Prossh, the Combo Hungry

This is my take on one of the most powerful generals to ever see the light of day!!!

Prossh is both, my first and favourite general to build a deck around. Since the release of the Commander 2013 product I refined and tuned the deck to haunt the dreams of those who oppose it. Well known for his power you can see opponents shudder in fear before he even enters the battlefield!


I am not a native English speaker and still a student who learns to speak the language, so feel free to point out the mistakes I make, that would really help me out.


Please do not start a discussion about the use infinite combos in EDH! This is not a deck to play against someone who is new to the format and uses a preconstructed deck, but rather a build to be the archenemy at the table against three other strong commander decks.


I am just a human being and susceptible to personal bias, so please take everything you read with a grain of salt and feel free to try and change my opinion in the comments below if you do not agree with my evaluations :D

Unfortunately the Wizards Story Department did not give out much information regarding the storyline of Prossh, but there still are some things we know.

Although everything about his card screams for him to be native to the shard of Jund on Alara, he actually resides on a different plane. He dominates the mountains known as the Kher Ridges on Dominaria, which is where his title Prossh, Skyraider of Kher derives from. Since Prossh is determined to protect his terretory and hunting grounds, he punishes everyone who tries to compete with him or hunt on the land he claims to be his by burning them alive with his powerful dragonfire. If one person hunts in his area, the whole village will have to suffer for that mistake! Just his shadow on the horizon or the sound of his wings are enough to make every living creature seek a fireproof shelter that can withstand his outrage.

But his reputation is actually useful to a special type of creatures, the Kobolds of Kher Keep. These pathetic midgets worship Prossh for his power and sometimes even sacrifice themselves to their dragon god in the hope that he spares their kin in return, which is clearly displayed on his card. For that reason Prossh protects their castle Kher Keep from other potential threads with his mere presence. Prossh and the kobolds coexist and profit off each other: Prossh recieves little snacks from time to time and the kobolds get a chance to build up a society far far away from any potential danger other than Prossh himself.

These little guys seem like the perfect meal for a dragon, right?

When I first decided to buy a preconstructed commander deck to try out the format, Prossh was only my third choice. I had seen the early spoilers of the cards in Commander 2013 and decided to buy the Mindseize deck with Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge as commander. When I arrived at my local game store to pick up the deck I found that all copies of the deck had been bought already because the deck contained Baleful Strix and True-Name Nemesis. My second choice, Derevi, Empyrial Tactician was also nowhere to be found. Since I did not want to leave with empty hands, I bought the Power Hungry deck with Prossh as the main option to use as the general for the deck. Little did I know that he was one of the most powerful if not the most powerful general to ever be printed! I figured that I would try out the format and if I found it to be fun, I would build a Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind deck and play with that instead. The first time I played with Prossh was against some random person at the store and I instantly fell in love with the deck. EDH quickly became my favorite format to play and I began to tinker with the deck. I swapped out underperforming cards from the Power Hungry deck for better cards from my collection, then I continued to trade for cards that I thought would perform well in the deck. After intodrucing my father and my step brother to the format, I really started to beef up the deck, since I now had competition. Before that I was the only one I really knew who played EDH. I went for a token and sacrifice theme, including cards like Doubling Season and Parallel Lives aswell as many token creators. I figured that spawning 16 tokens to sacrifice to Prossh for a lethal attack via commander damage was a good strategy. But after a while I dipped my toe into other strategies and moved the focus around to dragon tribal, Overrun effects or midrage-attrition, but it never felt quite right to me. Then I finally received my copy of Food Chain in the mail. I adjusted a huge part of the deck to fit the combo in, almost entirely removing the token aspect of the deck. Since then I always tried to make the deck more efficient and even more powerful and I think it turned out pretty well.

Now, two years of testing and deck construction later, my deck, Prossh, the Combo Hungry, is a serious contender for the title deadliest deck at my LGS!

Why Prossh?


Kresh the Bloodbraided


Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper

While Prossh and Kresh want to win through commander damage, Sek Kuar lends himself to a more controlling strategy. Repeatingly sacrificing little creatures like Reassembling Skeleton or Nether Traitor to produce a giant amount of 3/1 hasty graveborn tokens is just one trick that Sek Kuar has up his sleeve. Sek Kuar follows a much more grindy and value strategy and needs a lot of other key components to be effective. Since he does not trigger when your opponents creatures or tokens die, assembling a circle of sacrificing little creatures and reanimating them is key to win with Sek Kuar. While he is pretty strong, I still settled for Prossh over Sek Kuar for two reasons.As I said, Sek Kuar has the ability to be really explosive, but he needs a huge amount of other cards to make him useful. He is pretty slow, which means that you will spend a lot of time building up your board state before doing anything meaningful with Sek Kuar. A lot of 3/1 hasty creatures will probably not be enough to ensure your victory, since they are not particulary huge and you will need to create a lot of them before they even start to have an impact. Due to his relatively small size Sek Kuar will most likely have to stay back rather than join the fight, which means that winning through commander damage is rarely an option.

Shattergang Brothers


Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund

If you like dragon tribal, go nuts with Karrthus, but decks like these are really not my cup of tea. Even if you decide to build a dragon tribal deck that is not about Scion of the Ur-Dragon, it is worth it to consider the risk that if any of your opponents casts a Clone effect and copies Karrthus, you are completely f***ed.


I do not want say that any of these generals are bad or inferior, but they were not exactly what I looked for in a general. I wanted to build a very fast deck that could attack from many different angles and was really hard to disrupt, so Prossh was the perfect canidate to be the head of my deck.

Why I like this Deck


You should play this deck if:

  • you want to have a very explosive early game.

  • you want to play a commander centric deck.

  • you want to smash face with a huge dragon.

  • you want to be "that guy".

  • you are a combofile.

  • you think that EDH has room for competitive decks.

  • you want to play JUND!

  • you like the face people make when they see Craterhoof Behemoth

You should not play this deck if:

  • you need counterspells to play magic.

  • you enjoy to be the underdog.

  • your playgroup is very casual.

Strenghts and Weaknesses




How to Play


Reading the Decklist

I sorted the cards in custom sections:

  • Combo: cards you need to activate game winnig combos

  • Win Conditions: cards that can finish the game on their own

  • Tutor: cards that search up specific cards from your library

  • Draw: cards that generate card advantage by filling up your hand with fresh cards

  • Removal: cards that let you interact with your opponents cards

  • Ramp: cards that generate additional mana

  • Utility: special cards that fit into many or neither section

  • Land: the manabase and utility lands

If you want to look up the more extensive reasons for the inclusion of specific cards, you can find any card and a short explaination about why I included it below.















Why I do not run certain cards


My Metagame




Possible Cuts


Possible Inclusions


Closing Thoughts

Thanks for reading the description to my Prossh EDH deck! If you want to recommend a card or ask something about the deck feel free to do so! I did put much time and effort into this deck and would appreciate your advice!

Please consider to


the deck if you enjoyed my review!


Check out my other project:

Always 99 cards in hand! [Primer]

Commander / EDH TheDracogenius



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This deck has reached over 50 upvotes! Thank you for all the support and fantastic suggestions! This deck has went through quite an evolution since I put the decklist up on tappedout and without the continued support it would never have reached this level of awesomeness!

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #3 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

52 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.09
Tokens Ashaya, the Awoken World, Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Human Cleric 1/1 BW, Kobolds of Kher Keep 0/1 R, Plant 0/1 G, Satyr 2/2 GR
Folders Decks to make, edh, Commander Decks, Good ideas, EDH, Decks to build, commander , Bookmarked, Possibly Build, Interesting decks
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