces some big results.

Reaper of the Wilds - this gal (at least i think) is highly underestimated. can control the battlefield with deathtouch and cant be kill-carded. + the scry mechanic works too well with Desecration Demon, a triple win with her.

Desecration Demon - this guy is just so good 4mana 6/6 flyer.sure their is mechanic to stall him but it makes him stronger and applies control over the field. Also sacrificing creatures works in my favour.

Kalonian Hydra - Is replacing Vorel of the Hull Clade for now.does Vorels job but to all creatures. A late game lets end it now sorta thing.

Prime Speaker Zegana - this will always as a large hitter and is a great draw mechanic giving me the card advantage. With Vorel of the Hull Clade, Zegana becomes a behemoth very quickly.

Prophet of Kruphix - This seals the deal. flashing in creatures is amazing but un-tapping creatures AND land! Thats a dangerous combination. with Master Biomancer in play burn is no longer an issue.

Dissolve - great counter spell with a scry mechanic. just awesome.

Psychic Strike - Counter spell + a mill mechanic, a great card. I run four of these opposed to Dissolve because 2 blue mana is just not optimum for the mana curve i have.

Plasm Capture - i didn't want to run this initially but a friend insisted, I soon found the value of the card. To counter a card is great. but to stop your opponent and then have the extra mana next turn just leaps you ahead of your opponent.

Far / Away - such a great removal. Can force sacrifice of gods (indestructible), things with hex-proof and also goes around Protection as it doesn't target the creature itself.

Doom Blade/ Dark Betrayal - 2/1 mana removal. how this card is used is what will make it just good or Great!

Golgari Charm - An awesome counter for things like Supreme Verdict, any mass 1/1 producer and a removal for enchantments. this card is better then it has credit for (imo).

Simic Charm - im almost always using this for the removal aspect. however it is so versatile and all aspects can be used effectively in this deck.


Updates Add

played around with some cards and seeing how they go. have 4x Dissolve's and introduced 3x Abrupt Decay to the main board. also increased the number of lands from 23 to 25 (still balancing land drop)


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 11 Rares

10 - 6 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.29
Folders Decks
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