Why use Prossh, Skyraider of Kher?

This was my first commander, I got it in the 2013 commander product "Power Hunger". The default deck that Prossh came in was pretty mediocre, but luckily my playgroup was just starting to get into commander, so all of our decks were lackluster. Some time passed and I started getting more serious about deck building, so I started looking at decks online. It didn't take me long to realize how much Prossh has been broken by the commander community. There are so many cards that work perfect w/ this commander and make games too easy. Prossh has everything that an excellent creature needs, good stats, evasion, and most importantly, getting value even if he gets removed and w/ Prossh even countered. This is one of the most broken commanders that doesn't have . He feels like an excellent final boss in a video game, no matter what you do, Prossh will hurt you, you can only delay his rampage and hope you some how come out victorious.


  1. Killing w/ commander damage is pretty easy

  2. Will get Kobolds even if he's countered

  3. No other commander is able to bring a whole army w/ them.

  4. Can go wide w/ tokens or kill w/ prossh commander damage

  5. Infinite combos are way too easy w/ Prossh.

  6. When you have infinite Kobolds there is a myriad of ways to abuse them and win on the spot.

  7. Access to green makes ramping into Prossh quickly, real easy and a key to victory.

  8. Doesn't care about removal, "oh you killed my Prossh :( ...well thank you, now I get even more Kobolds."

  9. W/ "Each opponent sacrifices a creature" abilities, this deck is excellent against voltron decks.

  10. You will always have chump blockers, discouraging attacks towards you.


  1. No .

  2. Other that Prossh, your spells are real weak to counterspells and the table will usually save them just for your deck.

  3. A lot of the time you will feel like you're playing Archenemy as the whole table teams up on you, because of the obvious power of the deck, subtlety is not this decks strong suit.

  4. Any -1/-1 on the field abilities (especially Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite) just wrecks this deck, deal w/ those type of cards at all costs!

  5. Any anti-sacrifice cards (mostly just Angel of Jubilation ) will shut this deck down.

I also have a competitive version of this deck Prossh, Eater of Kobolds Competitive


Blood Crypt, Overgrown Tomb, & Stomping Ground- The shock lands in these colors, I put the shock lands in every multicolored deck, they're fectable and come in untapped at a very little price.

Bloodstained Mire, Verdant Catacombs, & Wooded Foothills- Unforutanly Verdant Catacombs is real expensive, but the other two are reasonably priced, oh yeah, always play fetch lands.

Bojuka Bog- Play it in every deck, it is the only graveyard hate in this deck.

Cinder Glade & Smoldering Marsh - Luckily Jund isn't a wedge color so we get two BFZ lands, they're great, fectchable, cheap price wise, and usually come in untapped.

Command Tower- Goes in every multi-colored commander deck.

Dragonskull Summit, Rootbound Crag, & Woodland Cemetery- Check lands, usually always come in untapped, and cheap price wise, they're usually always in my multi-colored decks.

Evolving Wilds & Terramorphic Expanse- I put these in every multi-colored deck, although they are pretty crappy in super competitive metas.

Exotic Orchard & Reflecting Pool- Both are usually just another Command Tower.

Forest 10, Mountain 3, & Swamp 3- A good chunk of basics to get w/ my ramp.

Grim Backwoods - Sacrifice a Kobold to draw a card, there isn't much card draw, so it's nice to have a way to draw cards on a land, even though it costs a lot of mana.

High Market- Used to sacrifice Prossh when you want more Kobolds and have no other way to sacrifice him.

Mana Confluence- A solid mana fixer.

Savage Lands - You should usually play the tri lands in 3-colored decks, I wouldn't play this in a super competitive meta though.

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth- Goes in every multicolored deck that runs .

Westvale Abbey  - Can transform after you cast Prossh once, then it becomes a real nasty beater that is hard to deal w/.


Sarkhan Vol - All 3 abilities are fantastic in this deck. The +1 gives Prossh haste, which is incredibly powerful and gives haste to the Kobolds to attack or tap for mana using Cryptolith Rite. His -2 steals an opponents creature that you can sacrifice once you're done w/ it. His -6 puts 20 damage worth of dragons on the field.

Vraska the Unseen- She's in here for her -3 to deal w/ nonland permeants, mostly enchantments & artifacts.

Xenagos, the Reveler- Getting 7+ mana w/ his +1 is just stupid, one of the best ramp cards in the deck. His +1 almost feels like an ultimate in this deck.


Chord of Calling- Convoke the Kobolds to get an OP creature, usually Sidisi, Undead Vizier to get an OP non-creature card or convoke to get Craterhoof Behemoth if you have enough untapped Kobolds.

Nature's Claim- A very efficient enchantment/artifact destroyer.

Pyroblast- Protection from counterspells, mostly to protect key cards like Food Chain.

Vampiric Tutor- Get the appropriate ramp early game, or get a combo piece you need, usually Food Chain.


Avenger of Zendikar- The "mini-Prossh", works similar to Prossh, so it benefits from many of the same synergies and it's nice having redundancy in the deck.

Blood Artist & Zulaport Cutthroat- They're great in any sacrifice deck that runs , but incredibly powerful in this deck, can be used as a finisher w/ infinite Kobolds and a sacrifice outlet.

Butcher of Malakir- A constant one-sided board wipe, if your opponent's can't answer this card and are playing a deck that uses creature to do much of anything (like most decks), they will lose rather quickly.

Craterhoof Behemoth- The mother of all finishers in creature decks, he's especially good in this deck usually having the team swing in for around 500 damage, also great w/ infinite Kobolds.

Deathbringer Thoctar- W/ 1 counter, he can kill everything w/ 1 toughness on the field (don't forget the Kobolds, yes sometimes you will want to kill them to trigger dying effects), another instant win card w/ infinite Kobolos & sacrifice outlet.

Dragon Broodmother- Yet another mini-Prossh, makes sacrifice fodder and a way to sacrifice, triggers on each player's turn.

Dragonlair Spider - A Forgotten Ancient for tokens, more sacrifice fodder, you'll usually get 2-6 of them each round around the table.

Goblin Sharpshooter- Another instant win w/ infinite Kobolds & a sacrifice outlet, punishes your opponents for removing creatures, like Deahtbringer Thoctar, you can kill everything w/ 1 toughness including your Kobolds.

Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest- Just by sacrificing a few chump blockers, you can get an army of powerhouses and a huge Prossh.

Ogre Battledriver- Gives Prossh and the Kobolds haste and a power boost allowing them to swing for 19+.

Pathbreaker Ibex- Craterhoof's little brother, a lot better w/ haste, the team will usually swing for 48+ or pump Prossh up to 11 power and kill w/ 22 commander damage.

Purphoros, God of the Forge- Just summoning Prossh for 6 mana you'll do 7x2=14 damage to each opponent, summon Prossh again for 8 mana then you'll be doing 9x2=18 damage, bringing the total to 14+18=32 damage to each opponent just by summoning your commander. Purphoros is amazing in most decks, but he's at his best in Prossh, also auto-win w/ infinite Kobolds.

Sadistic Hypnotist- Get rid of all the cards in your opponent's hands, that is just stupid, and pretty mean.

Sidisi, Undead Vizier- Tutor on a creature, turn that Kobold into a Food Chain.

Skullmulcher- Draw your whole deck w/ infinite Kobolds or just draw a bunch of cards normally, great for this deck and it's a little card draw.


Awakening Zone- Ramps and provides sacrifice fodder.

Beastmaster Ascension- Summon Prossh for 6 get 6 Kobolds, attack w/ the team get 7 counters do (5+5)(5x6)=40 damage, just perfect damage, beautiful.

Cryptolith Rite- Makes Prossh infinite comobos easy, especially good when you can give your creatures haste.

Dictate of Erebos- Another Grave Pact effect that is basically a one-sided board wipe, I play it over Grave Pact, because the is a little too difficult to get.

Doubling Season & Parallel Lives- Get 2x the Kobolds making infinite combos easier.

Evolutionary Leap- One of my favorite cards that have been printed recently, turns those dumb Kobolds into excellent creatures.

Food Chain- The most well recognized combos in commander, just summon Prossh w/ Food Chain on the field then you'll get infinite Kobolds and then win w/ the butt load of ways to win w/ infinite Kobolds.

Goblin Bombardment- One of the best sacrifice outlet cards ever printed, 0 mana to start sniping creatures or just punishing your opponents for wiping the board, yet another win condition w/ infinite Kobolds.

Mana Echoes- Summoning Prossh for 6cmc nets you 6x6+1=37 mana, you'll probably win if you have Skullclamp out.

Shivan Harvest - Gives you another option for attack, destroying your opponent's land.

Sylvan Library- Goes in just about every deck that runs , really helps you get what you need in the beginning of the game, mostly ramp.


Blasphemous Act- One board wipe, yeah I'll take it, goes in just about every deck that runs .

Crux of Fate- Sac all you guys to Prossh, kill all the other creatures on the field and swing in for a bunch.

Cultivate & Kodama's Reach- Excellent ramp spells.

Damnation- Just another board wipe, REPRINT THIS WAY TOO EXPENSIVE CARD WIZARDS! (Biggest fail in recent magic history, Damnation not being printed in from the vault annihilation, a product that really needed a money card.)

Demonic Tutor- One of the best cards in commander, goes in every deck that runs .

Explosive Vegetation & Skyshroud Claim- Ramps into perfect Prossh mana at 6.

Farseek & Nature's Lore- 2 mana ramp that can get shock lands or BFZ lands.

Hull Breach- The Return to Dust for , I put Return to Dust in every deck that runs , so I figured I'd do the same for Hull Breach for .

Nissa's Expedition - Convoke the Kobolds to insure you can summon Prossh again if he gets removed.

Overwhelming Stampede - Either pump Prossh up to 11 power to swing for 22 commander damage, or swing w/ an army of pumped up Kobolds.

Search for Tomorrow- An excellent turn 1 play, will usually assure a turn 3-4 Prossh.

Toxic Deluge- A powerful board wipe for this deck, since you can just sacrifice everything that is going to get killed.


Ashnod's Altar- Can easily go infinite w/ Phyrexian Altar or Cryptolith Rite + haste, this card even without going infinite nets you a ton of mana.

Basalt Monolith- Gives me mana so I can put down Prossh the turn after I play this.

Helm of Possession- Sacrifice a Kobold to get one of your opponent's creatures, then sacrifice the creature and start the process over again.

Lightning Greaves & Swiftfoot Boots- Gives protection and haste to your commander, both go in just about every commander deck that uses their commander.

Mana Vault- Can get Prossh out turn 3 easily.

Phyrexian Altar- Another good combo piece, makes infinite Kobolds w/ Ashnod's Altar & also w/ Mana Echoes.

Skullclamp- One of the best card draw spells in the deck.

Sol Ring- It's commander.

Trading Post- Another sacrifice outlet that does a crap ton of stuff.


Food Chain- Just summon Prossh w/ this out, then you can summon him infinite times.

Cryptolith Rite + Mana Echoes + haste + Sacrifice outlet for Prossh = infinite Kobolds.

Ashnod's Altar + Cryptolith Rite + haste = infinite Kobolds

Cryptolith Rite + haste + Parallel Lives or Doubling Season + sacrifice outlet for Prossh = infinite Kobolds.

Phyrexian Altar + Parallel Lives or Doubling Season = infinite Kobolds.

Ashnod's Altar + Phyrexian Altar = infinite Kobolds.

Mana Echoes + Phyrexian Altar = infinite Kobolds.


Sadistic Hypnotist- Gives you another means of attack against your opponent by going after their hand, 6 Kobolds x 2 discards = 12 cards in total, you can be real mean and just target one opponent and practically put him/her out of the game.

Sidisi, Undead Vizier- Turning one Kobold into any card in my deck seems real good.

Skullmulcher- Will draw you a bunch of cards, usually into a win condition, it's just gg if you have infinite Kobolds and infinite mana you can draw your whole deck and play a card that wins w/ infinite Kobolds.

Evolutionary Leap- All the creatures in this deck are excellent targets for this, turning a Kobold into any of the creatures is excellent.

Shivan Harvest - Hitting your opponent's land is always brutal in commander.

Helm of Possession- Sacrifice a Kobold for a semi-permanent control affect, then just sacrifice the creature you took control of through another sacrifice outlet and then take control of another creature on your turn.

Skullclamp- Turn your Kobolds into sacrifice this creature draw 2 cards.

Trading Post- Sacrifice your Kobolds to get a artifact that you need back,... or just make goats.


Blood Artist or Zulaport Cutthroat + Sacrifice outlet

Deathbringer Thoctar + Sacrifice outlet

Goblin Sharpshooter + Sacrifice outlet

Purphoros, God of the Forge

Goblin Bombardment


Craterhoof Behemoth

Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest + Sacrifice outlet

Ogre Battledriver

Pathbreaker Ibex

Beastmaster Ascension

Overwhelming Stampede

  1. Infinite Kobolds + The myriad of ways to win w/ the infinite kobolds

  2. Prossh Commander damage (Usually only able to take out 1 person)

  3. Craterhoof Behemoth + A good chunk of Kobolds

  4. Avenger of Zendikar + Craterhoof Behemoth

  5. Dictate of Erebos or Butcher of Malakir to keep creatures off your opponent's field (obviously not good against decks whose win condition is not creatures, or just doesn't really play creatures.)

  6. Just having enough damage to kill off the table through Kobold shenanigans.

It was difficult to get down to 99 cards, so there were a couple of cards that should of made the cut, but just weren't able too. I also have a much bigger personal ban list, cards like, Mana Crypt, Burgeoning, anything w/ mox in the name, etc. and anything that is over $20 is pretty iffy, the over $20 cards I have in the deck right now are almost auto-includes and even still I might not get some of them.

Instead of just cards that I could add, I want suggestions on cards to take out too, that is the true struggle for a deck w/ a ton of payable cards is getting it down to 99 cards.

Swapped Coat of Arms for Pyroblast to have some counterspell protection and to try and lower the average cmc.

Got rid of Ophiomancer since I never need to be on defense w/ this deck and it wasn't a good target for Evolutionary Leap and put in Nature's Claim since I needed more enchantment/artifact destruction. I also swapped Kher Keep for Westvale Abbey   since a 9/7 flying, lifelink, indestructible, haste is better than a 0/1.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years
Exclude colors WU
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

46 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.66
Tokens Assassin 1/1 B w/ Player Killer, Dragon 1/1 RG, Dragon 4/4 R, Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C, Goat 0/1 W, Human Cleric 1/1 BW, Insect 1/1 G, Kobolds of Kher Keep 0/1 R, Plant 0/1 G, Satyr 2/2 GR
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